
Hiya!  You’ve found my website :)

Take a look around.  You won’t find any fancy web design (I’m a crap designer – I built websites for years in order to discover this about myself) or amazing plugins I’ve developed (there are 3 yr. olds who write better code).

Why not?

While I know plenty of folks who could give me a gorgeous site and have been involved with creating several amazing web products – my roll is unique.  I enjoy working with creative people and truly come alive when bringing an idea into reality. I’m a problem-solver. a troubleshooter.

I enjoy the collaborative process , helping folks decide what elements meet their needs, and finding the right people to get the job done.

Turns out this is a pretty great skill-set for interfacing with designers, developers, and clients alike.  I enjoy brainstorming, creating, writing, and troubleshooting.  Working with a team to build a new product is the kinda thing my dreams are made of.  May sound boring to you, but that’s probably exactly why you need me around.