Akismet Spam Protection


Akismet swoje komentary a zapodaća kontaktneho formulara z našej globalnej spamowej datowej banku přirunuje, zo by waše sydło při wozjewjenju złowólneho wobsaha haćił. Móžeće komentarowy spam, kotryž Akismet namaka, na administratorowej wobrazowce „Komentary“ swojeho bloga přepruwować.

Hłowne funkcije Akismeta su:

  • Přepruwuje wšě komentary a wufiltruje te, kotrež kaž spam wupadaja.
  • Kóždy komentar ma statusowu historiju, zo byšće móhł lochko widźeć, kotre komentary su so přez Akismet namakali abo zhašeli a kotre běchu spam a kotre je moderator jako njespam woznamjenił.
  • URL so we wobsahu komentara pokazuja, zo bychu so schowane abo zamylace wotkazy wotkryli.
  • Moderatorojo móža ličbu schwalenych komentarow kóždeho wužiwarja widźeć.
  • Zaćisnjenska funkcija, kotraž najhórši spam hnydom blokuje, zo by tačelowy rum zalutowała a waše sydło pospěšiła.

PS: Kazaja wam sej API-kluč za Akismet.com wobstarać a jón wužiwać, hdyž je aktiwizowany. Kluče su darmotne za wosobinske blogi; płaćomne abonementy su za předewzaća a komercielne sydła k dispoziciji.


Nahrajće tykač Akismet k swojemu blogej, aktiwizujće jón a zapodajće potom swój API-kluč za Akismet.com.

1, 2, 3: Sće hotowy!


20. januara 2023
We are a nonprofit with spam problems, and to our great surprise, Akismet is free for us, and was added straighforwardly from our Worpress home. Along the way down the learning curve, a little support/explanation was needed (multiple times), and it was offered cheerfully and responsively by their engineers (who are very fairly titled as "Happiness Engineers"). I would happily give six stars if I could!
15. januara 2023
I have been using this plugin since I first set up my blog site more than a dozen years ago and had completely forgotten about it. I was reminded of its existence when I started getting flooded with spam comments on my blog. It turned out that my API key for this plugin had expired and I was instructed to create an account with Akismet and pay to get an API key. However, after contacting their support, I was told there would be no charge to get a key since my website was not being used for commercial purposes. In my opinion, the pricing policy is fair since if someone is using his website to make money, then he should be paying Akismet a fee commensurate with the income he was making. The support I was provided was prompt and I was very happy with the resolution. Entering the API key stopped the flood of spam like magic. Things are now back to normal on my blog and I am relieved!
20. decembra 2022 1 reply
Note that you must pay for it to use it, if you set the payment slider to 0, they will still show the next page for you to input a verification code, which they promised will be sended to your email address, but they won't, because it is not free! I tried three different email addresses from three different email provider (google gmail, microsoft outlook, and netease), and waited for over an hour, non of these addresses got any email from them. If people must pay for it, you need to state it in all of your promotional contents.
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Protokol změnow


Release Date – 1 December 2022

  • Improved compatibility with themes that hide or show UI elements based on mouse movements.
  • Increased security of API keys by sending them in request bodies instead of subdomains.


Release Date – 28 September 2022

  • Added an empty state for the Statistics section on the admin page.
  • Fixed a bug that broke some admin page links when Jetpack plugins are active.
  • Marked some event listeners as passive to improve performance in newer browsers.
  • Disabled interaction observation on forms that post to other domains.


Release Date – 26 July 2022

  • Added a new feature to catch spammers by observing how they interact with the page.


Release Date – 11 July 2022

  • Fixed a bug that added unnecessary comment history entries after comment rechecks.
  • Added a notice that displays when WP-Cron is disabled and might be affecting comment rechecks.


Release Date – 20 May 2022

  • Improved translator instructions for comment history.
  • Bumped the „Tested up to“ tag to WP 6.0.


Release Date – 25 April 2022

  • Improved compatibility with Fluent Forms
  • Fixed missing translation domains
  • Updated stats URL.
  • Improved accessibility of elements on the config page.


Release Date – 24 January 2022

  • Improved compatibility with Formidable Forms
  • Fixed a bug that could cause issues when multiple contact forms appear on one page.
  • Updated delete_comment and deleted_comment actions to pass two arguments to match WordPress core since 4.9.0.
  • Added a filter that allows comment types to be excluded when counting users‘ approved comments.


Release Date – 1 October 2021

  • Fixed a bug causing AMP validation to fail on certain pages with forms.


Release Date – 30 September 2021

  • Added links to additional information on API usage notifications.
  • Reduced the number of network requests required for a comment page when running Akismet.
  • Improved compatibility with the most popular contact form plugins.
  • Improved API usage buttons for clarity on what upgrade is needed.

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