
WordPress for Chinese on Sina

Interesting note: WordPress Comes To Chinese Users Via’s New Cloud Service, costs CNY1 a month.


Google & China

Google is taking a new approach to China. This is a big deal, they’re basically implying the Chinese government has been hacking Google accounts to compromise human rights advocates. Interesting the note at the end where they say these decisions and investigations were entirely in the US, it’s almost like they’re trying to protect their employees there.


AFP WordPress / China Article

AFP: Blogging guru chips away at Great Firewall of China — the Agence France-Press talked to me when I was in Hong Kong about the early days of and our experience with the Chinese firewall. Today we are still sporadically blocked, nothing official but enough that almost everyone in China uses It’s funny that this story came out almost two months after the interview because I’m wearing that exact same sweater today.

Gallery Yahoo

Night in Shanghai

A night in Shanghai: Dinner at TMSK followed by jazz at the Cotton Club.


WordCamp Weekend

There’s not one but three four WordCamps this weekend. I just got back from China, where both the Beijing and Shanghai events were great. (More pictures coming soon.) This Saturday you can check out WordPress events in Portland, Salt Lake City (I’ll be attending this one, they asked me first), Vancouver, and Birmingham.

Asides Censorship WordPress

Mixed Feelings

Richard wrote in that the Shanghai Daily has blogs like their Editor’s Desk and Buzzwords (amoung others) on WordPress. However when reading through the site I came across this FAQ: “we need to approve every comment before it is published, as required by Chinese regulations.” It’s interesting how code and features can be used for things you never imagined, both good and bad.