Low breastmilk supply

Baby breastfeeding in sling
Luciane Garbin for BabyCenter

I don’t think I’m producing much breastmilk. Should I worry?

Many new mums worry that their body isn’t making enough breastmilk. For the vast majority of mums, this is simply not true. Nearly all women are capable of making plenty of milk for their baby.

Even so, worry about low milk supply is one of the most common reasons mums give for deciding to stop breastfeeding. Here are some common, unfounded worries mums have about breastmilk supply:
  • My breasts are too small. In fact, the size of your breasts doesn't affect how much milk you make. Larger breasts don’t mean more milk.

  • My letdown reflex isn't as strong as it was, and my breasts feel less full. This is just a sign that your body is adjusting to your baby’s feeding needs.

  • Milk has stopped leaking from my nipples. This also happens when your body adjusts to your baby’s feeding pattern.

  • My baby seems to want more milk than usual. It could be a normal growth spurt.

  • My baby’s feeds have become shorter. Some babies just become more efficient and faster at feeding. So you may assume that you’re not satisfying your baby, when he’s simply filling his tummy more quickly.

  • My baby wakes up a lot. Babies have to feed frequently to grow, and waking a lot at night is normal. Night feeds are important for keeping your milk supply topped up.

  • My baby doesn't fall asleep after a feed. As your baby grows stronger, he may have the energy to stay awake and alert for some time after a feed.

  • My baby will take a bottle after a feed. Your baby doesn't have to suck hard to get milk from a bottle, because milk flows quickly and easily through a teat. So he may feed even if he's not hungry.

  • I can’t express much milk. Your baby can remove much more milk from your breast than either hand-pumping or machine-pumping.

  • My baby is fussy. Many babies have a fussy time of day, and there could be many reasons for this. It usually goes away before you find out the reason.

How will I know that my baby is getting enough breastmilk?

The best sign to watch out for is plenty of wet and dirty nappies. He's doing fine if at the end of his first week:
  • he wets at least six nappies a day
  • does two soft or runny, poos, a day

Your baby will let you know if he's content. You’ll know he’s doing well if he looks healthy and alert when he's awake. As he feeds, listen for the sound of him swallowing, and check that his cheeks are rounded.

You can also be sure that your baby is getting enough milk if he's gaining weight after the first week.

It’s normal for newborns to take a little dip in their body weight in the first few days. A healthy breastfeeding baby may lose between five to 10 per cent of his birth weight before putting it back on. As long as your baby doesn't lose more than 10 per cent of his birth weight, your doctor will advise you that your baby is getting enough milk.

If your baby is weighed when he's between five and seven days old, you should see that he's starting to get heavier. After his first two weeks, your baby should gain weight steadily. Learn more about why it's important to get your baby weighed and measured regularly.

Sometimes, a more complicated birth can mean it takes slightly longer for milk to come in. This may mean that your baby will start to regain his birth weight a little later than other babies. He'll soon catch up if you feed him on demand.

What causes a low milk supply?

Your breasts produce milk to match your baby’s needs. The more he feeds, the more milk you’ll produce. So, if your supply does dip temporarily, it's almost always something that can be sorted out. Your milk supply may dip if you’re not putting your baby to the breast often enough, perhaps because:
  • Your nipples are sore, and feeding hurts.
  • You’re giving your baby a pacifier or soother, or topping up with formula milk, which cuts the amount of time that he’s at your breast within each 24 hours.
  • You’re trying to feed by the clock, rather than on demand.
  • Your baby is sleepy, and needs coaxing to feed.
  • You’re experiencing anxiety and/or depression. Speak to your doctor, as she can give you the support you need.
  • You’re having to spend time apart, perhaps because you or your baby are ill.
Milk supply is sometimes affected by medical conditions. Your doctor will most likely refer you to a lactation or feeding specialist if any of these apply to you:
  • You have a hormonal disorder, such as a thyroid condition or ovarian cysts.
  • You lost a large amount of blood during or after labour.
  • There’s a fragment of placenta still lodged in your womb (uterus). This may affect your supply until it’s passed or removed.
  • You’re taking certain medicines, such as the combined contraceptive pill, or a cold remedy with a decongestant, such as pseudoephedrine.
  • You have diabetes. Some mums with diabetes find their milk comes in slightly later. You can still breastfeed your baby – in fact, it helps you both to regulate your blood sugar levels.
  • You’ve had breast surgery or a breast injury.
  • You’ve had the type of breast enhancement where the implant is inserted at the edge of the areola. This type of surgery raises the risk that the nerve sensation to the nipple will be damaged. If this happens, milk supply can be affected.
However, in most cases of suspected low milk supply, the real problem is not about how much milk you have, but how much milk your baby is able to get.

How can I encourage my baby to feed well?

While being aware and responsive to your baby's cues to feed, also be aware that some very young babies don't yet have the strength to wake up and demand to be fed. This is all the more important if you have a premature, low birth weight, jaundiced, or sick baby who is too small and sleepy to cry, conserving energy for growth and recovery instead.

If your newborn is very sleepy, you may need to wake him and gently encourage him to feed more often. This will stimulate your breasts to produce more milk.

A newborn who regularly sleeps longer than three to four hours needs close monitoring to make sure he gains enough weight.

If your baby is difficult to wake, or doesn’t feed well, try expressing some colostrum or milk to give to him. This will give your baby energy, and help your milk supply to build up at the same time.

You can use a paladai, katori, cup, spoon, or dropper to feed him, rather than a bottle. This is so that your baby doesn’t get confused by the different ways of feeding needed for bottle and breastfeeding.

If your baby isn’t latching on well, he’ll struggle to get enough of your milk. See our visual guide to help you decide if your baby is latching on properly.

There’s also plenty of expert help available. Ask your doctor if she can recommend a breastfeeding specialist or lactation consultant, or contact a breastfeeding organisation.

What can I do to boost my milk supply?

Once you’ve checked that your baby is latched on correctly, you could also try the following:
  • Keep your baby close to you, and hold him skin-to-skin to promote hormones that boost your milk supply. It can help to take time out to focus purely on breastfeeding your baby.
  • Let your baby feed whenever he needs to. Look out for cues that he's hungry, such as smacking his lips and turning his head towards you (rooting). Let him feed as often and for as long as he wants, day and night.
  • If your baby's hunger cues are slight or non-existent, parents are often told to feed their baby at least every three hours, sometimes every two, even if that means waking your baby from a deep sleep or nap. This is called "feeding on schedule".
  • Wait until your baby comes off the first breast before offering him the second.
  • Give your baby only breastmilk. It may be tempting to top him up with a bottle of formula milk. However, if you satisfy your baby’s hunger with formula milk, he will need less breastmilk, and you won’t produce as much.
  • Soothe your baby with breastmilk, and try not to give him a pacifier or soother in the first few weeks, while you're both getting used to breastfeeding.
  • Try expressing your milk after each feed. Removing leftover milk in your breasts will help you to produce more milk.
  • Try relaxation techniques such as meditation. If stress or lack of sleep are affecting your milk supply, rest and relaxation will help you get back on track.
  • Eating healthy and balanced meals can help increase your supply of breastmilk. Some foods are believed to increase breastmilk supply such as fenugreek seeds (methi dana), garlic (lehsun), oats and porridge. Read more about traditional confinement foods and drinks for breastfeeding mums.

Will a low breastmilk supply affect my baby?

If your baby often needs more milk than he gets, he may grow more slowly than other babies of his age. This is called failure to thrive. Your doctor will support you if your baby isn’t gaining weight, or is losing weight. You can almost always solve the problem by feeding your baby more often and improving your breastfeeding technique.

If you have a very low milk supply or if all other methods have been unsuccessful, your doctor may suggest taking medicines.

Talk to your doctor or a lactation consultant if you’d like to know more, or if you need support with other ways to boost your milk supply.

Can I breastfeed even if my milk supply is low?

Yes, you should continue to breastfeed as often as you can, especially if you're suffering from a temporary decrease in milk supply. That's because frequent, effective feeding is the key to boosting your milk supply.

Reviewed by Geetika Gangwani, birth educator and lactation consultant.

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Read more on:


Brown CR, Dodds L, Legge A, et al. 2014. Factors influencing the reasons why mothers stop breastfeeding. Can J Public Health. May 9. 105(3): e179-85. Available at: www.jstor.org

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Inch S. 2014. Infant feeding. In: Marshall J, Raynor M. eds. Myles Textbook for Midwives. 16th ed. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone, 703-30LLLGB 2016a. My baby needs more milk. La Leche League GB. www.laleche.org.uk

LLLGB 2016b. Diabetes and breastfeeding. La Leche League GB. www.laleche.org.uk

McAndrew F, Thomson J, Fellow L, et al. 2012. Infant feeding survey 2010: summary. Health and Social care Information Centre. Available at: www.ic.nhs.uk

NCT. 2010. What’s in a nappy? How to know your baby is feeding well. NCT. Available at: www.nct.org.uk

Lucassen P. 2010. Colic in infants. BMJ Clinical Evidence Online: 03 September. www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov

NHS. nd. Breastfeeding with implants. The Breastmilk It’s Amazing campaign. www.amazingbreastmilk.nhs.uk

NHS. 2016. Breastfeeding: is my baby getting enough milk? NHS Choices Health A-Z, Available at: www.nhs.uk

NHS 2017. Your baby’s weight and height. NHS Choices Health A-Z. Available at: www.nhs.uk

UKMI. 2016. Q&A 73.5 Drug treatment of inadequate lactation. UK Medicines Information. Available at www.evidence.nhs.uk

Walker M. 2011. Influence of the maternal anatomy and physiology on lactation. Chapter 2 in Breastfeeding management for the clinician: using the evidence. 2nd ed. Sudbury, Massachussetts: Jones and Bartlett Publishers
Priya Solomon Bellani
Priya Solomon Bellani is BabyCenter India's Deputy Editor.

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