Permission scopes

adminAdminister a workspaceUser analytics data about the organizationUser
admin.apps:readView apps and app requests in a workspaceUser
admin.apps:writeManage apps in a workspaceUser
admin.barriers:readRead information barriers in the organizationUser
admin.barriers:writeManage information barriers in the organizationUser
admin.conversations:readView the channel’s member list, topic, purpose and channel nameUser
admin.conversations:writeStart a new conversation, modify a conversation and modify channel detailsUser
admin.invites:readGain information about invite requests in a Grid organization.User
admin.invites:writeApprove or deny invite requests in a Grid organization.User
admin.roles:readList role assignments for your workspace.User
admin.roles:writeAdd and remove role assignments for your workspace.User
admin.teams:readAccess information about a workspaceUser
admin.teams:writeMake changes to a workspaceUser
admin.usergroups:readAccess information about user groupsUser
admin.usergroups:writeMake changes to your usergroupsUser
admin.users:readAccess a workspace’s profile informationUser
admin.users:writeModify account informationUser
app_configurations:readRead app configuration info via App Manifest APIsapp_config
app_configurations:writeWrite app configuration info and create apps via App Manifest APIsapp_config
app_mentions:readView messages that directly mention @your_slack_app in conversations that the app is inLegacy botBot
auditlogs:readView events from all workspaces, channels and users (Enterprise Grid only)User
authorizations:readGrants permission to list authorizations associated with the Events APIApp level
bookmarks:writeCreate, edit, and remove bookmarksUserLegacy botWorkspaceBot
botAdd the ability for people to direct message or mention @your_slack_appLegacy bot
calls:readView information about ongoing and past callsUserLegacy botBot
calls:writeStart and manage calls in a workspaceUserLegacy botBot
channels:historyView messages and other content in public channels that your slack app has been added toUserLegacy botWorkspaceBot
channels:joinJoin public channels in a workspaceLegacy botBot
channels:manageManage public channels that your slack app has been added to and create new onesLegacy botBot
channels:readView basic information about public channels in a workspaceUserLegacy botWorkspaceBot
channels:writeManage a user’s public channels and create new ones on a user’s behalfUserWorkspace
chat:writePost messages in approved channels & conversationsUserBotWorkspace
chat:write.customizeSend messages as @your_slack_app with a customized username and avatarLegacy botBot
chat:write.publicSend messages to channels @your_slack_app isn't a member ofLegacy botBot
chat:write:botSend messages as your slack appUser
chat:write:userSend messages on a user’s behalfUser
clientReceive all events from a workspace in real time
commandsAdd shortcuts and/or slash commands that people can useUserBot
connections:writeGrants permission to generate websocket URIs and connect to Socket ModeApp level
conversations.app_home:createDeprecated: Create an app home conversation with a user for legacy workspace apps
conversations.connect:manageAllows your slack app to manage Slack Connect channelsLegacy botBot
conversations.connect:readReceive Slack Connect invite events sent to the channels your slack app is inLegacy botBot
conversations.connect:writeCreate Slack Connect invitations for channels that your slack app has been added to, and accept invitations sent to your slack appLegacy botBot
conversations:historyDeprecated: Retrieve conversation history for legacy workspace apps
conversations:readDeprecated: Retrieve information on conversations for legacy workspace apps
conversations:writeDeprecated: Edit conversation attributes for legacy workspace apps
dnd:readView Do Not Disturb settings for people in a workspaceUserLegacy botWorkspaceBot
dnd:writeEdit a user’s Do Not Disturb settingsUser
dnd:write:userChange the user's Do Not Disturb settingsWorkspace
emoji:readView custom emoji in a workspaceUserLegacy botWorkspaceBot
files:readView files shared in channels and conversations that your slack app has been added toUserLegacy botWorkspaceBot
files:writeUpload, edit, and delete files as your slack appUserWorkspaceBot
files:write:userUpload, edit, and delete files as your slack appUserLegacy bot
groups:historyView messages and other content in private channels that your slack app has been added toUserLegacy botWorkspaceBot
groups:readView basic information about private channels that your slack app has been added toUserLegacy botWorkspaceBot
groups:writeManage private channels that your slack app has been added to and create new onesUserLegacy botWorkspaceBot
identifyView information about a user’s identityLegacy
identity.avatarView a user’s Slack avatarUser
identity.avatar:read:userView the user's profile pictureWorkspace
identity.basicView information about a user’s identityUser
identity.emailView a user’s email addressUser
identity.teamView a user’s Slack workspace nameUser the workspace's name, domain, and iconWorkspace
im:historyView messages and other content in direct messages that your slack app has been added toUserLegacy botWorkspaceBot
im:readView basic information about direct messages that your slack app has been added toUserLegacy botWorkspaceBot
im:writeStart direct messages with peopleUserLegacy botWorkspaceBot
incoming-webhookCreate one-way webhooks to post messages to a specific channelUserLegacy botBot
links.embed:writeEmbed video player URLs in messages and app surfacesUserBot
links:writeShow previews of URLs in messagesUserLegacy botWorkspaceBot
metadata.message:readAllows your slack app to read message metadata in channels that your slack app has been added toLegacy botBot
mpim:historyView messages and other content in group direct messages that your slack app has been added toUserLegacy botWorkspaceBot
mpim:readView basic information about group direct messages that your slack app has been added toUserLegacy botWorkspaceBot
mpim:writeStart group direct messages with peopleUserLegacy botWorkspaceBot
noneExecute methods without needing a scopeLegacy botWorkspaceBot
openidView information about a user’s identityUserWorkspace
pins:readView pinned content in channels and conversations that your slack app has been added toUserLegacy botWorkspaceBot
pins:writeAdd and remove pinned messages and filesUserLegacy botWorkspaceBot
postPost messages to a workspace
profileView a user’s Slack avatar and Slack workspace's basic informationUser
reactions:readView emoji reactions and their associated content in channels and conversations that your slack app has been added toUserLegacy botWorkspaceBot
reactions:writeAdd and edit emoji reactionsUserLegacy botWorkspaceBot
readView all content in a workspace
reminders:readView reminders created by your slack appUserLegacy botBot
reminders:read:userAccess reminders created by a user or for a userWorkspace
reminders:writeAdd, remove, or mark reminders as completeUserLegacy botBot
reminders:write:userAdd, remove, or complete reminders for the userWorkspace
remote_files:readView remote files added by the app in a workspaceUserLegacy botBot
remote_files:shareShare remote files on a user’s behalfUserLegacy botBot
remote_files:writeAdd, edit, and delete remote files on a user’s behalfLegacy botBot
search:readSearch a workspace’s contentUser
stars:readView messages and files that your slack app has starredUser
stars:writeAdd or remove starsUser
team.billing:readAllows your slack app to read the billing plan for workspaces your slack app has been installed toUserLegacy botBot
team.preferences:readAllows your slack app to read the preferences for workspaces your slack app has been installed toUserLegacy botBot
team:readView the name, email domain, and icon for workspaces your slack app is connected toUserLegacy botWorkspaceBot
tokens.basicExecute methods without needing a scopeUserLegacy botWorkspaceBot
triggers:readRead new Platform triggersLegacy botBot
triggers:writeCreate new Platform triggersLegacy botBot
usergroups:readView user groups in a workspaceUserLegacy botWorkspaceBot
usergroups:writeCreate and manage user groupsUserLegacy botWorkspaceBot
users.profile:readView profile details about people in a workspaceUserLegacy botWorkspaceBot
users.profile:writeEdit a user’s profile information and statusUser
users.profile:write:userChange the user's profile fieldsWorkspace
users:readView people in a workspaceUserLegacy botWorkspaceBot
users:read.emailView email addresses of people in a workspaceUserLegacy botWorkspaceBot
users:writeSet presence for your slack appUserLegacy botBot
workflow.steps:executeAdd steps that people can use in Workflow BuilderLegacy botBot

Usage guides

Effortless auth with Bolt

Our Bolt framework can handle authentication for you, letting you get on with building.

Installation & permissions

An overview of the authentication and authorization options available to Slack apps.

Installing with OAuth

OAuth allows app to dynamically request access tokens, imbued with optional permission scopes.

Token types

Read up on the different types of access tokens available to Slack apps.