Ok folks. Everybody stay calm. It’s happening. Polls are here.

We’re starting to roll out a polls feature for the post editor across all platforms. Yes, that’s all platforms. That’s iOS, Android, and web. You should all have access to this in the next few days. And what’s more, it’s super easy to use.

  • Simply select the newly added orange poll icon (on web, it appears when you start a new content block in the post editor, on mobile it’s in your toolbar).
  • Write your question.
  • Add at least 2, at most 10 response options for people to choose from. There's a character limit on these, it's about as long as the Puss in Boots option offered above.
  • Set the poll duration to one day or one week. 
  • You can add some commentary to your poll or let it speak for itself. 
  • And, just as with any post, you can toggle who sees the poll by using your community labels. Or you can go wild and blaze it if it meets the content guidelines for blazing. 

Come across a poll in the wild? Have your say! Click on your chosen response. Congratulations, you’ve just voiced an opinion.

And that’s all there is to it. Have fun out there.

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