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(Greetings from The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences!)
A333279 Column 2 of triangle in A288187. 6
16, 56, 176, 388, 822, 1452, 2516, 3952, 6060, 8736, 12492, 17040, 23102, 30280, 39234, 49688, 62730, 77556, 95642, 115992, 139874, 166560, 197992, 232600, 272574, 316460, 366390, 420792, 482748, 549516, 624962, 706436, 796766, 893844, 1001074, 1115428 (list; graph; refs; listen; history; text; internal format)



For the graphs defined in A331452 and A288187 only the counts for graphs that are one square wide have formulas for regions, edges, and vertices (see A306302, A331757, A331755). For width 2 there are six such sequences (A331766, A331765, A331763; A333279, A333280, A333281). It would be nice to have a formula for any one of them.

The maximum number of edges over all chambers is 4 for 1 <= n <= 4 and 5 for 5 <= n <= 160. - Lars Blomberg, May 23 2021


Lars Blomberg, Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..200

Lars Blomberg, Colored illustration of a(1)

Lars Blomberg, Colored illustration of a(2)

Lars Blomberg, Colored illustration of a(3)

Lars Blomberg, Colored illustration of a(4)

Lars Blomberg, Colored illustration of a(5)

Lars Blomberg, Colored illustration of a(6)

Lars Blomberg, Colored illustration of a(7)

Lars Blomberg, Colored illustration of a(8)

Lars Blomberg, Colored illustration of a(9)

Hugo Pfoertner, Illustrations of Chamber Complexes up to 5 X 5.


Cf. A331452, A288187; A331766, A331765, A331763; A333279, A333280, A333281.

Sequence in context: A279063 A331766 A231971 * A304692 A295986 A169882

Adjacent sequences: A333276 A333277 A333278 * A333280 A333281 A333282




Scott R. Shannon and N. J. A. Sloane, Mar 15 2020


a(10) and beyond from Lars Blomberg, May 23 2021



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Last modified February 28 05:33 EST 2023. Contains 360720 sequences. (Running on oeis4.)