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Kinrik o Spainie

Reino de España[a][b]
Motto: "Plus Ultra" (Laitin)
"Further Ayont"
Anthem"Marcha Real"[2]
"Ryal Mairch"
Location o  Spainie  (dark green) – on the European continent  (green & dark grey) – in the European Union  (green)  —  [Legend]
Location o  Spainie  (dark green)

– on the European continent  (green & dark grey)
– in the European Union  (green)  —  [Legend]

Location o Spain
and largest city
40°26′N 3°42′W / 40.433°N 3.700°W / 40.433; -3.700
Offeecial leid
an naitional leid
Recognised regional
Ethnic groups
GovrenmentUnitary pairlamentary constitutional monarchy
• Monarch
Felipe VI
Mariano Rajoy
LegislaturCortes Generales
Congress o Deputies
• Total
505,990[4] km2 (195,360 sq mi) (52nt)
• Water (%)
• 2015 estimate
46,439,864[5][d] (30t)
• 2011 census
• Density
92/km2 (238.3/sq mi) (106t)
GDP (PPP)2014 estimate
• Total
$1.619 trillion[8] (16t)
• Per capita
$34,899[8] (32nt)
GDP (nominal)2014 estimate
• Tot
$1.230 trillion[8] (14t)
• Per capita
$26,517[8] (28t)
Gini (2013)33.7[9]
HDI (2013)Steady 0.869[10]
verra heich · 27t
CurrencyEuro[e] () (EUR)
Time zoneUTC+1 (CET[f])
• Summer (DST)
UTC+2 (CEST[f])
Date formatdd/mm/yyyy (CE)
Drivin sideright
Cawin code+34
ISO 3166 codeES
Territorial organization

Spainie or Spain (Spainish: España, [esˈpaɲa] ( listen)), offeecially the Kinrick o Spainie (Reino de España),[a][b] is a kintra maistly locatit on the Iberie Peninsula in Europe. The kintra's mainland is mairchit tae the sooth an east bi the Mediterranean Sea except for a smaw laund boondar wi Gibraltar; tae the north an northeast bi Fraunce, Andorrae, an the Bay o Biscay; an tae the wast an northwast bi Portugal an the Atlantic Ocean. Spaingie territory includes twa muckle airchipelagaes, the Balearic Islands in the Mediterranean Sea an the Canary Islands aff the African Atlantic coast, twa ceeties, Ceuta an Melilla, on the African mainland an several smaw islands in the Alboran Sea near the African coast. Spain is the anerly European kintra tae hae a mairch wi an African kintra (Morocco)[i]

Wi an aurie o 505,990 km2 (195,360 sq mi), Spain is the lairgest kintra in Soothren Europe, the seicont lairgest kintra in Wastren Europe an the European Union, an the fowert lairgest kintra in the European continent. Bi population, Spain is the saxt lairgest in Europe an the fift in the European Union. Spain's caipital an lairgest ceety is Madrid; ither major urban auries include Barcelona, Valencia, Seville, Bilbao an Málaga.

Modren humans first arrivit in the Iberie Peninsula aroond 35,000 year ago. Iberie culturs alang wi auncient Phoenicie, Greek an Carthaginian dounsets developit on the peninsula till it cam unner Roman rule aroond 200 BCE, efter that the region wis namit Hispania, based on the earlier Phoenicie name Sp(a)n or Spania.[11] At the end o the Wastren Roman Empire the Germanic tribal confederations migratit frae Central Europe, invadit the Iberian peninsula an established relatively independent realms in its wastren provinces, includin the Sueves, Alans an Vandals. Eventually, the Visigoths wad forcibly integrate aw remeenin unthirlt territories in the peninsula, includin Byzantine provinces, intae the Kinrick o Toledo, that mair or less unifee'd poleetically, ecclesiastically an legally aw the umwhile Roman provinces or successor kinricks o that wis then documentit as Hispanie.

In the late aicht century the Visigothic kinrick fell tae the Moors, that ruled maist o the peninsula for the next seiven centuries, leavin anerly a haundful o smaw Christian realms in the north. Follaein the Moorish conquest, Europeans begoud a gradual process o retakkin the region kent as the Reconquista,[12] that bi the late 15t century culminatit in the emergence o Spain as a unifee'd kintra unner the Catholic Monarchs. In the early modren period, Spain becam ane o history's first global empires, leavin a vast cultural an lingueestic legacy that includes ower 500 million Hispanophones, makkin Spaingie the warld's seicont maist spoken native leid, efter Mandarin Cheenese.

Spain is a secular pairlamentar democracy an constitutional monarchy,[13] wi King Felipe VI as heid o state. It is a major developit kintra[14] wi the warld's fowerteent lairgest economy bi nominal GDP an saxteent lairgest bi purchasin pouer parity. It is a member o the Unitit Naitions (UN), the European Union (EU), the Eurozone, the Cooncil o Europe (CoE), the Organisation o Ibero-American States (OEI), the Union for the Mediterranean, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), the Organisation for Economic Co-operation an Development (OECD), OSCE, the Schengen Aurie, the Warld Tred Organisation (WTO) an mony ither internaitional organisations. Spain hars a "permanent invitation" tae the G20 summits that occur generally ance a year.

Notes[eedit | eedit soorce]

  1. a b The Spaingie Constitution daes nae establish ony offeecial name for Spain, even thou the terms España (Spain), Estado español (Spaingie State) an Nación española (Spaingie Naition) are uised throoghoot the document. Nanetheless, the Spaingie Meenistry o Foreign Affairs established in an ordinance published in 1984 that the denominations España (Spain) an Reino de España (Kinrik o Spainie) are equally valid tae designate Spain in internaitional treaties. This term, Kinrik o Spainie, is widely uised bi the govrenment in naitional an internaitional affairs o aw kinds, includin foreign treaties as well as naitional offeecial documents, an is tharefore recognised as the offeecial name bi mony internaitional organisations.[1]
  2. a b In Spain, ither leids hae been offeecially recognised as legitimate autochthonous (regional) leids unner the European Chairter for Regional or Minority Leids. In each o these, Spain's offeecial name (Spaingie: Reino de España, pronoonced: [ˈreino ð(e) esˈpaɲa]) is as follaes:
  3. a b The offeecial Spaingie leid o the State is established in the Section 3 o the Spaingie Constitution o 1978 tae be Castilian.[3] In some autonomous commonties, Catalan, Galicie an Basque are co-offeecial leids. Aragonese an Asturian hae some degree o offeecial recogneetion.
  4. As of January 2015, Spain's population was estimated at 46,439,864. In the same month the number of citizens with Spanish citizenship reached 44,175,055 (41,992,012 being permanent residents in Spain and 2,183,043 being national abroads). The number of foreigners (i.e. immigrants, ex-pats and refugees) permanently living in Spain was estimated to be at 4,447,852 (10.1%) in 2015.[6]
  5. The Peseta afore 2002.
  6. a b Except the Canary Islands, which observe UTC+0 (WET) an UTC+1 (WEST) durin simmer time.
  7. The .eu domain is also uised, as it is shared wi ither European Union member states. An aa, the .cat domain is uised in Catalan-speakin territories.
  8. European Union (EU) syne 1993.
  9. See leet o transcontinental kintras.

References[eedit | eedit soorce]

  1. Acuerdo entre el Reino de de España y Nueva Zelanda, Acuerdo entre el reino de España y el reino de Marruecos Archived 2011-07-20 at the Wayback Machine; licenses permissions Tratado de la Unión Europea Archived 2015-09-29 at the Wayback Machine
  2. Presidency of the Government (11 October 1997). "Real Decreto 1560/1997, de 10 de octubre, por el que se regula el Himno Nacional" (PDF). Boletín Oficial del Estado núm. 244 (in Spanish).CS1 maint: unrecognised leid (link)
  3. "The Spanish Constitution". Archived frae the original on 25 Mairch 2013. Retrieved 26 Apryle 2013. Unknown parameter |deadurl= ignored (help)
  4. "Anuario estadístico de España 2008. 1ª parte: entorno físico y medio ambiente" (PDF). Instituto Nacional de Estadística (Spain). Retrieved 14 Apryle 2015.
  5. "Population Figures at 1 January 2015" (PDF). Instituto Nacional de Estadística (INE). Retrieved 25 Juin 2015.
  6. "Population Figures at 1 January 2015 (Spanish Nationals abroad) 1 January 2015" (PDF). Instituto Nacional de Estadística (INE). Retrieved 25 Juin 2015.
  7. "Censos de Población y Viviendas de 2011" (PDF) (in Spainish). Instituto Nacional de Estadística (INE).
  8. a b c d "Spain". International Monetary Fund. Retrieved 26 August 2015.
  9. "Gini coefficient of equivalized disposable income (source: SILC)". Eurostat Data Explorer. Retrieved 22 Julie 2014.
  10. "2014 Human Development Report" (PDF). 14 Mairch 2013. pp. 21–25. Retrieved 27 Julie 2014.
  11. "Iberia vs Hispania: Origen etimológico". Archived frae the original on 27 December 2016. Unknown parameter |deadurl= ignored (help)
  12. Esparza, José Javier (2007). La gesta española : historia de España en 48 estampas, para quienes han olvidado cuál era su nación (1a. ed.). Barcelona: Áltera. ISBN 9788496840140.
  13. "La Constitución española de 1978. Título preliminar" (in Spainish). Página oficial del Congreso de los Diputados. Archived frae the original on 27 October 2017. Retrieved 30 September 2017. Unknown parameter |deadurl= ignored (help)
  14. Whitehouse, Mark (6 November 2010). "Number of the Week: $10.2 Trillion in Global Borrowing". The Wall Street Journal. Archived frae the original on 20 September 2017. Unknown parameter |deadurl= ignored (help)