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Building Websites is Easy, Collaborating with Clients, Not So Much...

Create an easy and, dare we say, fun workflow experience for you, your team and your clients, to increase project profitability and eliminate client delays. 

Start Collaborating On ANY Website in Seconds:

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Free Forever | No Credit Card Required

3 Months to 1 Month Avg. Project Completion

Hite Creative is a super fast growing agency that provide a full service to their clients including branding, website and marketing. They leverage Atarim to close deals with clients as their collaboration system and tripled their service delivery!

We Can Close Way More Sales Now

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Tatiana C.

Trusted by 5,000+ Agencies & 120,000+ of Their Clients, As Recommended By…

Gather Content Approve Designs Provide Support

Collaborate Visually, on a... Visual Project

Save a lot of time and double productivity with a visual point & click proven system. Ending misunderstanding and back & forth with clients.

Clarity For Your Team, While Empowering Clients

Requests are organized for you in your dashboard, allowing your team to easily take care of your clients from one platform.

Centralized Communications Throughout Your Agency

Create an easy workflow for you and your team, taking all of your client’s requests from start to finish, inside one single platform dedicated to agencies.

Clearer Requests For Faster Work

Visual Collaboration

Empower your clients to leave you requests on their live website at specific locations.

Internal Communication

Create internal team requests to discuss points your client’s don’t need to see.

Auto Screenshots

Requests contain an automatic screenshot with the view of the  creator, showing exactly what they see.

Visual Collaboration

Internal Communication

Auto Screenshots

Empower your clients to leave you requests on their live website at specific locations.

Create internal team requests to discuss points your client’s don’t need to see.

Requests fetch a screenshot with the current view. See exactly what they see.

Gathering Content is Now Easy

Clients often don’t provide content because they are not sure how to. Empower them with the tools and the context they need.

300% Time Improvement In Design Approval From Clients

Web Dev Studios literally wrote the book(s) on WordPress, they deal with massive client’s where multiple stakeholders are involved.

Atarim empowers WebDevStudios to consolidate their feedback and requests from their clients, allowing them to complete projects faster and move on to the next project swiftly!

It's A No-Brainer, Time = Money

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Christina W.

Easily Collaborate With Your Team

One Platform

See all activity across your dashboard per team member, keeping everyone in the know.

A New Inbox

An inbox where emails are turned into requests & auto-filtered into your client’s website.

Kanban Board

Move requests from start to finish with drag & drop creating an easy workflow.

One Platform

A New Inbox

Kanban Board

All your clients’ live websites inside one platform for easy request management.

Support Desk where emails turn into requests & auto-filtered into your client’s site.

Move requests from start to finish with drag & drop creating an easy workflow.

Best Tool I Ever Bought.

It’s worth every $ I spent on it. I recommend this to every developer,  actually to everybody who builds websites and needs feedback from their clients or even for collaboration with colleagues.

Their support is fantastic and the community is really great.

One of the biggest time saver for me in years. Working with clients is now really simple, fast and intuitive for me.

If anyone has doubts, just click buy and try it.

Patrik Čada – Patrik Čada Web Design

Extra Points For A Better Service

The Magic Button

Login to all websites on your dashboard and get directed to requests with the click of a button.

White Label

Completely white label your client’s experience to provide a unique and custom service.

Push To Media

Push images from requests straight to the media library  with the click of one button, we even minify them for you for web.

The Magic Button

White Label

Push To Media

Login to all websites and get directed to requests with the click of a button.

Rebrand your client’s experience to provide a unique and custom service.

Push & minify images to the media library with the click of one button.

Connect To Your Existing Workflow

Integrate Atarim into your existing workflow using native integrations and webhooks

The Platform Dedicated To You

Developed strictly for agencies like you

80% of Atarim is built from our user’s feedback, where every feature is heavily considered towards providing an amazing experience for agencies.

One platform for every stage of a project

Whether you are just starting a project, in the middle or providing maintenance and support, Atarim can be used at all stages.

Cut out all of the fluff in your communications

We waste a lot of time talking about requests, instead of closing them. Atarim is designed to get you and your team to the work, faster.

We're not talking about minutes or hours.
We're in the game of saving weeks and months per project.

How Rosie Went From 6 Months Average Project Completion to 6 Weeks with Atarim

Rosie productized her agency leveraging Atarim for swift delivery on all fronts: From gathering the content, approving the designs as well as providing support through what she and her clients refer to as “The Bubbles”.

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How Andrew Delivered a 3 Week Website Project in 3 Days

Andrew shares how our platform allowed him to double his revenue without hiring additional team members and 10Xed his agency’s profitability

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How Alan Reduced His Time Dealing With Tasks to a 1/3 Within 1 Week

Alan was trying to launch a product to scale his agency further but was pulled back to dealing with clients which slowed down his product launch. 1 week after adding Atarim, he dropped 75% of the day to day time he’s managing his team while customer satisfaction went up!

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How Dan Saves 3 Hours Every Single Day Using Atarim

Every morning Dan would visit his email inbox and for every email he would create a task in a spreadsheet to delegate to his team. With Atarim, it’s all done for him, saving him 3 hours EVERY DAY! 

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Start Collaborating and
Managing Your Work Efficiently

Start Collaborating On ANY Website in Seconds:

Which best describes you?
Free Forever | No Credit Card Required

Trusted by Some of The Biggest Brands in the World

My Clients LOVE IT

This has saved me so much time and confusion, my clients now simply send my requests and I have all of the information I need to get the work done.

Every single part is well thought out and I have changed all my processes to include this tool as it is worth it.

Now I’m set up to deal with all projects from start to finish and I can get rid of the 10 other tools I’ve been using. 

Sarah Crawford - A Lined Design

Start Collaborating On ANY Website in Seconds

Simply add a URL in the field and see the magic happen (Any URL)
Free Forever | No Credit Card Required
Wait... Add Your Website and Start Collaborating Visually For Free
Create an easy and, dare we say, fun workflow experience for you, your team and your clients, to increase project profitability and eliminate client delays.

Start Collaborating On ANY Website in Seconds:

Free Forever | No Credit Card Required