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Wikimedia Foundation
We're the nonprofit that hosts , working to create a world where every human can freely share in the sum of all knowledge. Join the movement.
Globalwikimediafoundation.orgJoined October 2009

Wikimedia Foundation’s Tweets

International writing competition “Feminism and Folklore” aims to increase the number of articles related to folk culture and women in folklore. This year's contest is running until 31 March. 📷 Depiction of the Aztec goddess Itzpapalotl
Depiction of the Aztec goddess Itzpapalotl.
Peer learning is “a great way to continue lifelong learning and improve one’s skills and knowledge in the Wikimedia movement.” Read how Wikimedians in Kwara, Nigeria, helped to implement the Let's Connect Peer Learning Program.
SusunW is one of the most amazing and tenacious editors! Her passion for gender studies really drives 's focus there and she's super helpful
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Volunteer SusunW’s interest in unheard voices brought her to @Wikipedia — where, for the last nine years, she has focused on improving articles about women, gender, ethnicity, science, disability, immigration, and more. Read her story: #OpenTheKnowledge
This volunteer has spent the last nine years writing Wikipedia articles about women. Meet Wikipedia editor SusunW #OpenTheKnowledge
6️⃣: What's next? We will be working alongside volunteers from Wikimedia communities to set up proactive and responsive measures, like training/guidance, defining violations, and pathways to address violations.
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5️⃣: Why is this happening? All Wikimedia websites need a welcoming environment. The UCoC will help rectify the scrutiny, pressure, or harassment faced by many contributors on our platforms, particularly those who are already underrepresented on our sites.
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4️⃣: Who will be impacted by the UCoC? The guidelines will apply to everyone who interacts and contributes to online and offline Wikimedia projects and spaces. It does not apply to readers who passively consume Wikimedia content.
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3️⃣: Who approved this? Earlier this year, a Wikimedia-wide vote ended with 76% of volunteers supporting the UCoC enforcement guidelines. On 21 March, the Wikimedia Board of Trustees passed a resolution to ratify these revised guidelines.
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1️⃣: What is the UCoC? It's a universal baseline of acceptable behavior for the entire Wikimedia movement and all its projects, building on previous guidelines separately enacted across disparate projects.
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The Wikimedia community and Board of Trustees have approved enforcement guidelines for the Universal Code of Conduct (UCoC): a global policy for addressing negative behavior on Wikimedia sites. Here's a thread on what this is and how it came to life. 🧵
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We support 's mission to provide universal access to knowledge. They make millions of books, texts, and archival materials available for all. And when more knowledge is open for anyone to access, share, and contribute to, we all benefit.
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🚨LAWSUIT NEWS 🚨We’re standing up for the digital rights of all libraries today in court! At 1pm ET, the Southern District of New York will hear oral argument in Hachette v. Internet Archive. Here's how to participate: 🧵#EmpoweringLibraries
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📷 1️⃣ First place, by Roman.ubl, CC BY-SA 4.0. 2️⃣ Second place, by Stephan Sprinz, CC BY-SA 4.0. 3️⃣ Third place, by Eyimzan, CC BY-SA 4.0. 4️⃣ Fourth place, by Roman.ubl, CC BY-SA 4.0.
Blackbirds are sitting on the stone and looking away at the Nordufer Wittow Rügen (nature reserve in Germany) with a beautiful gray background.
A charming yellow-blue view of wind turbines on the German north-sea coast.
Two cute ducks confidently walking on the road near human civilization.
A beautiful white swan near the Rhine surrounded by rocks.
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The Wikimedia Hackathon 2023 will happen between 19 and 21 May! The event is a space for the technical community to come together and work on technical projects, learn from each other, and make new friends. (1/3)
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🎉🎂 Avui la Viquipèdia en català fa 22 anys! Aviat arribarem a la fita col·lectiva dels 750.000 articles. 📢 Ara cal, més que mai, que navegueu en català i prioritzeu els clics en aquesta llengua perquè no quedi amagada als cercadors. Seguiu-nos i llegiu-nos, per molts anys!
Cartell commemoratiu dels 22 anys de la Viquipèdia en llengua catalana.

(Wikimedia Commons, domini públic)
Wikimedia projects rely on open, flexible copyright policies to ensure that knowledge can be accessed freely. We will apply for official observer status again at the coming WIPO General Assembly meeting in July. Learn more about our efforts. ⬇️ (4/4)
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“The Wikimedia Foundation, and the global free knowledge movement that it supports, offer crucial insight into the laws and policies that regulate accessing, remixing, and sharing information online,” said Stephen LaPorte, General Counsel at the Wikimedia Foundation. (3/4)
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China wrongly claimed that the organization spreads disinformation through Wikipedia and other Wikimedia projects. This accusation is inaccurate and fundamentally misrepresents the Wikimedia model, which prioritizes neutrality and requires citations to reliable sources. (2/4)
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