9 tips to getting pregnant fast: photos

If you are trying to get pregnant and want it to happen quickly then our tips can help to boost your fertility as a couple.
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    1. Eat healthy

    Food and fertility are linked. If you both stick to a healthy, balanced diet, you may be able to boost your chances of conceiving.
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    2. Enjoy exercising

    Getting fit is a great way to boost your fertility. Taking up exercise doesn't have to be a big deal. Simply getting out for a regular cycle, walk or jog or any form of exercise you enjoy will make a difference. Spending many hours in the saddle may affect some men's fertility, but moderate amount of cycling as a hobby will do more good than harm.
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    3. Find time to relax together

    Stress can interfere with getting pregnant. Take some time out to relax together.
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    4. Keep 'em cool!

    Sitting for long periods, using laptops on laps, working in hot environments and wearing tight boxer shorts can all affect sperm production. If you're hoping to be a dad, putting your laptop on a table and wearing loose-fitting boxers could make a difference.
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    5. Take a break together

    A conceptionmoon is a break or a holiday that you and your husband dedicate to getting pregnant. Getting out of the usual daily routine can sometimes help you find the time for each other and truly relax and get in the mood.
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    6. Cut down on alcohol

    Heavy drinking can reduce your fertility. The odd social drinking is fine, but if alcohol is part of your daily life as a couple, try to cut down.
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    7. Quit smoking

    Smoking is known to reduce fertility in men and women. Trying to get pregnant can be motivation enough to give up on this bad habit. If you both smoke, now is the time to help each other to quit smoking.
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    8. Revive the romance

    If getting away for a holiday is not possible, try other ways to revive the romance. Some couples start to feel that they are only having sex to try to conceive. If this sounds familiar, forget fertile windows, and try to let the love and romance take over.
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    9. Have regular and spontaneous sexual intercourse

    As we all know, making love is the most important thing! Try to make your love making sessions spontaneous and not get into regimented sex routines. Although it helps to know when you're ovulating, just having sex every two or three days will give you the best chance of conceiving.

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