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Want to get involved in creating content for Learn WordPress?

1 To get even more involved, join the Training Team to help build the platform, review workshop applications, decide on future content, and more. If you’re interested in helping, share your interest in the #training channel, join one of the Training team meetings, or follow the Training team for news on working group-specific meetings.

2 Facilitate or co-host an online workshop. To learn more about Online Workshop Facilitators, read this post. You can apply to become an online workshop facilitator here, help co-host an Online Workshop, or you can even organize an online workshop for your local WordPress meetup.

3 Create a tutorial. Tutorials can be on any topic related to WordPress, can be for any level of experience, and in any language. To get started, check out this tutorial about creating tutorials (it was recorded when they were still called “workshops”).Then submit your tutorial presenter application.

4 Update and contribute lesson plans. Lesson Plans provide an outline and complete script for anyone wanting to run their own classes at in-person or virtual events. View our video about submitting Lesson Plans. You can even use these lesson plans for the Tutorials that you submit! The Training team meets weekly in #training channel in Slack. See their Welcome page for meeting times. Learn more on the Training team’s Get Started page.

5 Update and contribute courses. Courses consist of long-form lessons in multiple media formats – they can include text, video and images. The Training team meets weekly in #training channel in Slack. See their Welcome page for meeting times. Learn more on the Training team’s Get Started page.