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Tuesday, February 14, 2023, 1508 (UTC)
India launches Small Satellite Launch Vehicle, deploying three low-earth orbit satellites
India launches Small Satellite Launch Vehicle, deploying three low-earth orbit satellites

On Friday, India's national space agency conducted the second test flight of its Small Satellite Launch Vehicle (SSLV-D2), with three satellites onboard.

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Death toll from earthquake in Syria and Turkey surpasses 20,000
Death toll from earthquake in Syria and Turkey surpasses 20,000

On Thursday, the death toll from Monday's earthquake in Syria and Turkey rose to over 20,000 people; it is expected to continue rising as the full extent of damage becomes clearer.

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Glasshouse in to Tier 1 women's cricket final on Australia's Sunshine Coast
Glasshouse in to Tier 1 women's cricket final on Australia's Sunshine Coast

Glasshouse are set for a spot in the finals in the top division of women's cricket on Australia's Sunshine Coast, after they defeated Hinterland Sunday.

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Pakistan reverses block on Wikimedia projects, including Wikipedia
Pakistan reverses block on Wikimedia projects, including Wikipedia

On Monday, Pakistan's government reversed its block on all Wikimedia Foundation projects, including the online encyclopedia Wikipedia.

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"A commonsense proposal": Wikinews interviews Michelle Tilley, Campaign Director for Yes on 820
"A commonsense proposal": Wikinews interviews Michelle Tilley, Campaign Director for Yes on 820

Ahead of a March 7 vote in Oklahoma, US on the legalization of marijuana, Wikinews interviewed the director of Yes on 820.

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