From the course: Artificial Intelligence Foundations: Machine Learning (2018)

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K-mean clustering

K-mean clustering

From the course: Artificial Intelligence Foundations: Machine Learning (2018)

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K-mean clustering

- Another common machine learning algorithm is k-Means Clustering. This algorithm is often confused with k-nearest neighbor or k-NN, but the only thing they have in common is that they both start with the letter K. Remember that k-nearest neighbor is a supervised machine learning algorithm. You're classifying data based on what you already know. On the other hand, k-means clustering is an unsupervised machine learning algorithm. You'll use it to create clusters based on what your machine sees in the data. Think of it this way. Imagine we're back at the animal shelter in Chicago. The shelter had a large social room where all the dogs get together and play. The dogs acted like people. They had their group of friends and they chatted and hung out with each other. Each time they had a social hour, they would self-organize into different groups of friends. Now imagine that the shelter was closing and all the dogs were going to be distributed into three different shelters across the city…
