Mum with preschooler children sitting at a piano looking up at a camera
Helen Thorn

Becoming Single. Becoming Happy

Becoming a single mum was something I never thought would happen to me.

I'd met my husband when I was 19 at university, fell in love and then did all the things that couples do; travelled, bought a house, had two kids, owned a slow cooker, an Alexa and two thermoses and argued about whose turn it was to take the bins out.

You know, all the usual glamorous things. I thought we would be together until I was probably in nappies and he had two new hips!

But, as we all know, life doesn’t always go to plan and in March 2020, just two weeks before lockdown, my marriage abruptly ended.

It was an absolute shock and I had no idea it was coming.

Helen Thorn, Scummy Mummies for BabyCentre

I went into a tailspin and nothing made any sense anymore. I couldn’t look at any photos without bursting into tears, and everything I knew about my life felt uncertain and broken.

And then the whole world shut down.

So I faced going through a massive life upheaval without any hugs, any family around and importantly no boozy nights out with my best mates.

So I went through the first four months of single parenthood alone in my house with just my two kids.

In many ways this was a blessing, because we just hung out and bonded as a new family of three. I was always there for them, with on tap hugs and holding hands. There were a lot of biscuits, Netflix, and days spent in PJs and me having a few mugs of wine at night time. It was like living as a student again.

One of the hardest - but best - things I did during this time was to accept help from friends. It wasn’t easy, but I did it.

People left lasagnes, bottles of wine and chocolate on my doorstep and waved and air-hugged from two metres away. Never underestimate the power of female friendship during hard times.

The most amazing people will appear in your life to help you.

Helen Thorn, Scummy Mummies for BabyCentre

I am a naturally positive person and love giving to friends, but now it was my turn to let people look after me. This was not a time to be brave. This was a time to say, “HELP, I am not OK!”, which I know is so hard for many of us, but just take those lasagnes, OK?

Telling people that you have separated can be a really daunting and exhausting task. It is painful to go through the details and even though friends and family are wonderful and supportive, it can be very difficult talking about your experience over and over.

I found myself feeling sorry for them and wanting to comfort them when they were shocked and saddened by the news. My advice to those now going through it would be to tell a group of close and trusted friends and get them to tell people. Also, don’t feel you have to let everyone know at once, or any at all.

You have enough to deal with in the early days, and always replying to texts from people is really draining. You may feel you have to answer every message, but you don’t. Just look after yourself and give yourself time to heal, people will understand.

Helen Thorn, Scummy Mummies for BabyCentre

As a comedian, I always want to find the fun, the humour and ridiculousness in situations, but there were days when I just had to accept that this was a sad thing to happen and that’s OK. There is nothing better than having a good old ugly cry and getting all the feelings out.

I highly recommend listening to Tina Arena’s “Chains” on repeat for this.

But these sad days aren’t forever and it is not the end. It is in fact the very beginning of a new and wonderful life.

I remember one of my best friends saying to me, “You are not going to believe me, but he has done you a favour.” And guess what, she was right.

Slowly but surely as the weeks went by, I would find so many things I loved about being a single parent and woman. For starters, a WHOLE KING-SIZE BED TO MYSELF! Yes please. And I also remember waking up one day and thinking, “OMG I never have to see his nail clippings again, or listen to him eat an apple, and I can make whatever the hell I want for dinner and I can paint the bloody kitchen pink if I want to!” I CAN DO ANYTHING.

The freedom of just having a whole house to myself was glorious. I suddenly realised all the things I was gaining, rather than what I had lost. I also recommend writing a Top Ten list of things that annoyed you about your ex and feel happy you never have to deal with that ever, again. It was very juvenile, but very therapeutic!

I now feel incredibly proud that I conquer everything myself. One night I even managed to fix the kitchen drawer and plug the laptop into the telly so my son could play a computer game on a big screen. Both the kids cheered and I honestly felt like Wonder Woman.

Single parenting can feel like a superpower and the pride you have in these achievements and yourself is so intoxicating and liberating.

Helen Thorn, Scummy Mummies for BabyCentre

The other wonderful thing about being a single parent is having time to myself. I know this isn’t always the case, so I feel grateful that this was an option for me.

From the very beginning we decided I would have the kids five days a week. This meant I had the weekends to myself. Ohhhh, the sleep-ins, the peace and quiet and getting to go to the loo on my own. Bliss. And just having some precious time to re-discover who I was.

I started playing the piano again, going for glorious long walks alone and connecting with friends I hadn’t had time to beforehand.

I felt a kind of joy, that I hadn't had in many, many years. And I now feel excited about what the upcoming years will bring both me and my children, as we forge this new life together.

While going through separation has been the hardest thing I have had to do, it has also been the most rewarding.

There are days when I still feel overwhelmed by all the jobs, and there is nothing more exhausting than trying to balance childcare, work, that washing mountain, and making sure you have a Roman soldier costume ready for Wednesday’s dress up day all by yourself. But the sense of achievement and the opportunity to rebuild myself has been the best thing, ever.

I love being a single parent, more than I ever could have imagined.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I am off to paint my kitchen pink.
This is a post by a contributing parent and the opinions expressed are their own. If you’re concerned about your child speak to your healthcare provider.

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