bbPress 2.5.10

bbPress 2.5.10 is out, and is a security release for all previous 2.x versions.

bbPress versions 2.5.10 includes additional escaping on user display names in places where names & avatars are commonly displayed together.

These changes are internal to bbPress and do not affect any third-party themes or modifications to bbPress template parts. If you are using a third-party theme or template parts, you will inherit these fixes automatically.

Check the 2.5 milestone for a comprehensive changelog of fixes.

Take a moment to update your bbPress installations to 2.5.10. If you’re using WordPress’s built-in updater, it should only take a click or two.

These fixes have also been ported over to 2.6, which we continue to run here at and


bbPress 2.5.9

bbPress 2.5.9 is out, and is a security release for all previous 2.x versions.

bbPress versions 2.5.8 and earlier are susceptible to a form of cross-site-scripting, due to the way users are linked to their profiles when they are mentioned in topics and replies.

Check the 2.5 milestone for a comprehensive changelog of fixes.

Take a moment to update your bbPress installations to 2.5.9. If you’re using WordPress’s built-in updater, it should only take a click or two.

These fixes have also been ported over to 2.6, which we continue to run here at and

bbPress 2.6 will require WordPress 4.7 Edit: Dec 8th 2016

In accordance with our WP compatibility guidelines, we’ll be dropping official support for WordPress versions 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, and 3.9 in bbPress 2.6. For more details, see #2902

Edit: bbPress will require WordPress 4.7, see (Dec 8th 2016)


bbPress 2.3 RC1

bbPress 2.3 RC1 has now been released 🙂

You can check out the finer details from @JohnJamesJacoby on the bbPress blog here.

It would be great if you could:

  • Test all the things…
  • Test your themes…
  • Test your plugins…
  • Test your site…

If you find a bug please post a ticket

bbPress dev chat summary Jan 9, 2013

bbPress dev chat summary Jan 9, 2013

We started of in the new #bbpress-dev dedicated channel for core talk albeit a little later than normal due to a schedule conflict with #wordpress-dev, more on that later.

It was a rather quiet chat this week as there were only three of us, @johnjamesjacoby, @jmdodd and myself @netweb. As ‘rez-bot’ had not yet joined #bbpress-dev there’s no irc log this week, here’s the highlights.

  • @JJJ kicked things off by punting some of the big tickets to 2.4 which leaves us with this lot for 2.3 and on schedule for a Jan 31 release.
  • @jmdodd is kicking goals with #2036 Hierarchical replies and @johnjamesjacoby is also helping out.
  • Adding support for images in topics and replies, the code is in, now to decide if default is on or off? (Leave a comment below)
  • Storing currently unused user profile meta imported from other forums for later use with potential inclusion in future versions of bbPress.

The weekly #wordpress-dev IRC chats are also now scheduled Wednesday’s @ 21:00 UTC (previously it was 20:00 UTC). What are your thoughts on times? Push it back an hour?

bbPress dev chat summary Nov 21 2012 2.2.3…

bbPress dev chat summary Nov 21, 2012

  • 2.2.3 Ready to go with some minor patches, just waiting so not so many updates being pushed
  • Look towards getting 2.3 out the door ‘this year’
  • #1917 tabindex issue on new topic form – JS & jQuery
  • #1905 Subscribe/Favourite ajax links issue – JS & jQuery
  • #1835 Redirected to forum list after creatiing a reply
  • #1889 Option to delete imported users when performing ‘Reset Forum’
  • #1430 Show pingbacks on topic page <- UI concerns Widget? Template? Sidebar? Show/Hide?
  • Raising importance of ‘Search’ for bbPress 2.3 over ‘Per Forum Moderation’
  • Adding a svn sync of bbPress trunk to GitHub using org account
  • Updating bbPress Forum Importers (Conversion & BBCode conversion) for 2.3 release
  • Bring 'unit testing' to bbPress in 2013 REF:

The full chat log is here

bbPress dev chat summary Nov 21, 2012


  • To have a chat about bbPress 2.3 goals

bbPress 2.2.2

  • #1964 Markup on user profile page doesn’t work with most themes

bbPress 2.3 Goals

counter, moderation, hierarchical forums

Topics and/or Tickets Discussed

  • #1694 Add user counter functions for topics and replies
  • labels (badges) admin
  • Improved Forum Moderation see #459 for starters
  • Hierarchical Forum Layout see #1958
  • #1764 Filter page title prefixes
  • #1792 Add a Who is online widget
  • #1917 tabindex issue on new topic form
  • Forum Statistics Widget & Shortcode based on /extras/page-forum-statisics.php Template
  • bbP beta tester plugin
  • bbPress Search see #1575

The full chat log is here.