De la cursul: SOLIDWORKS 2022 Essential Training

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Navigating in the 3D workspace

Navigating in the 3D workspace

- [Instructor] In this movie, we're going to focus on navigating in the 3D environment. So the first thing I want to do is open up a file. So I'm going to go up to the top of the screen, click on open and notice I've got Desktop, Exercise Files, Chapter one and then I'm going to open file 1.2, go ahead and click on open. All right. So the basics, if I want to row rotate this model around you need to have a three button mouse. Now if you hold down the middle mouse button or the scroll wheel so you can actually push down on that scroll wheel that'll allow you to rotate the model right and left and up and down. Now if you actually scroll that will zoom in and zoom out. And then if you hold down Shift on your keyboard what that'll is also zoom in and zoom out or you can hold down Control and then push down that middle mouse button and that'll pan your model back and forth or up and down. All right. So those are your basics…
