by madhukant

Accidents at Work

Workplace Accident Claims Ireland

Despite the many improvements that have been made by employers in the last number of years and many new Irish and European health and safety regulations, accidents in the workplace remain commonplace.

Although some jobs will always carry some element of risk, every employer has a duty to ensure that their workplace is kept safe, free from potential hazards, and that risks are kept to a minimum. If an employer fails in any of these responsibilities, and you suffer an injury as a result, you may be entitled to compensation.

At Crimmins Howard, our team of dedicated *personal injuries solicitors provide a full suite of legal services to those in all professions who have suffered a workplace injury – whether you’re a construction worker or office worker. We’re here to provide practical legal advice, making sure the experience as straight forward as possible.

However, if you have been the victim of an accident at work, it’s important that you act quickly and initiate your claim as soon as possible. Generally speaking, you must initiate your claim within 2 years from the date of your accident.

Types of workplace accidents

We have experience in dealing with claims such as:

  • Injuries sustained whilst working with dangerous machinery
  • Back injury sustained whilst discharging work duties, usually lifting
  • Poor machinery/plant
  • Trips, falls or slips in the work environment
  • Poorly surfaced working floors/stairs
  • Lack of health and safety guidelines/precautions/safeguards
  • Lack of training and/or supervision

Making a Claim

The prospect of taking any *personal injuries case can be a daunting one – especially when that claim is against your employer. Our experience has shown that many who have been injured in the workplace are concerned that taking any such case can result in dismissal, bullying or curtailment of promotional prospects.

We fully understand these concerns. That’s why we’ll take the time to listen to your story, provide you with practical legal advice and ensure that any concerns you have are addressed. In any event, you can rest assured that there are strict laws protecting those who do take a claim from receiving unfair workplace sanctions and that, in most cases, your claim will be dealt with directly by your employer’s insurance company – meaning you don’t have to worry about it being interpreted as personal slight by your employer.

At Crimmins Howard, we’ll take care of everything. From gathering evidence and interviewing witnesses to negotiating settlements and representing your interests in court – we’ll handle every aspect of your claim. Our vast experience in dealing with the various steps in the process and our excellent relationship with other lawyers and insurance companies, will also ensure the best possible outcome for you.

Step 1 – Seek Medical Assistance

Whether it’s a minor accident or a serious one, your first step should always be to seek medical assistance. We would advise that you do so as soon as possible following an accident to ensure that there are no threats to your health or wellbeing.

Step 2 – Report The Accident

The next step in any workplace accidents is to report the incident to your immediate superior as soon as possible. You should provide them with details of the accident such as a statement, the date and time of the accident, where the accident occurred, what you were doing at the time and whether or not there were any witnesses. If possible, you should insist on receiving a written acknowledgement from your employer that you reported the incident.

Step 3 – Contact a Solicitor

Seeking the advice of a professional and experienced *personal injuries solicitor is in your best interests. Our experience has shown that, after an injury, victims are regularly pressured into accepting a fast and often unjust settlement. A solicitor will make sure that you receive the compensation you are entitled to.

Get in touch

With Crimmins Howard, you can be certain that we have the knowledge, experience, and drive to ensure that you receive the compensation you deserve. We have the expertise required to determine if your employer is likely to be found liable and advise on the level of damages you are likely to receive.

So, if you’ve been involved in an accident at work, call Crimmins Howard for a free, no obligation consultation.
