Graphic that reads "Editors' Picks: The best longform nonfiction storytelling, recommended by our editors." Dark background image of folded stacked newspapers.

The Brief, Wondrous Life of Little Leo

Lewann Babler | Outside | January 31, 2023 | 4,169 words

“When Leo Babler was born with a rare and deadly genetic disorder, his parents reshaped their lives.”

Storm Cycle

Ritwika Mitra | Fifty Two | February 3, 2023 | 4,900 words

“In the Sundarbans, a mother and daughter’s lives are circumscribed by the weather, poverty and social control. They’re trying to break the cycle.”

Reality Check

Reeves Wiedeman | The Vulture | February 1, 2023 | 6,900 words

“The boom — or glut — in streaming documentaries has sparked a reckoning among filmmakers and their subjects.”

Our Business Is Killing

Andrew Bullis | Slate | February 5, 2023 | 3,220 words

“You will do it humanely. That means quickly, painlessly, and compassionately.”

The Dubious Rise of Imposter Syndrome

Leslie Jamison | The New Yorker | February 6, 2023 | 5,818 words

“The impostor begins to do everything possible to prevent being discovered in her self-perceived deficiencies.”

The Top 5 Longreads of the Week

This week’s edition highlights stories by Joshua Yaffa, Ritwika Mitra, Jason Nark, Andrew Bullis, and Angie Kang.

The Top 5 Longreads of the Week

This week’s edition highlights stories by Peter Flax, Abigail Edge, Jesús A. Rodríguez, Henry Wismayer, and Elif Batuman.

The Top 5 Longreads of the Week

This week, we’re highlighting pieces from Ken Chen, Ivana Rihter, Amber X. Chen, Elly Fishman, and Doug Perrine.

The Collaborators

Joshua Yaffa | The New Yorker | January 30, 2023 | 9,078 words

“As occupied territories are liberated, some residents face accusations that they sided with the enemy.”

The Kremlin Has Entered the Chat

Darren Loucaides | Wired | February 2, 2023 | 6,774 words

“Telegram has the capacity to share nearly any confidential information a government requests. Users just have to trust that it won’t.”

Walking Off Grief on the Appalachian Trail

Gunnar Lundberg | Catapult | Feburary 2, 2023 | 2,653 words

“Every hiker is called to the trail for a different reason, but we all share a common goal: We all want to finish.”

When the Doctor Doesn’t Listen

David Tuller | Coda | January 27, 2023 | 4,271 words

“The medical establishment has a long history of ignoring patients with ‘unexplained’ symptoms. Long Covid might finally bring about a global attitude shift.”

Molly’s Last Ride

Peter Flax | Bicycling Magazine | January 31, 2023 | 8,136 words

“Twelve-year-old Molly Steinsapir crashed onto the pavement from a Rad Power e-bike and never woke up. With a poorly regulated e-bike industry, who is responsible when a child dies?”

What We Search For

Jason Nark | Alpinist | January 30, 2023 | 6,174 words

“What they searched for wouldn’t look like a body, not anymore.”


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