In Summary

The National Braai Day initiative was founded in 2005 and encourages all South Africans to unite around fires on 24 September every year. Jan Braai stands at the head of this organisation. In addition to National Braai Day, Jan Braai presents and produces the acclaimed TV show, ‘Jan Braai vir Erfenis’ airing on DSTV, Kyknet, channel 144, currently filming the 12th season. He is the author of six best-selling books on the topic of braai, all available in English and Afrikaans at most bookstores and online retailers. The Jan Braai Boerewors range is available exclusively at Food Lover’s Market. Jan Braai equipement like grids, potjies and tongs are exclusive to Woolworths and the range of Jan Braai Sauces are available at most retailers and various independent deli’s and butcheries. Please navigate the pages of this website for more information, find us on Facebook @janbraai and Instagram @janbraai for real time interaction and news and for further queries go to the contact us part of this website.

Braaiday mission

The National Braai Day initiative aims to position National Heritage Day as South Africa’s annual day of celebration. We call on all South Africans to unite around fires, share our heritage and wave our flag on 24 September every year. National Heritage Day is a public holiday in South Africa. Our government set this day aside for all South Africans to celebrate our rich heritage. Across race, language, region and religion, we all share one common heritage. It is called many things: Chisa Nyama, Braai and Ukosa to name few. Although the ingredients may differ, the one thing that never changes is that when we have something to celebrate we light fires, and prepare great feasts.

We encourage all South Africans to unite around fires, share our heritage and wave our flag on 24 September every year. We liken this initiative to annual celebrations cherished by other leading nations of the world; Thanksgiving for Americans, St Patricks Day for the Irish, Bastille Day for the French and Australia Day for Australians. This is a noble cause, which will contribute to strengthening South Africa as a nation through this act of nation building and social cohesion.

Our patron, Desmond Tutu

Tutu is the patron of the “Braai for Heritage” campaign which is celebrated on September 24, an official public holiday to mark the nation’s multi-cultural heritage after the fall of apartheid in 1994. The archbishop emeritus said the fireplace was a traditional gathering place in Africa and that anything from meat to vegetables could be put on a braai, a pastime enjoyed by South Africans of all races.

“Show me one South African who has never been to a braai”

Who is Jan?

At the age of 25, Jan decided a change was in order and for the past 11 years Jan has been at the head of the National Braai Day initiative, aiming to unite all 50 million South Africans around fires on 24 September every year. During this time Jan acquired two MBA’s. His Masters in Business Administration from the University of Cape Town and his Masters in Braai Activities at the University of Life. The New York Times named National Braai Day as ‘one of the most significant cultural celebrations in the world’ and the Economist recently published an article on the impact of the day. Ever growing, an estimated 15 – 20 million South Africans take part in National Braai Day celebrations on 24 September each year. Jan Braai is the author of four best selling books on the topic of braai which are also translated into a few languages and published internationally; he is the presenter of a highly acclaimed television show ‘Jan Braai vir Erfenis’ now in its 12th season. He is an active sportsman and spends his free time when not around a braai fire riding a bicycle, paddling or running. You Magazine calls him ‘just the type of guy you want at your braai’.