From the course: Blender 2.91 Essential Training

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Solution: Create an aquarium rock

Solution: Create an aquarium rock - Blender Tutorial

From the course: Blender 2.91 Essential Training

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Solution: Create an aquarium rock

(upbeat music) - [Instructor] Okay, it's Solution time. Now, how did your rock making go? Did you discover the rock generator tool that's inside blender? Yeah, it exists. But don't worry, we'll talk about that at the end. That way, we can do it the hard way first. Now, let's think a little bit about making a rock. The first thing we want to do is add an interesting shape. For my purpose, I'm going to add an icosphere. I'm also going to go back into X-ray mode, i'mma zoom in here, and move my sphere somewhere interesting. Now I'm going to hit Tab and scale in, and let's hit this little Y so that we can see it from this front view. Let's go to Move, go to vertice. Click on one of these. And make sure that proportional editing is on. Right away, you can do some really interesting shapes with this rock. You can also change it to Random, and it starts to give you some really interesting forms. Now, you might have…
