1,993 captures
16 Dec 2011 - 18 Mar 2025
About this capture
Common Crawl
Web crawl data from Common Crawl.
The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org./web/20230329155413/https://stripe.com/docs/api
Connected Accounts
Handling errors
Expanding Responses
Idempotent Requests
Request IDs
Core Resources
The balance object
Retrieve balance
Balance Transactions
The balance transaction object
Retrieve a balance transaction
List all balance transactions
The charge object
Create a charge
Retrieve a charge
Update a charge
Capture a charge
List all charges
Search charges
The customer object
Create a customer
Retrieve a customer
Update a customer
Delete a customer
List all customers
Search customers
The dispute object
The dispute evidence object
Retrieve a dispute
Update a dispute
Close a dispute
List all disputes
The event object
Retrieve an event
List all events
Types of events
The file object
Create a file
Retrieve a file
List all files
File Links
The file link object
Create a file link
Retrieve a file link
Update a file link
List all file links
The Mandates object
Retrieve a Mandate
The PaymentIntent object
Create a PaymentIntent
Retrieve a PaymentIntent
Update a PaymentIntent
Confirm a PaymentIntent
Capture a PaymentIntent
Cancel a PaymentIntent
List all PaymentIntents
Increment an authorization
Search PaymentIntents
Verify microdeposits on a PaymentIntent
Reconcile a customer_balance PaymentIntent
The SetupIntent object
Create a SetupIntent
Retrieve a SetupIntent
Update a SetupIntent
Confirm a SetupIntent
Cancel a SetupIntent
List all SetupIntents
Verify microdeposits on a SetupIntent
The SetupAttempt object
List all SetupAttempts
The payout object
Create a payout
Retrieve a payout
Update a payout
List all payouts
Cancel a payout
Reverse a payout
Types of payout failures
The refund object
Create a refund
Retrieve a refund
Update a refund
Cancel a refund
List all refunds
The token object
Create a card token
Create a bank account token
Create a PII token
Create an account token
Create a person token
Create a CVC update token
Retrieve a token
Payment Methods
The PaymentMethod object
Create a PaymentMethod
Retrieve a PaymentMethod
Retrieve a Customer's PaymentMethod
Update a PaymentMethod
List PaymentMethods
List a Customer's PaymentMethods
Attach a PaymentMethod to a Customer
Detach a PaymentMethod from a Customer
Bank Accounts
The bank account object
Create a bank account
Retrieve a bank account
Update a bank account
Verify a bank account
Delete a bank account
List all bank accounts
Cash Balance
The cash balance object
Retrieve a cash balance
Update a cash balance's settings
The cash balance transaction object
Retrieve a cash balance transaction
List cash balance transactions
Fund a test mode cash balance
The card object
Create a card
Retrieve a card
Update a card
Delete a card
List all cards
The source object
Create a source
Retrieve a source
Update a source
Attach a source
Detach a source
The product object
Create a product
Retrieve a product
Update a product
List all products
Delete a product
Search products
The price object
Create a price
Retrieve a price
Update a price
List all prices
Search prices
The coupon object
Create a coupon
Retrieve a coupon
Update a coupon
Delete a coupon
List all coupons
Promotion Codes
The promotion code object
Create a promotion code
Update a promotion code
Retrieve a promotion code
List all promotion codes
The discount object
Delete a customer discount
Delete a subscription discount
Tax Codes
The tax code object
List all tax codes
Retrieve a tax code
Tax Rates
The tax rate object
Create a tax rate
Retrieves a tax rate
Update a tax rate
List all tax rates
Shipping Rates
The shipping rate object
Create a shipping rate
Retrieve a shipping rate
Update a shipping rate
List all shipping rates
Checkout Sessions
The Checkout Session object
Create a Checkout Session
Expire a Checkout Session
Retrieve a Checkout Session
List all Checkout Sessions
Retrieve a Checkout Session's line items
Payment Links
Payment Links
The payment link object
Create a payment link
Retrieve payment link
Update a payment link
List all payment links
Retrieve a payment link's line items
Credit Notes
The credit note object
The (Credit Note) line item object
Preview a credit note
Create a credit note
Retrieve a credit note
Update a credit note
Retrieve a credit note's line items
Retrieve a credit note preview's line items
Void a credit note
List all credit notes
Customer Balance Transactions
The customer balance transaction object
Create a customer balance transaction
Retrieve a customer balance transaction
Update a customer credit balance transaction
List customer balance transactions
Customer Portal
The portal session object
The portal configuration object
Create a portal session
Create a portal configuration
Update a portal configuration
Retrieve a portal configuration
List portal configurations
Customer Tax IDs
The tax ID object
Create a tax ID
Retrieve a tax ID
Delete a tax ID
List all tax IDs
The Invoice object
The (Invoice) Line Item object
Create an invoice
Retrieve an invoice
Update an invoice
Delete a draft invoice
Finalize an invoice
Pay an invoice
Send an invoice for manual payment
Void an invoice
Mark an invoice as uncollectible
Retrieve an invoice's line items
Retrieve an upcoming invoice
Retrieve an upcoming invoice's line items
List all invoices
Search invoices
Invoice Items
The invoiceitem object
Create an invoice item
Retrieve an invoice item
Update an invoice item
Delete an invoice item
List all invoice items
The plan object
Create a plan
Retrieve a plan
Update a plan
Delete a plan
List all plans
The quote object
Create a quote
Retrieve a quote
Update a quote
Finalize a quote
Accept a quote
Cancel a quote
Download quote PDF
Retrieve a quote's line items
Retrieve a quote's upfront line items
List all quotes
The subscription object
Create a subscription
Retrieve a subscription
Update a subscription
Resume a subscription
Cancel a subscription
List subscriptions
Search subscriptions
Subscription Items
The subscription item object
Create a subscription item
Retrieve a subscription item
Update a subscription item
Delete a subscription item
List all subscription items
Subscription Schedules
The schedule object
Create a schedule
Retrieve a schedule
Update a schedule
Cancel a schedule
Release a schedule
List all schedules
Test Clocks
The test clock object
Create a test clock
Retrieve a test clock
Delete a test clock
Advance a test clock
List all test clocks
Usage Records
The usage record object
Create a usage record
List all subscription item period summaries
The account object
Create an account
Retrieve account
Update an account
Delete an account
Reject an account
List all connected accounts
The login link object
Create a login link
Account Links
The account link object
Create an account link
Account Sessions
The account session object
Create an Account Session
Application Fees
The application fee object
Retrieve an application fee
List all application fees
Application Fee Refunds
The application fee refund object
Create an application fee refund
Retrieve an application fee refund
Update an application fee refund
List all application fee refunds
The capability object
Retrieve an Account Capability
Update an Account Capability
List all account capabilities
Country Specs
The country spec object
List Country Specs
Retrieve a Country Spec
External Accounts
The (account) bank account object
Create a bank account
Retrieve a bank account
Update a bank account
Delete a bank account
List all bank accounts
The (account) card object
Create a card
Retrieve a card
Update a card
Delete a card
List all cards
The person object
Create a person
Retrieve a person
Update a person
Delete a person
List all persons
The top-up object
Create a top-up
Retrieve a top-up
Update a top-up
List all top-ups
Cancel a top-up
The transfer object
Create a transfer
Retrieve a transfer
Update a transfer
List all transfers
Transfer Reversals
The transfer reversal object
Create a transfer reversal
Retrieve a reversal
Update a reversal
List all reversals
Secret Management
The Secret object
Set a secret
Find a secret
Delete a secret
List secrets
Early Fraud Warnings
The early fraud warning object
Retrieve an early fraud warning
List all early fraud warnings
The review object
Approve a review
Retrieve a review
List all open reviews
Value Lists
The value list object
Create a value list
Retrieve a value list
Update a value list
Delete a value list
List all value lists
Value List Items
The value list item object
Create a value list item
Retrieve a value list item
Delete a value list item
List all value list items
The Authorization object
Retrieve an authorization
Update an authorization
Approve an authorization
Decline an authorization
List all authorizations
The Cardholder object
Create a cardholder
Retrieve a cardholder
Update a cardholder
List all cardholders
The Card object
Create a card
Retrieve a card
Update a card
List all cards
Ship a testmode card
Deliver a testmode card
Return a testmode card
Fail a testmode card
The Dispute object
Create a dispute
Submit a dispute
Retrieve a dispute
Update a dispute
List all disputes
Funding Instructions
The FundingInstruction object
Create funding instructions
List all funding instructions
Simulate a top up
The Transaction object
Retrieve a transaction
Update a transaction
List all transactions
Connection Tokens
The connection token object
Create a Connection Token
The location object
Create a Location
Retrieve a Location
Update a Location
Delete a Location
List all Locations
The reader object
Create a Reader
Retrieve a Reader
Update a Reader
Delete a Reader
List all Readers
Hand-off a PaymentIntent to a Reader
Hand-off a SetupIntent to a Reader
Set reader display
Refund a Charge or a PaymentIntent in-person
Cancel the current reader action
Simulate presenting a payment method
Hardware Orders
The Terminal Hardware Order object
Preview a Terminal Hardware Order
Create a Terminal Hardware Order
Retrieve a Terminal Hardware Order
List all Terminal Hardware Orders
Confirm a draft Terminal Hardware Order
Cancel a Terminal Hardware Order
Test mode: Mark a Terminal Hardware Order as Ready To Ship
Test mode: Mark a Terminal Hardware Order as Shipped
Test mode: Mark a Terminal Hardware Order as Delivered
Test mode: Mark a Terminal Hardware Order as Undeliverable
Hardware Products
The Terminal Hardware Product object
Retrieve a Terminal Hardware Product
List all Terminal Hardware Products
Hardware SKUs
The Terminal Hardware SKU object
Retrieve an available Terminal Hardware SKU
List all Terminal Hardware SKUs
Hardware Shipping Methods
The Terminal Hardware Shipping Method object
Retrieve a Terminal Hardware Shipping Method
List all Terminal Hardware Shipping Methods
The Configuration object
Create a Configuration
Retrieve a Configuration
Update a Configuration
Delete a Configuration
List all Configurations
The FinancialAccount object
Create a FinancialAccount
Update a FinancialAccount
Retrieve a FinancialAccount
List all FinancialAccounts
FinancialAccount Features
The FinancialAccount Feature object
Update FinancialAccount Features
Retrieve FinancialAccount Features
The Transaction object
Retrieve a Transaction
List all Transactions
The TransactionEntry object
Retrieve a TransactionEntry
List all TransactionEntries
The OutboundTransfer object
Create an OutboundTransfer
Cancel an OutboundTransfer
Retrieve an OutboundTransfer
List all OutboundTransfers
Test mode: Post an OutboundTransfer
Test mode: Return an OutboundTransfer
Test mode: Fail an OutboundTransfer
The OutboundPayment object
Create an OutboundPayment
Cancel an OutboundPayment
Retrieve an OutboundPayment
List all OutboundPayments
Test mode: Post an OutboundPayment
Test mode: Return an OutboundPayment
Test mode: Fail an OutboundPayment
The InboundTransfer object
Create an InboundTransfer
Cancel an InboundTransfer
Retrieve an InboundTransfer
List all InboundTransfers
Test mode: Fail an InboundTransfer
Test mode: Return an InboundTransfer
Test mode: Succeed an InboundTransfer
The ReceivedCredit object
Retrieve a ReceivedCredit
List all ReceivedCredits
Test mode: Create a ReceivedCredit
The ReceivedDebit object
Retrieve a ReceivedDebit
List all ReceivedDebits
Test mode: Create a ReceivedDebit
The CreditReversal object
Create a CreditReversal
Retrieve a CreditReversal
List all CreditReversals
The DebitReversal object
Create a DebitReversal
Retrieve a DebitReversal
List all DebitReversals
Scheduled Queries
The scheduled query run object
Retrieve a scheduled query run
List all scheduled query runs
Report Runs
The Report Run object
Create a Report Run
Retrieve a Report Run
List all Report Runs
Report Types
The Report Type object
Retrieve a Report Type
List all Report Types
Financial Connections
The Account object
Retrieve an Account
Refresh Account data
Subscribe to data refreshes for an Account
Unsubscribe from data refreshes for an Account
Disconnect an Account
List Accounts
Account Ownership
The Account Ownership object
The Account Owner object
List Account Owners
The Session object
Create a Session
Retrieve a Session
The Transaction object
List Transactions
The calculation object
Calculate tax
Retrieve a calculation's line items
The transaction object
Create from calculation
Create a reversal transaction
Retrieve a transaction
Retrieve a transaction's line items
The VerificationSession object
Create a VerificationSession
List VerificationSessions
Retrieve a VerificationSession
Update a VerificationSession
Cancel a VerificationSession
Redact a VerificationSession
The VerificationReport object
Retrieve a VerificationReport
List VerificationReports
Webhook Endpoints
The webhook endpoint object
Create a webhook endpoint
Retrieve a webhook endpoint
Update a webhook endpoint
List all webhook endpoints
Delete a webhook endpoint