From the course: SOLIDWORKS 2022 Essential Training

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Using Markup

Using Markup

- [Instructor] The use of markups in SolidWorks has been greatly improved with SolidWorks 2021. And if you've ever used eDrawings or even a PDF and marked-up a PDF with hand drawings, you can easily see those tools are pretty much similar to what you're going to see here in SolidWorks. So jump over here to the Markup Toolbar. If you don't have it turned on, right-click and come over here to Tabs and click on Markup. Make sure that toolbar is turned on. Come over here and click on Markup. Now you've got a few different tools here. You've got a basic drawing tool. You've got eraser tool. You had a select tool and you've got a typing tool. So if you just want to make an arrow, you can change the color of your arrows. If you want something like this, you can say, "Here's my arrow." You can make notes over here. You can also type notes. So if you want to put a typed note over here and says, "Change size," or something like…
