by madhukant

Uninsured/Unidentified Road Traffic Accident Claims

Uninsured Road Traffic Accident Solicitors

While all road traffic accidents can be terrifying and traumatic, the experience is all the more upsetting for those who are victim to a hit and run (leaving the scene without providing their details) or if the person responsible for the accident was driving without insurance.

More common on Irish roads than most people imagine, the damage that can be caused by uninsured or unidentified drives is no less than any other road traffic accident – the consequences of which can last months, years or even for the rest of your life. Medical bills can pile up quickly, time off work can affect your income, and the injuries themselves can reduce your quality of life. Compensation is therefore necessary for many so that that may secure their financial future and support the cost of any treatment or rehabilitation they may require.

In the normal course of events, claims would be taken against the person responsible for the accident, who would have motor insurance in place for such an event. If the person responsible for the accident does not have insurance or has fled the scene without leaving their details, a claim for compensation can still be made, albeit against the Motor Insurers’ Bureau of Ireland (MIBI) – a body set up specifically to compensate victims of road accidents that were caused by uninsured or unidentified drivers.

The process of taking such an uninsured/unidentified road traffic accident claim is slightly different than other road traffic accident claims. Our team of expert MIBI claim solicitors have the knowledge, experience, and drive to ensure that you receive the compensation you deserve. We know that being involved in a road traffic accident can be a stressful time. That’s why we will do everything we can to make the process run as smoothly as possible and make sure that the injuries you’ve suffered aren’t ignored.

The process of making an uninsured/unidentified road traffic accident claim

Step 1 – Seek Medical Attention

The first step in any uninsured/unidentified road traffic accident is to check to see if you or and anybody else involved in the accident needs medical attention. Even if you feel medical attention is not immediately required at the scene, we advise that you visit your doctor as soon as possible following an accident to ensure that there are no threats to your health that you may not have noticed.

Step 2 – Call the Gardaí

You should always call the Gardaí – especially if it involves an uninsured/unidentified road traffic accident. If you decide not to call them or they decide it is not serious enough for them to attend, it is important that you visit your nearest Garda station as soon possible and request that they take your statement about the accident and provide them with any details they require. If the Gardai have been called, remain there until they arrive.

Step 3 – Gather Information

Regardless of whether or not the Gardaí arrive, if you are able and it is safe for you to do so, collect all the relevant information in connection with your cycle accident, such as:

  • Date and time of the accident.
  • Location of the accident.
  • Registration number of the other vehicle(s).
  • Name and address of the other driver(s) / people involved.
  • Name of any Gardaí that arrive at the scene.
  • Contact details of any witnesses to the accident.

Step 4 – Take Photos

Taking pictures of the scene from different angles can help your solicitor and other people working on your case understand how and why the accident happened.

Step 5 – Contact a Solicitor

If you have suffered an injury due to an uninsured/unidentified road traffic accident, seeking the advice of a professional and experienced cycle accident solicitor is in your best interests. They will organise medical appointments, submit the relevant applications, negotiate settlements on your behalf, and represent your interests if your case ever goes to court.

Time limit

If you have been injured in an uninsured/unidentified road traffic accident, it’s important that you act quickly and initiate your claim as soon as possible. Generally speaking, you must make your claim within 2 years from the date of your accident.

Get in touch

Although it’s important that you act quickly, it’s just as important for you choose a firm that has a proven track record in taking and winning an uninsured/unidentified road traffic accident cases. We are that firm. With Crimmins Howard, you can be certain that from day one we will dedicate our time and resources to help get you back on track.

We also understand that legal fees can be a big cause for concern, particularly if you are no longer able to work or if you are caring for a loved one. That is why we offer a free initial, no obligation consultation – leaving you safe in the knowledge that you can tell us your story without incurring any hefty legal bills.

If you would like to discuss how we can help you or if you would like to avail of a free, no obligation consultation, contact our uninsured/unidentified road traffic accident team on 061 361088 or by email to
