MailPoet – e-mails e newsletters no WordPress


Use o MailPoet para criar, enviar, gerenciar e aumentar suas campanhas de email marketing – tudo sem sair do painel do WordPress.

Nosso criador de newsletters se integra perfeitamente ao WordPress para que qualquer proprietário de site possa criar belos e-mails do zero ou usando nossos modelos responsivos que são exibidos perfeitamente em todos os dispositivos.

Agende seus boletins informativos, envie-os imediatamente ou configure novas notificações de postagem no blog para enviar automaticamente, com apenas alguns cliques.

Confiado por 500.000 sites WordPress desde 2011.

Com um plano gratuito para até 1.000 assinantes e escalonamento de planos pagos com funcionalidade aprimorada disponível, o MailPoet é uma solução de marketing por e-mail adequada para iniciantes e profissionais de marketing por e-mail experientes.

Visite nosso site para obter mais informações sobre planos e preços

Todos os destaques

  • Crie e adicione um formulário de assinatura de newsletter ao seu site
  • Gerencie seus inscritos e listas de inscritos no WordPress
  • Crie e envie newsletters com o WordPress
  • Crie e-mails automáticos para enviar novas notificações de posts
  • Envie emails de boas-vindas automatizados
  • Opções de segmentação de assinantes com base em comportamento e interesse
  • Modelos de formulário de assinatura e email pré-criados e personalizáveis
  • E-mails WooCommerce: carrinho abandonado, primeira compra, produto específico, categoria do produto
  • Personalize e-mails transacionais WooCommerce
  • Entrega de e-mail confiável com o serviço de envio MailPoet (disponível gratuitamente – plano necessário)
  • Estatísticas básicas de engajamento (disponíveis gratuitamente) e estatísticas detalhadas de engajamento (é necessário um plano pago)
  • Segmentação de várias condições (plano pago obrigatório)
  • Integração com o Google Analytics (plano pago obrigatório)
  • Suporte por meio de nossa base de conhecimento e fóruns da comunidade (disponível gratuitamente) e suporte prioritário ao cliente (plano pago necessário).

Por que escolher MailPoet

  • Construtor de newsletter fácil de usar do WordPress
  • Belos modelos que funcionam perfeitamente em todos os dispositivos
  • Nenhuma configuração necessária: funcionamento “out of the box”
  • Gerencie tudo dentro do seu painel do WordPress
  • Maiores taxas de entrega com o serviço de envio MailPoet
  • Compatível com GDPR
  • Plano gratuito para pequenos remetentes ou para quem está começando
  • Funcionalidade avançada disponível para ajudar a alcançar o crescimento.

E-mails do WooCommerce

Promova seu negócio, venda mais produtos e melhore seu atendimento ao cliente com os recursos WooCommerce do MailPoet.

Use as opções de e-mail automatizado para:

  • Dê boas-vindas a seus clientes novos quando fazem sua primeira compra
  • Faça upsell enviando e-mails para clientes que compraram um produto específico ou de uma categoria de produto específica
  • Converta mais clientes enviando uma série de e-mails de carrinho abandonado.

E com as opções de segmentação específicas do WooCommerce, você poderá enviar e-mails direcionados aos seus clientes com base em critérios como país, número de pedidos que eles fizeram, quanto gastaram e se eles têm uma conta ativa. assinatura do produto (alimentada por WooCommerce Subscriptions) ou associação (alimentada por WooCommerce Memberships).

Além disso, você também poderá aumentar o reconhecimento da marca personalizando seus e-mails transacionais do WooCommerce. Crie uma experiência de marca unificada alterando o layout, as cores e as fontes usadas em seus e-mails, além de adicionar imagens ou informações adicionais a eles.

Serviço de envio do MailPoet

O serviço de envio MailPoet é gratuito para seus primeiros 1.000 assinantes, com planos de escalonamento disponíveis a partir de então. Leia mais.

Enviar e-mails e newsletters com seu host não é uma boa ideia. Você pode enfrentar limitações de velocidade de envio e ver seus e-mails indo parar na caixa de spam.

Para ajudar você a enviar sem problemas, criamos uma infraestrutura de entrega de e-mail avançada criada para o WordPress. Nossa tecnologia permite que você:

  • Alcance caixas de entrada, não caixas de spam
  • Envie seus e-mails super rápido (até 50.000 e-mails por hora)
  • Mantenha sua reputação de remetente e melhore os níveis de engajamento com o tratamento automatizado de devoluções e reclamações. Pare de enviar automaticamente para endereços não entregues e de reclamação
  • Autentique seus e-mails (com SPF e DKIM) para melhorar a capacidade de entrega e evitar caixas de spam.

O serviço de envio MailPoet é muito fácil de configurar, basta inserir uma chave no painel do WordPress e está tudo pronto!

Planos e preços do MailPoet

MailPoet está disponível para download gratuito. Nosso download gratuito inclui todos os recursos listados acima (com exceção daqueles que indicam um requisito de plano) de acordo com os seguintes critérios:

  • Até 1.000 inscritos
  • Marca MailPoet em e-mails
  • Envie e-mails com seu próprio método de envio (host, SendGrid, Amazon SES, etc).

Ou se você optar por um plano MailPoet, terá acesso ao serviço de envio MailPoet.

Um plano inicial gratuito está disponível para aqueles que têm 1.000 assinantes ou menos e gostariam de usar o serviço de envio MailPoet. E nossos planos pagos oferecem recursos e funcionalidades para aqueles com listas maiores que desejam expandir seus negócios usando o marketing por e-mail.

Take a look at our pricing page for full details on what’s included in each plan.

Antes de instalar



Traduções oficiais

  • Árabe
  • Catalão
  • Chinês
  • Czech
  • Dinamarquês
  • Holandês
  • Francês (FR)
  • Alemão
  • Grego
  • Italiano
  • Japonês
  • Mexicano
  • Pérsia (IR)
  • Português (PT e BR)
  • Russo
  • Sérvio
  • Espanhol
  • Sueco
  • Turco

Traduções da comunidade

  • Albanês
  • Britânico
  • Francês (CA)
  • Hebraico
  • Húngaro
  • Norueguês
  • Persa
  • Polonês
  • Romeno

Congratulamo-nos com tradutores experientes para traduzir diretamente em nosso projeto Transifex. Observe que quaisquer traduções enviadas pelo site “Traduzindo WordPress” não funcionarão.


Nosso repositório é público no GitHub.

Tem uma pergunta para nós? Entre em contato conosco em security@nosso domínio ou relate problemas de segurança ao nosso programa Bug Bounty.

Use of 3rd Party Services

To improve user experience, MailPoet may use the following 3rd party libraries if the Load 3rd-party libraries setting is enabled:

  • Google Fonts – used in Form Editor which you can use to customize your forms, and in the Email Editor to style emails. This can be individually disabled by a filter

  • HelpScout – used to show help tooltips throughout the plugin, easily access documentation, and contact our customer support team. This functionality may load scripts from

  • Mixpanel – used to send data about the usage of the MailPoet plugin when you agree with sharing usage data with us

  • Satismeter – used to ask for feedback.

Loading all these libraries is disabled by default. The option can be enabled in the MailPoet’s Settings > Advanced > Load 3rd-party libraries.

Imagens de tela

  • Amostra de newsletters
  • O designer de e-mail de arrastar e soltar
  • Tipos de e-mail MailPoet
  • Estatísticas do boletim informativo (Premium)
  • Importação de assinante (através de um arquivo CSV ou diretamente do MailChimp)
  • E-mails do WooCommerce


Este plugin disponibiliza 1 bloco.

  • MailPoet Marketing Opt-in


O MailPoet armazena os dados dos assinantes do usuário?

Não armazenamos ou mantemos nenhum dado de seus assinantes. No entanto, se você estiver enviando conosco, processamos todos os e-mails a serem enviados. Isso significa que o MailPoet registra apenas endereços de e-mail para garantir que nosso serviço seja executado de forma eficaz. Não rastreamos mais nada.

O que é o serviço de envio MailPoet?

O MailPoet Sending Service foi desenvolvido exclusivamente para enviar e-mails WordPress e WooCommerce. Nossa tecnologia interna oferece velocidade incomparável (mais de 50.000 e-mails por hora) e desempenho, 99% de tempo de atividade e perda zero.

Quais métodos de envio posso usar para enviar minhas newsletters?

Você tem a liberdade de escolher como enviar seus e-mails: seu próprio host (padrão, mas não recomendado), o MailPoet Sending Service, SendGrid, Amazon SES ou a maioria dos provedores SMTP, incluindo MailGun, etc.

Por que devo usar o serviço de envio MailPoet?

Nossos planos gratuitos e pagos oferecem uma quantidade ilimitada de e-mails.

Nossa taxa de entrega global é de 98,5%, muitas vezes excedendo os padrões da indústria. Monitoramos cada um dos milhões de e-mails que enviamos para nossos usuários.

Quer você envie 10 ou 100.000 e-mails por dia, o MailPoet Sending Service lida rotineiramente com boletins de pequenas empresas até enormes listas de e-mail com dezenas de milhares de assinantes.

É altamente recomendável não enviar com seu host, aqui está o motivo .

Posso filtrar categorias específicas da minha notificação de postagem?

Sim! No MailPoet você pode definir categorias ou tags para incluir/excluir. Isso permite que você envie apenas postagens de categorias ou tags específicas, garantindo que postagens não relevantes fiquem fora de seus e-mails. Você também pode configurar vários e-mails de notificação de postagem para direcionar melhor os interesses de seus assinantes.

O MailPoet é compatível com GDPR?

Sim, estamos em conformidade com o GDPR. No entanto, não temos um Contrato de Processamento de Dados. Nosso aviso de privacidade pode funcionar como um acordo e o GDPR leva isso em consideração. Ao usar nosso serviço, você reconhece nosso Aviso de Privacidade.

Sugerimos que você também adicione um link para nosso Aviso de Privacidade em sua própria página de aviso de privacidade. O importante é garantir que seus assinantes estejam cientes de que o MailPoet entrega seu e-mail, se você enviar com o MailPoet.

Você também pode ler nosso Guia para estar em conformidade com o GDPR.

WooCommerce: meus clientes podem assinar minha newsletter no checkout?

Sim, com o MailPoet seus clientes podem se inscrever no checkout da sua lista de e-mails. Você poderá até enviar um lembrete de carrinho abandonado se eles esquecerem de concluir a compra.

É MailPoet ou Mail poet?

É MailPoet, não Mail Poet. Nós responderemos a qualquer um deles!

Precisa de ajuda?

Verifique nossa Base de conhecimento ou entre em contato conosco através de nosso site de suporte.


28 de março de 2023
Danke an MailPoet Du machst es mir und meinen Kundinnen so leicht in Kontakt mit anderen zu gehen. Ich finde die Funktion, kurz bevor man die Seite verlässt einen Newsletter oder ähnliches zu abonnieren einfach großartig. Nie war es so leicht Beiträge einfach direkt in den Newsletter zu senden. DANKESCHÖN ich kann Euch vollen Herzens weiterempfehlen.
22 de março de 2023
I have used the pro version for a few years and it has worked well for myself and various clients. Once you go through the validation process, the sending service works well. I have some clients using this to send daily post notifications. It has been a reliable workhorse.I would like to see some updated editor and stats options, but post notifications, lists and managing subscribers works well.When I have had an issue, support is quick to respond and has been very helpful in digging in. I really have no complaints.
21 de março de 2023
I have tried other plugins and scripts for mailing over the years and as my websites are now nearly all developed in WordPress I have been looking for the right plugin for a while. I must say that I am glad I came across MailPoet. It's early days, but it was easy to set up and the templates were a good starting point. It also fits in well with my Elementor theme and pages. I had a problem with my subscription in that the transaction failed the first couple of times and when it eventually succeeded, I had forgotten a discount code and paid the full price. Not a problem with MailPoet, or a problem for them. They understood straight away and their support was prompt and excellent. A refund is now on its way. I must say I am very happy with this product.
Leia todas as 1.227 avaliações

Colaboradores e desenvolvedores

“MailPoet – e-mails e newsletters no WordPress” é um software com código aberto. As seguintes pessoas contribuíram para este plugin.


“MailPoet – e-mails e newsletters no WordPress” foi traduzido para 26 localizações. Agradecemos aos tradutores por suas contribuições.

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Registro de alterações

4.10.0 – 2023-03-27

  • Added: WooCommerce version check and notice when using an old version;
  • Added: Emails can now be scheduled to be sent at minute granularity, not only one or more hours later;
  • Improved: prevent forms from showing multiple times when other plugins call the same hooks multiple times;
  • Improved: added HPOS support for WooCommerce Subscription segment;
  • Improved: when editing active email, a warning is shown that it will be deactivated;
  • Fixed: rendering error on home page when there is no change in lists size;
  • Fixed: occasional horizontal scrollbar in popup forms.

4.9.0 – 2023-03-21

  • Updated: Gutenberg dependencies.

4.8.1 – 2023-03-14

  • Added: Home page;
  • Improved: custom field validation errors are translated;
  • Fixed: error when sorting sending status page by subscriber name.

4.8.0 – 2023-03-06

  • Added: option to run an automation multiple times for the same subscriber;
  • Improved: when AutomateWoo is installed, only show one opt-in checkbox on the checkout;
  • Fixed: coupon code block is empty when adding to an existing email;
  • Fixed: “call to undefined function MailPoet\API\JSON\error_log()”.

4.7.1 – 2023-02-27

  • Added: filter allowing to configure PHPMailer when sending via SMTP;
  • Added: a coupon block in email editor;
  • Added: notice when a MailPoet subscription is pending approval;
  • Improved: Starter plan users are directed to upgrade their plan from the Upgrade page;
  • Improved: email templates now include coupon block;
  • Fixed: inactive subscribers weren’t recalculated since August 2022. They’ll be again recalculated within one week after updating. Sorry about this bug.

4.7.0 – 2023-02-20

  • Updated: minimum required WordPress version to 5.9;
  • Updated: minimum required WooCommerce version to 7.2;
  • Improved: more explanatory MailPoet task in WooCommerce onboarding;
  • Improved: prevent form listing from crashing when form settings data are missing or malformed;
  • Improved: close button of form popup is focus-able to improve accessibility;
  • Fixed: conflict when loading mixpanel library;
  • Fixed: choices from first steps of welcome wizard are forgotten when MailPoet Sending Service is activated;
  • Fixed: draft products are not showing in email editor.

4.6.2 – 2023-02-14

  • Improved: explain MailPoet Sending Service during onboarding;
  • Improved: when a subscription is pending approval, you can now recheck the status directly from the notice;
  • Changed: removed “Export” item from the main MailPoet menu;
  • Fixed: after finishing WooCommerce onboarding, the user is redirected to MailPoet;
  • Fixed: migration class not found when data corrupted by another plugin;
  • Fixed: misaligned buttons in “Relax” form template;
  • Fixed: broken built-in CAPTCHA in Safari on macOS.

4.6.1 – 2023-02-06

  • Added: “Copy to clipboard” button next to System Info;
  • Improved: warn users on PHP 7.3 about outdated PHP version;
  • Improved: MailPoet now uses a from address to test sending emails instead of “”;
  • Improved: post images will now use image attachments’ alt text for improved accessibility;
  • Changed: now even logged in user requires a valid token to unsubscribe;
  • Changed: Editor role now has access to Automations;
  • Fixed: color setting in email editor is not saved.

4.6.0 – 2023-01-31

  • Added: anonymized and opt-in tracking of revenue per email campaign;
  • Added: subscription confirmation emails can be previewed during editing;
  • Added: a new item in WooCommerce Task List to finish MailPoet setup;
  • Improved: list visibility explanation when editing a list;
  • Changed: added option to rerun two specific migrations if they failed in the past;
  • Changed: [site:homepage_link] now renders as link in email editor, introduced new [site:homepage_url] shortcode to get just the URL;
  • Fixed: UI issues on;
  • Fixed: multiple popup signup forms when products are added via shortcode;
  • Fixed: multiple signup form on WooCommerce Products page;
  • Fixed: multiple vertical scrollbars in Form editor;
  • Fixed: custom field block hidden behind help icon in Form editor.

4.5.2 – 2023-01-25

  • Fixed: issue with new installations of MailPoet on websites with WooCommerce.

4.5.1 – 2023-01-23

  • Added: a new landing page to explain MailPoet to new users;
  • Added: survey when the plugin is deactivated.

4.5.0 – 2023-01-17

  • Improved: translate error messages from MailPoet Sending Service;
  • Improved: show a loading state when automation is being created;
  • Fixed: shortcodes inserter in the email editor not working.

4.4.0 – 2023-01-10

  • Updated: TinyMCE editor to v6;
  • Improved: log PHP errors in JSON API calls;
  • Fixed: prevent paused sending without an error message;
  • Fixed: horizontal scrollbar in automation actions popup.

4.3.1 – 2023-01-03

  • Improved: welcome wizard first step design;
  • Improved: error handling for confirmation emails;
  • Fixed: occasional error on column detection during plugin update;
  • Fixed: occasional call to undefined function error during plugin update.

4.3.0 – 2022-12-19

  • Added: confirmation email can be designed in email editor;
  • Improved: nicer and more understandable onboarding.

4.2.0 – 2022-12-12

  • Added: link to purchase a MailPoet plan from Key Activation page;
  • Improved: support for ANSI_QUOTES sql mode;
  • Improved: 1-click unsubscribe is also tracked as a click;
  • Improved: “Maximum execution time” error is now more descriptive in MailPoet > Help > System Status;
  • Changed: email language in HTML is set to site’s language (Settings > General) instead of English.

4.1.1 – 2022-12-05

  • Improved: the 3rd-party libraries description in Welcome Wizard;
  • Improved: display a warning if sending function is not available;
  • Fixed: Column not found error experienced by some users;
  • Fixed: wc_get_page_id causes an error when WooCommerce is not installed;
  • Fixed: block settings in email editor look broken.

4.1.0 – 2022-11-28

  • Improved: don’t automatically activate MailPoet Sending Service for Creator plans;
  • Improved: MailPoet’s built-in CAPTCHA now includes audio fallback to improve accessibility;
  • Fixed: automation may not always start if there exists another automation with the same trigger;
  • Fixed: automations beta badge wraps in some languages;
  • Fixed: domain authentication is not shown when sending a preview email.

4.0.1 – 2022-11-22

  • Improved: when editing a list, you can choose if it should be shown on the Manage Subscription page (on by default);
  • Improved: form templates now link to existing Privacy Page;
  • Changed: [subscriber:count] shortcode now counts only subscribed subscribers (and not unconfirmed or inactive);
  • Fixed: automations beta badge overflows menu in some languages;
  • Fixed: failing to create automation tables with “Base table or view already exists” in rare cases;
  • Fixed: displaying wrong tasks in System Status.

4.0.0 – 2022-11-15

  • Added: new Automations page (beta version, please share your feedback directly from the plugin);
  • Added: optional support for POST unsubscribe when sending with MailPoet Sending Service, which enables 1-click unsubscribe button in more email clients;
  • Added: engagement badges for opens, unsubscribes, and bounces;
  • Updated: minimum required WordPress version to 5.8;
  • Fixed: “Unknown storage engine ‘InnoDB'” error (InnoDB engine is no longer required).

3.103.1 – 2022-11-08

  • Fix a database problem that affected some versions of MySQL when creating the new migrations table.

3.103.0 – 2022-11-07

  • Added: deleteList and updateList API methods (;
  • Added: forms can be configured to show on product pages;
  • Improved: more explanatory automatic emails setup;
  • Improved: consistent case in the form editor labels;
  • Improved: long sign-up button text will wrap to a new line;
  • Improved: confirmation emails can now be personalized;
  • Fixed: MailPoet key validation can fail, if the site URL is configured with uppercase letters;
  • Fixed: required questions in onboarding can be skipped;
  • Declare MailPoet as compatible with the upcoming WooCommerce High Performance Order Storage.

3.102.1 – 2022-11-03

  • Fixed: missing ‘CheckoutSchema’ class error in WooCommerce blocks integration;
  • Fixed: “Class ‘Normalizer’ not found” error in WP 6.1 when intl extension is missing.

3.102.0 – 2022-11-01

  • Added: new subscribers hooks (;
  • Improved: limit cron runs when execution limit exception is thrown;
  • Improved: list(s) are replaced with the site title on the subscription confirmation page.

3.101.1 – 2022-10-24

  • Improved: simplified privacy and data sharing section in onboarding;
  • Improved: don’t require any newsletter settings when saving a draft;
  • Fixed: an error in the checkout, when the shop has multiple automatic emails set up.

3.101.0 – 2022-10-17

  • Added: new API method getSubscribersCount;
  • Added: new API method getSubscribers;
  • Improved: cron-related tasks;
  • Improved: confirm leaving Settings page when leaving without saving;
  • Improved: messaging when verifying an API key.

3.100.2 – 2022-10-10

  • Fixed: scheduled newsletters not sending.

3.100.1 – 2022-10-06

  • Fixed: In some instances the sending stuck because the EntityManager was closed.

3.100.0 – 2022-10-03

  • Added: tagging subscribers when signed up via a form;
  • Improved: linux cron error message;
  • Fixed: paid MailPoet plan is offered in onboarding instead of a free MailPoet plan.

3.99.1 – 2022-09-29

  • Fix issue with post notifications in MailPoet 3.99.

3.99.0 – 2022-09-27

  • Added: any email address from a sender domain is automatically allowed for sending (MailPoet Sending Service only);
  • Fixed: some post notifications may fail to send.

3.98.1 – 2022-09-21

  • Improved: minor changes and fixes.

3.98.0 – 2022-09-19

  • Added: filter subscribers by clicking on tag badge;
  • Added: tag imported subscribers;
  • Improved: error handling on the send email page;
  • Fixed: possible memory issue on the segments page.

3.97.0 – 2022-09-12

  • Improved: added a link to start domain authentication when required;
  • Improved: domain and email verification process;
  • Changed: we are dropping number 3 from the plugin name, so from now on, “MailPoet 3” becomes just “MailPoet”;
  • Fixed: lists not available when filtering trashed subscribers;
  • Fixed: broken translations when typography quotes changed.

3.96.1 – 2022-08-31

  • Fixed: the settings page renders blank in some cases.

3.96.0 – 2022-08-29

  • Improved: don’t show spacer after last item in breadcrumbs;
  • Improved: don’t require a list to save email draft.

3.95.1 – 2022-08-22

  • Added: UTM parameters on the MailPoet logo when sending with a free MailPoet plan;
  • Added: button to play video tutorial in email editor;
  • Added: new SMTP filters;
  • Improved: validate sender email immediately on the send page when using MailPoet Sending Service;
  • Improved: share System Info data when contacting MailPoet Support from the plugin;
  • Fixed: wrong position of tags autocomplete.

3.95.0 – 2022-08-15

  • Added: the domain verification process can be performed in the plugin;
  • Updated: Gutenberg dependencies;
  • Fixed: emails are labeled as “Preview” on System Status page;
  • Removed support for migration data from MailPoet2.

3.94.0 – 2022-08-08

  • Added: filter subscribers by a tag;
  • Added: new WordPress cron task scheduler method;
  • Improved: tooltip content when hovering over list name;
  • Improved: extract name from email when used as first name in welcome wizard;
  • Improved: radio buttons and checkboxes accessibility in forms.

3.93.1 – 2022-08-02

  • Added: link to MailPoet settings from Plugins page;
  • Changed: email signup step removed from the MailPoet setup;
  • Fixed: a notice to send all emails through MailPoet can’t be dismissed;
  • Fixed: MailPoet menu icon on

3.93.0 – 2022-07-25

  • Added: premium feature: new segment by subscriber tags.

3.92.1 – 2022-07-20

  • Fixed: A database table could not be created in some installations.

3.92.0 – 2022-07-19

  • Added: show tags on Subscribers listing page;
  • Added: tagging subscribers on the edit page;
  • Added: the ability to authorise the email address in the plugin;
  • Improved: when sending with MailPoet Sending Service, show a warning when unauthorized email is used immediately before sending an email;
  • Improved: don’t load 3rd-party libraries on new installations unless an active consent is given.

3.91.1 – 2022-07-11

  • Updated: npm and composer dependencies;
  • Improved: small UI changes to unify spacing and colors;
  • Improved: add “noindex, nofollow” directive on email preview page to prevent search engines to index these pages;
  • Improved: use original $phpmailer as a WordPressMailer fallback;
  • Fixed: date badges in select boxes are not vertically aligned.

3.91.0 – 2022-06-22

  • Fixed: template caching.

3.90.2 – 2022-06-20

  • Improved: tested up to WordPress 6.0;
  • Improved: when sending with MailPoet Sending Service, show a warning when unauthorized email is used in settings;
  • Fixed: correctly reset error message when sending resumes;
  • Fixed: MailPoet Marketing Opt-in block is not translated in WordPress 6;
  • Fixed: some special characters in WordPress name don’t show correctly when synced to MailPoet.

3.90.1 – 2022-06-16

  • Fixed: occasional error related to twig templates when updating the plugin.

3.90.0 – 2022-06-14

  • Updated: js-cookie library to version 3;
  • Improved: autocomplete’s accessibility for first and last name;
  • Improved: added labels to inputs in public forms to improve accessibility;
  • Improved: list badge now links to its subscribers;
  • Improved: some 3rd party plugins should no longer falsely mark MailPoet as malware;
  • Improved: checkbox and radio buttons are focusable;
  • Fixed: invalid HTML markup in rendered email;
  • Fixed: Unhandled error for inaccessible cron worker.

3.89.4 – 2022-06-06

  • Improved: better handle trying to change a subscriber email to an existing one;
  • Fixed: SMTP configuration doesn’t work without authentication;
  • Fixed: subscribers without orders don’t show in “0 orders” segment;
  • Fixed: creating custom field can break Form editor;
  • Fixed: Google Fonts libraries loading in iframe even when 3rd-party libraries are disabled.

3.89.3 – 2022-05-24

  • Added: Google reCAPTCHA v2 Invisible;
  • Improved: auto adjust the height of form’s iframe;
  • Changed: mailpoet_mailer_smtp_transport_agent filter replaced with mailpoet_mailer_smtp_option;
  • Changed: replaced Swift Mailer with PHPMailer.

3.89.2 – 2022-05-19

  • Fixed: form editor not opening in some cases.

3.89.1 – 2022-05-17

  • Improved: performance fixes;
  • Improved: error handling when using MailPoet Sending Service;
  • Changed: removed deprecated code;
  • Changed: automatic emails can no longer be activated without an unsubscribe link when sending with MSS;
  • Fixed: remove unnecessary redirect that in some circumstances prevented displaying a form;
  • Fixed: users added via MemberPress now receive welcome emails targeted to custom roles.

3.89.0 – 2022-05-09

  • Updated: Removed MailPoet Task Scheduler;
  • Improved: faster page load;
  • Improved: compatibility with WooCommerce Blocks 7.2;
  • Improved: tested with WordPress 6;
  • Fixed: TypeError when calculating lifetime emails takes longer than usual.

3.88.2 – 2022-05-03

  • Improved: show error message when trying to send confirmation email with signup confirmation disabled;
  • Changed: minimum PHP version bumped to 7.2.5;
  • Fixed: blank page when importing a template;
  • Fixed: drafts and future posts can’t be included in newsletter.

3.88.1 – 2022-04-28

  • Fixed: Abandoned Cart Email cannot be edited.

3.88.0 – 2022-04-25

  • Added: new official translations Catalan, Czech and Greek;
  • Fixed: email batches containing invalid addresses lost by MSS.

3.87.2 – 2022-04-19

  • Added: description of 3rd party libraries usage;
  • Fixed: “none of” condition for “MailPoet custom field” segment doesn’t work;
  • Fixed: block toolbar in form editor is not visible for top block.

3.87.1 – 2022-04-14

  • Improved: minor changes and fixes.

3.87.0 – 2022-04-11

  • Added: new condition (at least 10 emails in lifetime) before marking subscriber as inactive;
  • Added: logging for failed MailPoet key validation checks;
  • Updated: minimum required WordPress version to 5.6;
  • Updated: npm dependencies;
  • Improved: when the subscription requires an upgrade, link directly to the upgrade page;
  • Improved: show notice in the plugin when the subscription is pending approval;
  • Fixed: List-Unsubscribe header format when sending with your host;
  • Fixed: hidden MailPoet fields visible in WooCommerce checkout;
  • Fixed: Manage subscription page doesn’t work when all lists are unchecked.

3.86.0 – 2022-04-05

  • Improved: apply form success message styles also on Captcha confirmation page;
  • Fixed: potential “Call to undefined method” error.

3.85.1 – 2022-03-29

  • Updated: 1and1 hosting renamed to “IONOS by 1&1”;
  • Updated: composer dependencies;
  • Updated: Gutenberg dependencies;
  • Improved: don’t count “Pending payment” and “On-hold” orders to purchased segments;
  • Improved: when searching subscribers, update groups counts with found results;
  • Fixed: critical error at checkout with WooCommerce checkout block;
  • Fixed: error preventing sending when line height is set to 0 in email editor;
  • Fixed: shortcode default value not used in Emails opened from a Newsletter Archive page.

3.85.0 – 2022-03-21

  • Improved: add “Send all site’s emails with” to Help → System Status;
  • Fixed: sending limit can be exceeded in some cases.

3.84.1 – 2022-03-14

  • Added: more engagement checks before marking subscriber as inactive;
  • Fixed: when scheduling an email, button says “Send” instead of “Schedule”.

3.84.0 – 2022-03-08

  • Improved: more robust segment subscribers count calculation in segment form;
  • Improved: include “pending cancellation” subscriptions in WC Subscriptions segment;
  • Fixed: scheduled newsletter might be sent to subscribers who are not subscribed.

3.83.0 – 2022-03-01

  • Added: a notice when email volume limit is reached;
  • Updated: content of the Upgrade page;
  • Changed: removed deprecated code;
  • Changed: each signup form has its own “seen” cookie and custom expiry interval;
  • Fixed: Turkish translations fail to load.

3.82.0 – 2022-02-22

  • Improved: monthly stats email now includes unsubscribed and bounced;
  • Improved: use WooCommerce Session to identify subscribers’ engagement;
  • Improved: tested on WordPress 5.9;
  • Fixed: error when using empty default value in shortcode.

3.81.0 – 2022-02-16

  • Fixed: translations downloading issue.

3.80.0 – 2022-02-15

  • Added: offer to upgrade subscription and download or activate the premium plugin where needed;
  • Added: mailpoet_subscription_before_subscribe hook;
  • Added: a check that MailPoet can communicate with MailPoet Sending Service;
  • Updated: npm dependencies;
  • Improved: translations are no longer included in the plugin, but are downloaded after activation or update;
  • Improved: update confirmation message when deleting MailPoet so it doesn’t say that MailPoet data are deleted (as they are not);
  • Improved: stats email now includes unsubscribed and bounced;
  • Improved: default newsletter schedule time is set to tomorrow 8am;
  • Changed: docs location;
  • Changed: only mark purchased product/category sent when the automatic email is activated;
  • Fixed: filtering “Subscribers without a list” in Trash redirects to All Subscribers;
  • Fixed: shortcode default value is not rendered in archives;
  • Fixed: Incorrect use of $metas[0] index in individual newsletter processing.

3.79.0 – 2022-02-09

  • Added: new segment for WooCommerce Memberships;
  • Improved: only load MailPoet admin styles on MailPoet pages;
  • Improved: added “18 months” option for inactive subscribers;
  • Improved: consider subscriber’s page view as an engagement (to prevent them marking as inactive);
  • Fixed: email bounce count shows unsubscribe count instead;
  • Fixed: wrong name and email default values in MailPoet setup wizard.

3.78.0 – 2022-01-25

  • Added: new Amazon SES locations;
  • Improved: Gutenberg updated for form editor;
  • Improved: don’t show full API key in MailPoet → Help → System Info;
  • Improved: more options for “machine-opened” segment;
  • Improved: more options for “clicked” segment;
  • Improved: show “Today” or “Tomorrow” on email listing for scheduled emails;
  • Changed: when using “none of” option in purchased product/in category segment, also include all subscribers who never purchased;
  • Fixed: “Call to a member function format() on null” error on subscribers page;
  • Fixed: form preview showing a preview from previously edited form.

3.77.1 – 2022-01-20

  • Fixed: WooCommerce checkout doesn’t work with MailPoet enabled.

3.77.0 – 2022-01-17

  • Added: client-side validation on Manage subscription page;
  • Updated: composer dependencies;
  • Improved: date input shows full date when creating a segment;
  • Improved: backward compatibility for WooCommerce Blocks;
  • Improved: more comparison options for email and subscriber segments;
  • Improved: more form delay options added;
  • Fixed: opting out on WooCommerce checkout doesn’t unsubscribe from other lists configured in MailPoet Settings.

3.76.0 – 2022-01-13

  • Improved: more options for “MailPoet custom field” segment;
  • Improved: more options for “WooCommerce” segments;
  • Improved: select boxes have the same height;
  • Improved: dropped support for PHP 7.1, MailPoet now requires at least PHP 7.2;
  • Improved: more options for “has an active subscription” segment;
  • Improved: more options for “WordPress user role” segment;
  • Improved: more options for “purchased in this category” segment;
  • Improved: more options for “is in country” segment;
  • Improved: more options for “opened” segment;
  • Improved: subscriber cookies are now set on clicks, login, signup, and order checkout;
  • Improved: show full email subject when creating segment based on email;
  • Improved: include guest users in WooCommerce segments;
  • Improved: add link to our knowledge base when segment creation fails;
  • Changed: automatic emails are deactivated when editing;
  • Changed: segments with multiple conditions require the premium plugin;
  • Fixed: cron issues with excessive number of queries in WooCommerce subsriber sync;
  • Fixed: unclosed paragraph tags do not break rendering anymore. Thanks Helene!
  • Fixed: incorrect result for a segment with multiple “purchased product” conditions;
  • Fixed: column search field when importing subscribers not working;
  • Fixed: form messages displayed in wrong place when using multiple forms on the page;
  • Fixed: show correct animation in form editor for slide-in form.

3.75.1 – 2021-12-15

  • Fixed: Issues with rendering full posts in newsletters.

3.75.0 – 2021-12-13

  • Changed: show MailPoet logo in emails when using free MailPoet plan;
  • Fixed: “# of machine opens” segment not working properly.

3.74.3 – 2021-12-07

  • Added: new segment “subscribed to list”;
  • Improved: more options for “purchased product” segment;
  • Improved: more performant WooCommerce customers names sync;
  • Improved: simplified tracking settings in MailPoet > Settings > Advanced;
  • Fixed: issue in WooCommerce checkout integration;
  • Fixed: popup form is displayed again after dismissed when ‘After submit’ is set to ‘Go to Page’.

3.74.2 – 2021-11-29

  • Added: new re-engagement email type;
  • Added: integration with new Checkout Block in WooCommerce;
  • Added: new segment by subscriber score;
  • Fixed: high CPU usage caused by a cron job;
  • Fixed: sending not working after unbanning.

3.74.1 – 2021-11-22

  • Improved: differentiate inactive forms in Widgets;
  • Fixed: duplicate entries when exporting subscribers in some cases;
  • Fixed: WooCommerce subscription segment doesn’t handle when a user changes subscription;
  • Fixed: CSS in form iframe not working when using on different domain;
  • Fixed: potential issue when handling DateTimes.

3.74.0 – 2021-11-17

  • Added: a filter to change reCAPTCHA type;
  • Updated: preparation for Black Friday sale;
  • Updated: npm dependencies;
  • Updated: react-select library;
  • Improved: more explanatory error message when there is a problem with sending method;
  • Improved: include List column when exporting subscribers to Excel;
  • Improved: make logger resilient to “The EntityManager is closed” error;
  • Improved: support d/m/y format when importing subscribers;
  • Improved: import a template form is now centered;
  • Improved: load template thumbnails from file system instead of database to improve templates page performance;
  • Changed: custom field labels can no longer be set per form, but are the same in every form;
  • Changed: limit scheduling email to 5 years in the future;
  • Fixed: high CPU usage for some customers;
  • Fixed: missing “Enable auto-updates” for the premium plugin;
  • Fixed: custom select default values can’t be changed on Manage subscription page;
  • Fixed: block toolbar hidden under top bar in form editor;
  • Fixed: unable to place a new form unless it’s saved;
  • Fixed: wrong placeholders in translatable strings;
  • Fixed: unable to uncheck a checkbox in Manage Subscriptions when the default value is checked;
  • Fixed: wrong WordPress menu icons for AutomateWoo and WC Payments when on MailPoet pages;
  • Fixed: form confirmation message is not shown in some edge cases;
  • Fixed: extra space in Post Notifications when using double quotes.

3.73.2 – 2021-11-08

  • Fixed: error on dynamic segments filter query.

3.73.1 – 2021-11-04

  • Fixed: segments are not loading.

3.73.0 – 2021-11-02

  • Updated: composer dependencies;
  • Improved: don’t allow duplicate sending and sending without an unsubscribe link;
  • Fixed: last engagement date is not calculated for some of the old subscribers.

3.72.0 – 2021-10-25

  • Improved: updated Mixpanel configuration;
  • Improved: refactor CronWorkerRunner and related classes to Doctrine;
  • Improved: removed old StatisticsWooCommercePurchases model and replaced it with code that uses Doctrine;
  • Fixed: mailpoet_register_form_extend filter not working;
  • Fixed: automatic latest content block shows wrong content;
  • Fixed: “Create a new form” link not working in MailPoet widget;
  • Fixed: preselect a first form in form widget.

3.71.3 – 2021-10-18

  • Improved: show email stats with less then 0.1% with two decimal places;
  • Improved: more options when sending is paused because of unauthorized email address;
  • Improved: offer activating premium plugin in settings when already installed;
  • Changed: offer more tools to clean your lists;
  • Fixed: an error when using MySQL in strict mode;
  • Fixed: rare database error when using incompatible collations;
  • Fixed: automatic emails can be set up without providing scheduled time;
  • Fixed: after editing an order the customer is subscribed when they shouldn’t be.

3.71.2 – 2021-10-04

  • Improved: better handle reply-to address with missing reply-to name;
  • Improved: use WordPress functions to get post excerpt and content in post notifications;
  • Changed: inactive subscribers conditions;
  • Fixed: PHP warning about PHPMailer class not found;
  • Fixed: welcome email setup accepts non-numerical values;
  • Fixed: missing space between paragraph and heading in post notifications.

3.71.1 – 2021-09-29

  • Fixed: conflict with Elementor plugin.

3.71.0 – 2021-09-28

  • Improved: handling recipient related SMTP errors;
  • Changed: removed “MailPoet Page” from form’s “After submit, go to page” options;
  • Changed: don’t save a form without assigned list;
  • Fixed: unable to remove description from segments.

3.70.0 – 2021-09-20

  • Added: filter to alter mailpoet database table prefix;
  • Added: bounced metric on the Email Stats page;
  • Improved: update lucatume/wp-browser;
  • Improved: MailPoet form security against spambots;
  • Improved: coding standards;
  • Improved: refactor to Doctrine;
  • Improved: code comment on warning;
  • Fixed: machine-opened metric on the Email Stats page;
  • Fixed: flaky integration test;
  • Fixed: “Updated at” in the System Status shows time with incorrect time zone;
  • Fixed: horizontal scrollbar in form style settings sidebar.

3.69.1 – 2021-09-13

  • Added: saving detailed bounce stats;
  • Added: show last engagement date on the Subscriber page;
  • Added: notice when creating opens-related segment;
  • Added: new machine-opened and # of machine-opens segments;
  • Changed: throttle also logged-in users when signing up multiple times;
  • Changed: show CAPTCHA on the first signup, instead on the second;
  • Changed: performance of the queries used to sync WooCommerce data;
  • Changed: display more specific error message for banned users;
  • Fixed: an error when using MySQL in strict mode;
  • Fixed: compatibility with WooCommerce Payments new checkout experience;
  • Fixed: segment counter when using multiple text input fields;
  • Fixed: missing space after signup checkbox on the checkout.

3.69.0 – 2021-09-07

  • Added: saving subscribers’ last engagement date;
  • Added: show machine-opened emails on the subscriber stats page;
  • Improved: performance of subscribers count recalculation;
  • Fixed: heading shortcode not rendered in WooCommerce transactional emails if moved below order content;
  • Fixed: unsubscribing from a preview email when logged out throws fatal error.

3.68.0 – 2021-08-30

  • Added: show machine-opened percentage on the email stats page;
  • Added: open and click User-agents in Export Personal Data tool;
  • Improved: subscribers in your plan shown on top of the page;
  • Improved: MailPoet will honor the Reply-to address for WordPress emails sent with MailPoet. Thanks, Mark!
  • Improved: Gutenberg updated for form editor;
  • Improved: React updated to v17;
  • Changed: put less emphasis on open metric on the emails listing;
  • Fixed: a conflict if PHPMailer is already loaded by another plugin.

3.67.1 – 2021-08-24

  • Added: differentiating human and machine email opens;
  • Added: saving opens and clicks User-agent;
  • Improved: Unified notice for invalid API key;
  • Fixed: conflict with “Invoices for WooCommerce” plugin when signing up for newsletters on checkout;
  • Fixed: potential error in MailPoet Router;
  • Fixed: cannot edit a subscriber when they are subscribed to a non-existing list.

3.67.0 – 2021-08-17

  • Improved: better handle potential errors when previewing an email;
  • Improved: “Recalculate” Lists and Segments count button also on Subscribers page;
  • Improved: allow importing subscribers with consent but without IP addresses;
  • Improved: prevent deleting a list if used with a form;
  • Fixed: empty WooCommerce Products block can’t be deleted;
  • Fixed: when scheduling email, calendar doesn’t respect WordPress “week starts on” setting;
  • Fixed: exporting personal data in WordPress Tools fails with MailPoet error;
  • Fixed: below pages form doesn’t show on pages created with WP Job Manager;
  • Fixed: button rendering in Outlook 2016.

3.66.0 – 2021-08-09

  • Improved: tested up to WordPress 5.8;
  • Improved: more consistent behavior when subscribing via different sources;
  • Changed: removed a poll after deactivating MailPoet plugin;
  • Fixed: creating segment from stats page doesn’t work;
  • Fixed: WooCommerce customers are moved to trash when WordPress Users list is disabled;
  • Fixed: wrong “recalculated at” time for lists counts in some cases.

3.65.1 – 2021-07-20

  • Fixed: Sign up button in welcome wizard not working.

3.65.0 – 2021-07-13

  • Added: Lists and Segments subscribers counts cache to speed up MailPoet pages.

3.64.3 – 2021-07-06

  • Fixed: custom email shortcodes notice cannot be dismissed.

3.64.2 – 2021-06-28

  • Improved: performance of the engagement score calculation;
  • Improved: segment form error handling;
  • Improved: hide help icon in form editor preview;
  • Changed: MailPoet no longer unsubscribes from unchecked lists in signup form;
  • Fixed: rare PHP error when unsubscribing;
  • Fixed: duplicated New Subscriber notification;
  • Fixed: large 3rd-party admin menu icons;
  • Fixed: false-positive registration spam detection.

3.64.1 – 2021-06-22

  • Added: create complex segments using multiple conditions;
  • Fixed: error when WooCommerce transactional emails template is deleted.

3.64.0 – 2021-06-15

  • Fixed: rare error when activating MailPoet;
  • Fixed: missing column in DBs running old MySQL;
  • Fixed: WooCommerce emails stay the same when MailPoet customizer is disabled;
  • Fixed: big margins in WooCommerce emails.

3.63.0 – 2021-06-07

  • Improved: Subscribers page load time for sites with higher number of lists;
  • Improved: unified typography with WordPress admin styles;
  • Improved: unified buttons with WordPress admin styles;
  • Improved: new segment form layout;
  • Changed: removed list migration assistance;
  • Changed: removed PHP migration assistance;
  • Fixed: incorrect form image width in some themes;
  • Fixed: emoji in Subject line not visible in the last step of email creation.

3.62.1 – 2021-06-01

  • Added: logging for failed curl requests;
  • Improved: email editor to gracefully highlight unsupported email blocks;
  • Fixed: missing MailPoet logo in stats emails and MSS setup email;
  • Fixed: Media post type doesn’t show results in Automatic Latest Content;
  • Fixed: 1px horizontal line in Outlook 2016.

3.62.0 – 2021-05-25

  • Added: new segment for MailPoet’s custom fields;
  • Improved: segment score calculation performance;
  • Improved: better customization of the opt-in checkbox in the registration form;
  • Fixed: Gutenberg form block to work with latest version of Gutenberg;
  • Fixed: low-probability double sending on high-traffic sites.
  • Fixed: failing to connect to DB when using non-standard port;
  • Fixed: plugin update from timing out on high-traffic sites. Thank you, Edda!

3.61.0 – 2021-05-17

  • Added: visualize the average “Subscriber score” for an email list to help gauge engagement;
  • Added: new segment for customer’s country;
  • Added: welcome emails are now scheduled when subscribing through “Manage subscription” page. Thanks, Ron!
  • Fixed: unable to segment by 0 opened emails;
  • Fixed: broken product attributes in WooCommerce order email.

3.60.12 – 2021-05-11

  • Fixed: a Doctrine error causing some MailPoet functionality to stop working in rare cases;
  • Fixed: transactional emails not counted towards subscribers score;
  • Fixed: broken custom CSS in the form editor when using > in CSS selector;
  • Fixed: custom field created during import does not show up to be selected from the drop-menu list;
  • Fixed: broken debug bar on sites.

3.60.11 – 2021-05-04

  • Added: new segment for subscribers who clicked on any link in any newsletter;
  • Added: new segment for subscribers’ subscribed date;
  • Improved: MailPoet’s resilience to network issues when sending emails;
  • Improved: performance of inactive subscribers detection;
  • Improved: allow segmenting by zero opened emails;
  • Improved: Gutenberg updated for form editor;
  • Fixed: subscriber score shows values higher than 100%;
  • Fixed: MailPoet not working when DB used ANSI_QUOTES mode;
  • Fixed: HTML entities in newsletter buttons.

3.60.10 – 2021-04-27

  • Added: a reminder to import the suppression list via “Subscriber Import” when migrating email marketing services;
  • Added: visualize subscriber engagement in the subscriber listing;
  • Added: new segment for subscribers with an active subscription;
  • Added: new segment for total amount spent;
  • Fixed: WP-Admin sidebar overlapping MailPoet’s contents on websites.

3.60.9 – 2021-04-20

  • Added: new segment for a number of orders;
  • Added: new segment for a number of opened emails;
  • Improved: tested up to WordPress 5.7;
  • Fixed: importing subscribers with multiple custom fields;
  • Fixed: slowed down WooCommerce checkout on large stores;
  • Fixed: errors in MailPoet breaking WooCommerce checkout;
  • Fixed: custom date field value not displaying on manage subscription page.

3.60.8 – 2021-04-12

  • Fixed: editing WooCommerce purchased in category segment;
  • Fixed: handling 3rd-party plugin segments when the plugin is disabled.

3.60.7 – 2021-04-06

  • Improved: show all segment conditions in one place;
  • Fixed: the collation error in WooCommerce checkout. Thanks Mark!
  • Fixed: email statistics to work on sites. Thanks, Gary!

3.60.6 – 2021-03-29

  • Improved: don’t allow deleting segment with scheduled or active automatic email;
  • Fixed: aligning headings to the center or right in forms;
  • Fixed: first and last name sync in WooCommerce Customers list;
  • Fixed: after saving the segment, redirect to Segments instead of Lists;
  • Fixed: shortcode for total subscribers not working for segments;
  • Fixed: hanging background job for deactivated welcome emails.

3.60.5 – 2021-03-22

  • Added: show number of subscribers when creating or editing a segment;
  • Added: new page with MailPoet logs;
  • Improved: bulk select and delete in segments page;
  • Fixed: loading Media Library in Email Editor on sites;
  • Fixed: pass arguments to shortcodes.

3.60.4 – 2021-03-15

  • Improved: removed captcha from manage subscription page;
  • Fixed: aligning headings to center or right in emails;
  • Fixed: searching in fields when exporting subscribers;
  • Fixed: saving settings after changing license key restores the old key sometimes;
  • Fixed: schedule emails using UTC instead site’s time zone;
  • Fixed: date shortcodes were displaying the current server date in the browser instead of the newsletter sent date.

3.60.3 – 2021-03-09

  • Added: subscription consent when exporting subscribers;
  • Added: subscription consent when importing subscribers;
  • Improved: better wording on automated email activation;
  • Improved: subscriber import to skip disengaged MailChimp subscribers;
  • Fixed: shortcode which displays total subscribed subscribers.

3.60.2 – 2021-03-01

  • Fixed: view in browser shortcodes when tracking is disabled;
  • Fixed: searching lists when importing subscribers;
  • Fixed: 3rd party sending credentials always stored.

3.60.1 – 2021-02-17

  • Fixed: links in form checkbox labels.

3.60.0 – 2021-02-15

  • Fixed: missing WordPress/WooCommerce Users lists when generating a shortcode in settings;
  • Thank you Foobar7 for your help with testing;
  • Thank you Onizuka (younes_bousfiha) for helping us.
  • Thank you Foobar7 for helping with the testing.

3.59.2 – 2021-02-08

  • Added: allow re-resubscribing through third-party API;
  • Fixed: reCaptcha sometimes not loading;
  • Fixed: Abandoned cart block always displaying options.

3.59.1 – 2021-02-02

  • Added: new Amazon SES regions;
  • Fixed: various bugs squashed in form editor;
  • Fixed: form’s custom field can be made non mandatory again. Thx Katarzyna!

3.59.0 – 2021-01-26

  • Fixed: missing statistics link in WooCommerce emails listing;
  • Fixed: opening draft email without a template.

3.58.0 – 2021-01-18

  • Improved: Gutenberg updated for form editor.

3.57.1 – 2021-01-11

  • Added: the ability to disable the “WordPress Users” list;
  • Fixed: filtering subscribers without a list;
  • Fixed: incorrect 404 page in some themes.

3.57.0 – 2021-01-04

  • Improved: better customization of subscribe checkbox in checkout;
  • Fixed: issues with saving Lists;
  • Fixed: listing subscribers from dynamic segments;
  • Fixed: list selection block in forms;
  • Fixed: segmenting by specific clicked link;
  • Fixed: custom unsubscribe page being reset after plugin update.

3.56.2 – 2020-12-22

  • Fixed: segment description editing.

3.56.1 – 2020-12-15

  • Fixed: api key verification issues.

3.56.0 – 2020-12-07

  • Improved: search control when setting up Purchased this Product/Category emails.

3.55.1 – 2020-11-30

  • Added: a video tutorial for form editor;
  • Improved: manual download of Premium plugin instead of automatic, as per repository guidelines.

3.55.0 – 2020-11-23

  • Added: undo/redo in the form editor;
  • Fixed: some shortcodes in newsletter are not interpreted;
  • Fixed: sent email status sometimes shown as scheduled;
  • Fixed: displaying forms for specific posts/categories;
  • Fixed: blank screen of the newsletter preview.

3.54.3 – 2020-11-17

  • Added: button to WooCommerce Email Customizer in WooCommerce Emails settings;
  • Improved: form’s success message design;
  • Fixed: showing “Not sent yet” for sent emails in Safari;
  • Fixed: various UI issues;
  • Fixed: subscribers import issue;
  • Fixed: short email templates names.

3.54.2 – 2020-11-10

  • Improved: fullscreen option added to the form editor;
  • Fixed: Form editor is now again usable on mobile devices.

3.54.1 – 2020-11-02

  • Added: option to bulk unsubscribe subscribers;
  • Improved: removed default form, added button to create new form;
  • Improved: new font;
  • Improved: skip form templates, build form from scratch;
  • Improved: you can now disable all 3rd party libraries in settings;
  • Improved: added Abandoned Cart Content block to templates for new users;
  • Improved: redesigned import, export and settings pages.

3.54.0 – 2020-10-27

  • Added: new form templates;
  • Improved: allow different “Purchased in this Category” emails to be sent to single user;
  • Improved: allow different “Purchased this Product” emails to be sent to a single user;
  • Improved: redesigned listings;
  • Fixed: missing custom color link for some of the form blocks.

3.53.0 – 2020-10-20

  • Improved: minor changes and fixes.

3.52.0 – 2020-10-12

  • Added: WooCommerce Abandoned Cart Content;
  • Improved: Gutenberg updated for form editor.

3.51.2 – 2020-10-07

  • Added: over a dozen beautiful form templates;
  • Improved: PHP 7.1 is now required.

3.51.1 – 2020-09-29

  • Added: hooks for changing template cache path and disabling cache on WP Engine;
  • Improved: redesigned congratulation page;
  • Improved: redesigned last step of newsletter creation;
  • Improved: redesigned template selection.

3.51.0 – 2020-09-21

  • Added: display form on various locations;
  • Added: 8 custom form animations to choose;
  • Fixed: “Normalizer” error on plugin activation/update, once again. Thanks Douglas!

3.50.1 – 2020-09-14

  • Added: check for possible image rendering issues;
  • Improved: redesigned email schedule page;
  • Improved: redesigned email type selection;
  • Improved: new design of “Settings > Send with” tab;
  • Fixed: subscriber counts in list filter on subscribers page;
  • Fixed: excessive space at bottom of forms;
  • Fixed: duplicate confirmation emails when registering through WordPress form.

3.50.0 – 2020-09-08

  • Added: option to display a popup form when a user leaves the page;
  • Improved: email preview button is now located next to Save button;
  • Fixed: filtering on subscribers page;
  • Fixed: Post Notification history showing all post notifications, not just the selected one;
  • Fixed: wrong timezone when importing subscribers.

3.49.1 – 2020-08-31

  • Improved: redesigned email creation flow breadcrumbs;
  • Fixed: rare error caused by MySQL exception.

3.49.0 – 2020-08-24

  • Added: master toggle to display the form;
  • Added: form’s master toggle in forms listing;
  • Improved: different heading sizes on mobile form design;
  • Fixed: “Normalizer” error on plugin activation/update. Thanks, Henrik!
  • Fixed: Invalid date shown in Subscriber edit page.

3.48.1 – 2020-08-10

  • Added: set subscribers status on import;
  • Improved: remember subscribers listing filters and page after editing a subscriber;
  • Improved: subscriber status is not changed when the same user is added as WordPress user;
  • Improved: redesigned opened/clicked badges on emails listing;
  • Improved: template translations;
  • Fixed: searching in “Sending Status”.

3.48.0 – 2020-08-04

  • Added: manage your subscription page is more customizable;
  • Added: additional Type column in forms listing;
  • Improved: modified date column in forms listing;
  • Improved: unsubscribe page is now more customizable.

3.47.11 – 2020-07-28

  • Improved: better initial WooCommerce setup.

3.47.10 – 2020-07-21

  • Added: form width setting;
  • Added: before and after deleting newsletter hooks;
  • Improved: new design for listings header;
  • Improved: API better handles empty lines at the beginning of PHP files.

3.47.9 – 2020-07-14

  • Improved: responsiveness of signup forms;
  • Improved: more explanatory option when sending all site’s emails through MailPoet;
  • Fixed: missing support details for premium users on some pages.

3.47.8 – 2020-07-07

  • Added: choice of close button style for forms;
  • Improved: new first-time wizard design;
  • Fixed: filtering newsletters by lists;
  • Fixed: emails of new MailPoet Sending Service users to not be blocked once the subscription is approved;
  • Fixed: custom sign-up confirmation message is not deleted after key verification.

3.47.7 – 2020-06-30

  • Added: new Amazon SES locations;
  • Added: keep a record when a subscriber is unsubscribed;
  • Improved: new design of Premium page;
  • Fixed: custom links color is correctly shown in email editor;
  • Fixed: conflict with Yoast SEO plugin and MailPoet forms.

3.47.6 – 2020-06-23

  • Improved: the unsubscription process to avoid security robots accidentally unsubscribing subscribers. Thanks, Mark!
  • Improved: we’re now using the latest Gutenberg version;
  • Improved: default animations for forms;
  • Improved: added explanation when sending email to multiple lists;
  • Improved: new design for tabs;
  • Improved: trashing and deleting newsletter performance with large lists;
  • Fixed: shortcodes render default values in previews again;
  • Fixed: occasional conflict with other plugins when sending emails due to Content Type;
  • Fixed: conflict with WishList Members plugin when sending all emails with MailPoet. Thanks, Beit!
  • Fixed: sending HTML email from Contact Form 7 plugin.

3.47.5 – 2020-06-16

  • Added: text styles in forms;
  • Added: padding & custom fonts for form’s buttons;
  • Improved: miscellaneous changes to forms;
  • Improved: faster emails listing loading with lots of emails;
  • Improved: show hint, that Automated Latest Content posts are only a preview posts;
  • Improved: more meaningful error message when verifying key;
  • Improved: new design for datepickers;
  • Improved: don’t allow very long email preview text, which would otherwise be trimmed;
  • Fixed: padding of paragraph block in forms;
  • Fixed: showing multiple MailPoet forms in some themes (e.g. Shapely).

3.47.4 – 2020-06-09

  • Added: choose a font for your form;
  • Added: clean your list on import using Clearout service;
  • Improved: sped up installation of MailPoet plugin;
  • Improved: unified design of mobile’s fixed-bar, slide-in & popup forms;
  • Improved: new design for modal windows;
  • Improved: show understandable subscribers counts towards MailPoet limits;
  • Improved: more understandable error message when data in database ale malformed;
  • Improved: clarified sending checkbox value in API docs;
  • Fixed: showing wrong default option in “Send all site’s emails with…” option;
  • Fixed: all Post Notifications will send an email if set up for the same category.

3.47.3 – 2020-06-03

  • Fixed: a bug which caused old posts to be sent.

3.47.2 – 2020-06-02

  • Added: colors for form confirmation and error;
  • Improved: lowercase all MailPoet related email addresses;
  • Improved: render space between paragraphs when using showing post excerpt;
  • Improved: form width, height and mobile responsiveness;
  • Improved: default padding on form elements updated;
  • Improved: signup to any list on WooCommerce checkout;
  • Improved: border controls for forms;
  • Fixed: typo in woocommerce placeholders. Thanks Sarah!

3.47.1 – 2020-05-25

  • Added: background image to form editor;
  • Added: input background color;
  • Fixed: saving should work if the newsletter editor is left open for a long time.

3.47.0 – 2020-05-19

  • Fixed: showing two columns in popup form side by side;
  • Fixed: custom form input padding.

3.46.14 – 2020-05-12

  • Added: show confirmation page when unsubscribing;
  • Improved: divider block in form editor can now be used as a spacer;
  • Improved: MailPoet plugin interface is back to using standard WordPress font;
  • Fixed: conflict with Oxygen Gutenberg integration;
  • Fixed: custom dimensions for the image block in forms;
  • Fixed: saving data for date custom block when subscribed;
  • Fixed: spacing in Form editor sidebar with scrollbar visible.

3.46.13 – 2020-05-04

  • Added: total number of subscribers counted towards MailPoet plan;
  • Added: form border, alignment, & padding;
  • Improved: help button moved to bottom left corner so it doesn’t interfere with sidebar;
  • Improved: allow inserting HTML code to checkbox label in Form editor;
  • Improved: we are now using different font in MailPoet plugin interface;
  • Fixed: sending a test email works for any email address again;
  • Fixed: in Form editor, changing button’s font color won’t change border color;
  • Fixed: sending new subscriber notification twice in some cases.

3.46.12 – 2020-04-27

  • Added: congrats email received when you successfully applied an API key;
  • Added: slide-in form type is now available;
  • Improved: form previews now use your site’s theme;
  • Improved: segments are moved to lists page;
  • Fixed: form custom fields now render correctly in multiple columns. Thanks Ryan!

3.46.11 – 2020-04-21

  • Added: fixed bar form type is now available;
  • Fixed: no more false alarms reported by some anti-viruses;
  • Fixed: the “Send a test email” button is now working again;
  • Fixed: iframes in 3rd party plugins (including Divi, Elementor, and others) are no longer broken.

3.46.10 – 2020-04-15

  • Fixed: sending multiple stats emails.

3.46.9 – 2020-04-14

  • Added: new image block in Form Editor;
  • Fixed: newsletter listings is a bit faster now;
  • Fixed: default list is no longer required when List selection added to form;
  • Fixed: last_name block is no longer required by default in Form Editor;
  • Fixed: renamed List is also renamed in Form Editor;
  • Fixed: missing name for custom checkbox in Form Editor.

3.46.8 – 2020-04-07

  • Improved: email authorization proposed on key activation plugin;
  • Improved: double opt-in is used for the “Subscribe on Checkout” WooCommerce feature;
  • Fixed: list selection autocomplete in subscriber import. Thanks, Matthias!
  • New: pop up form type is now available;
  • All tasks are now unpaused after welcome email reactivation. Thanks Natee!

3.46.7 – 2020-03-31

  • Added: new button styles in the form editor;
  • Fixed: badges in newsletter listings are now displayed correctly;
  • Fixed: customised WooCommerce template may cause error;
  • Fixed: UI issue with mobile preview in form editor;
  • Fixed: archive links work for all logged-in users now.

3.46.6 – 2020-03-24

  • Added: support for custom css classes in the form editor;
  • Added: paragraph block in the form editor;
  • Added: input styles settings in the form editor;
  • Improved: form placement section in the form editor has a new look;
  • Fixed: WooCommerce dynamic segments settings are saved correctly.

3.46.5 – 2020-03-23

  • Fixed: Emptying trash won’t delete all newsletters anymore. Sorry about that

3.46.4 – 2020-03-19

  • Added: Columns block in the form editor;
  • Added: Heading block in the form editor.

3.46.3 – 2020-03-16

  • Fixed: “Manage subscription” page to not unsubscribe subscribers from hidden lists;
  • Fix custom fields without labels on Manage your Subscription page;
  • New AmazonSES regions added, thanks Martijn (@martijnalexion).

3.46.2 – 2020-03-03

  • Editor: delete block confirmation links are white again.

3.46.1 – 2020-02-25

  • Improved: minor changes and fixes.

3.46.0 – 2020-02-17

  • Added: MailPoet now has a Gutenberg block for subscription forms;
  • Improved: preview links now works publicly;
  • Fixed: MailPoet forms that automatically display under a page or post now always work;
  • Fixed: fatal error when post content is null and auto form placement is set;
  • Fixed: built-in captcha case is fixed. Thanks Richard!
  • Fixed: import works without mbstring extension again. Thanks Michele!

3.45.1 – 2020-02-11

  • Added: new option to automatically include signup forms below every post and page;
  • Fixed: css editor in form editor now works.

3.45.0 – 2020-02-04

  • Improved: PHP 7 is now required. Our team jubilates;
  • Fixed: PHP warning from unauthorized email notice;
  • Removed: old form editor has been removed with a new Gutenberg based replacement.

3.44.0 – 2020-01-27

  • Added: all new form editor using Gutenberg;
  • Improved: send subscription confirmation emails to manually added WordPress users;
  • Fixed: importing subscribers broken when importing email address with uppercase and lowercase letters;
  • Fixed: error on MySQL 8.019 or above;
  • Fixed: don’t count WP users towards paid plan subscriber limit.

3.43.1 – 2020-01-22

  • Fixed: broken form widget styling.

3.43.0 – 2020-01-21

  • Improved: clearer messaging and better workflow for activating MailPoet Sending Service and MailPoet Premium;
  • Fixed: syntax error when adding the MailPoet 3 form widget;
  • Fixed: cancelled and incomplete WooCommerce orders from customers no longer show in the segments list;
  • Fixed: hidden lists on the manage subscription page are no longer modified when a user updates their subscription status.

3.42.3 – 2020-01-14

  • Fixed: subscribers moved to the trash no longer count against the subscribers limit.

3.42.2 – 2020-01-07

  • Fixed: incorrect subscriber limit being applied to old plans.

3.42.1 – 2020-01-07

  • Fixed: inactive subscriber detection.

3.42.0 – 2019-12-24

  • Added: new email customizer to design the transactional emails sent by WooCommerce.

3.41.2 – 2019-12-17

  • Improved: Styling for premium page;
  • Fix: Google font not being included correctly;
  • Fix: PHP 7.4 notices.

3.41.1 – 2019-12-10

  • Added: MailPoet can now deliver all of your site’s emails if enabled in settings.
  • Fixed: incorrect DE Formal translation file name.

3.41.0 – 2019-12-03

  • Added: MailPoet is now PHP 7.4 compatible;
  • Fix: shortcodes not working Google Analytics tracking.

3.40.1 – 2019-11-25

  • Improved: minor changes and fixes.

3.40.0 – 2019-11-18

  • Improved: newsletter editor performance;
  • Fix: broken translation string.

3.39.2 – 2019-11-11

  • Fixed: missing text domain for translations;
  • Fixed: bulk trashing of subscribers with user ID of 0.

3.39.1 – 2019-11-05

  • Added: new premium page in the MailPoet admin;
  • Fixed: Linux cron now only runs when set as the task scheduler method;
  • Fixed: WooCommerce segments are now skipped when WooCommerce is not active.

3.39.0 – 2019-10-29

  • Added: Google Analytics tracking is now in free;
  • Fixed: WooCommerce email options not saving;
  • Fixed: the number of posts in a shortcode for emails based on “Clear News” template. Thanks, Gesine!

3.38.1 – 2019-10-22

  • Improved: optimized query for the inactive subscriber task;
  • Fixed: WooCommerce templates shown under the saved templates section when WooCommerce was not installed/enabled;
  • Fixed: Unsubscribe cron task now skips invalid subscribers.

3.38.0 – 2019-10-15

  • Added: WooCommerce functionality is now in free;
  • Added: segmentation is now in free;
  • Fixed: import with custom date fields works again. Thanks Juanjo!
  • Fixed: WooCommerce revenues are now calculated correctly.

3.37.3 – 2019-10-09

  • Fixed: fatal error when sending with special characters in the subject line.

3.37.2 – 2019-10-08

  • Improved: TinyMCE toolbar user experience;
  • Improved: faster loading of the template page when creating a new email;
  • Fixed: assets not loading on the MailPoet captcha page;
  • Fixed: missing translations;
  • Fixed: linux cron now works again;
  • Fixed: blank MailPoet pages on some hosting setups.

3.37.1 – 2019-10-01

  • Added: cron execution parameters can now be customized using WordPress filters. Thanks, @deltafactory!
  • Improved: prevent cron workers from running in parallel;
  • Improved: clearer wording for statistics;
  • Fixed: don’t allow emails with invalid body to be saved/sent;
  • Fixed: MailPoet router now works on all Nginx configurations;
  • Fixed: broken logo on simple text template.

3.37.0 – 2019-09-24

  • Improved: automatic emails now respect the subscription status of a subscriber;
  • Improved: templates display is now easier to navigate;
  • Fixed: inactive subscribers sync works faster on huge databases. Big thanks to TDN sysadmin!
  • Fixed: Fatal error feature_flags table does not exist;
  • Fixed: intro now works correctly for users with restricted admin capabilities;
  • Fixed: lists can no longer be deleted if they have an assigned automatic email;
  • Fixed: WooCommerce customers are no longer unsubscribed from the WooCommerce customers list when updating their subscription.

3.36.0 – 2019-09-17

  • Added: SPF check when sending a preview email;
  • Improved: display relevant articles in beacon;
  • Improved: simplified settings for confirmation emails;
  • Fixed: spell check now works in the newsletter editor;
  • Fixed: newsletter editor not loading when parent_id was set to 0.

3.35.4 – 2019-09-10

  • Improved: resend confirmation emails is now on a subscriber by subscriber basis;
  • Fixed: CSV export no longers require the ZIP extension;
  • Fixed: WooCommerce list counted in List Listings bulk action UI when list is hidden;
  • Fixed: captcha success not being displayed;
  • Fixed: global subscription status for WooCommerce users.

3.35.3 – 2019-09-04

  • Improved: sent Post Notification UI now allows deleting sent Post Notifications;
  • Improved: translation logic;
  • Improved: subscribers, lists, forms, and subscriber engagement listings doesn’t refresh automatically anymore;
  • Improved: read our Knowledge Base articles in the support Beacon, no more new tabs;
  • Improved: processing inactive subscribers;
  • Improved: updated to latest TinyMCE;
  • Fixed: removed WooCommerce checkbox modal for sites where all orders are created with a subscription checkbox on checkout;
  • Fixed: indented lists now display as intended in the designer.

3.35.2 – 2019-08-27

  • Added: referral tracking capabilities;
  • Improved: listing page loading speed, now wicked fast;
  • Improved: preview in browser link text in newsletter templates;
  • Improved: timing of when new customer polls are shown for the first time;
  • Improved: easier mouse drag to resize right aligned images;
  • Improved: unsyncing WooCommerce customers without an additional list sets global status to unsubscribed;
  • Improved: removed link to non-existent privacy policy in default forms on new installs;
  • Improved: content of default confirmation email;
  • Improved: updated privacy policy in API for 3rd party developers;
  • Improved: replaced images that looked blurry on high-res displays;
  • Fixed: issue with color-picker for global and content background colors;
  • Fixed: false positive on system status page for cron;
  • Fixed: post excerpts now exclude image captions. Thx Dieter;
  • Fixed: preview in browser button on statistics page for non-Premium users.

3.35.1 – 2019-08-20

  • Improved: remove WooCommerce customers list on non-WooCommerce websites.

3.35.0 – 2019-08-13

  • Improved: background task execution process now uses less CPU to help with CPU-limited hosts. E.g Siteground;
  • Improved: WooCommerce functionality is out of beta.
  • Fixed: incorrect Linux cron path.
  • Fixed: stats emails for post notifications now work;
  • Fixed: re-sending confirmation emails no longer increases the count_confirmations row in the database if the sending address isn’t authorized.
  • Fixed: WordPress and WooCommerce users status can now be manually changed if they’re unconfirmed.
  • Fixed: php session usage no longer throws a false positive in Health Check that cURL requests timeout.
  • Fixed: WooCommerce customer synchronization task to avoid getting stuck on some sites and use excessive CPU;
  • Fixed: issue where import loader would get stuck while importing a .csv and copying and pasting emails.

3.34.4 – 2019-08-01

  • Fixed: database connection error with MariaDB and MySQL 8 users.

3.34.3 – 2019-07-31

  • Fixed: some users were experiencing a database issue after latest update.

3.34.2 – 2019-07-30

  • Fixed: issue breaking Email listing page with fatal error.

3.34.1 – 2019-07-30

  • Fixed: issue breaking Email listing page with fatal error.

3.34.0 – 2019-07-30

  • Added: track all WooCommerce revenues generated by your newsletters;
  • Added: zero-configuration captcha to protect Mailpoet forms against repeated subscriptions by bots;
  • Added: stats email notifications for all automatic emails;
  • Improved: education of list hygiene on import;
  • Improved: inactive subscriber filtering based on last day subscribed;
  • Fixed: API issue creating subscribers;
  • Fixed: empty [newsletter:post_title] shortcode output when using category exclusion plugins or functions.

3.33.0 – 2019-07-23

  • Improved: shortcode date formatting;
  • Fixed: users who don’t use our sending service or double opt-in can now have WP users added as Confirmed;
  • Fixed: error when importing subscribers from a MailChimp list;
  • Fixed: some users were seeing errors when syncing WooCommerce users due to a mixed-collations database error, it’s fixed.

3.32.2 – 2019-07-16

  • Added: notice about inactive subscribers when many users will be marked inactive;
  • Improved: filtering out WP spam users from WordPress Users lists.

3.32.1 – 2019-07-11

  • Improved: minor changes and fixes.

3.32.0 – 2019-07-09

  • Improved: messages for undo/redo actions.

3.31.1 – 2019-07-03

  • Improved: minor changes and fixes.

3.31.0 – 2019-07-02

  • Improved: better error reporting and admin messages;
  • Improved: known spam registrations to be automatically removed from your “WordPress Users” list;
  • Improved: rendering shortcodes in Stats emails;
  • Fixed: WordPress users to require confirmed opt-in to join your subscribers list.

3.30.0 – 2019-06-25

  • Added: emails can be sent without stopping for certain error types;
  • Added: by popular demand, undo/redo! Use our UI or keyboard shortcuts.
  • Improved: disallow import of role addresses, e.g. postmaster@, to improve deliverability;
  • Improved: notification for users with many inactive subscriber, alerting them that users are being changed to inactive;
  • improved: stats page readability;
  • Improved: bounce sync timing for MSS users;
  • Fixed: misbehaving MailPoet icon in WP Admin now stops hiding itself and other icons;
  • Fixed: some admins were receiving new subscriber notifications twice;
  • Fixed: empty posts widget can now be deleted;
  • Fixed: email rendering was broken for some users when using particular link types;
  • Fixed: display error in sign-up form.

3.29.0 – 2019-06-18

  • Fixed: improved timing of subscribing via the WP registration form to reject subscribers rejected by WP registration protection. Special thanks to customer David for helping troubleshoot this issue.

3.28.0 – 2019-06-04

  • Added: enforcement for authorized sending address for automatic and scheduled emails for new users after March 5;
  • Improvement: authorized sending email enforcement for new users since March 5;
  • Fixed: error when using single or double quotes in sender name.

3.27.0 – 2019-05-28

  • Added: API documentation for developers on;
  • Fixed: email editor’s text editing not working due to TinyMCE conflict with some plugins;
  • Fixed: some translations that could previously be only in English;
  • Fixed: duplicating scheduled newsletters to not include the original scheduled date.

3.26.1 – 2019-05-21

  • Added: Woo Commerce customers now have their own list;
  • Improved: users can now scroll through newsletter content while settings sidebar is open;
  • Fixed: sign-up confirmation no longer overwritten by default sender on page refresh;
  • Fixed: edge cases where blank post notification emails were being sent;
  • Fixed: imported subscribers from MP2 no longer marked inactive by default.

3.26.0 – 2019-05-14

  • Improved: minor change of default email confirmation text;
  • Improved: WooCommerce customer sync with MailPoet lists for stores with 30k or larger customer lists;
  • Fixed: edge case bug where a user with a user_id of 0 would break links in newsletters for some users;
  • Fixed: uncaught TypeError related to deleted segments.

3.25.1 – 2019-05-06

  • Improved: subscriber import speed for users importing many subscribers with many custom fields;
  • Fixed: typo in Product widget;
  • Fixed: conflict with POJO themes in form editor;
  • Fixed: backwards compatibility between wpdb:parse_db_host and WP versions earlier than 4.9;
  • Fixed: bounced subscribers will continue being synchronized when sending is paused and MailPoet Sending Service is used;
  • Fixed: conflict with Thrive Leads where confirmation emails were not being sent.

3.25.0 – 2019-04-29

  • Improved: ALC post fetching consistency;
  • Improved: template preview display;
  • Improved: now able to turn off inactive subscribers feature;
  • Improved: WooCommerce product widget shows price by default now;
  • Improved: updated links to knowledge base for bounced and inactive users;
  • Improved: clarified how subscribers display within lists when unsubscribed;
  • Fixed: issue where bounce task would not run after a failure;
  • Fixed: scheduling calendar respects “week starts on” WordPress setting;
  • Fixed: links with special characters in email body no longer break sending;
  • Fixed: conflict with third-party plugins that was displaying private posts in ALC blocks.

3.24.0 – 2019-04-23

  • Added: add WooCommerce product blocks to your email;
  • Added: an optional way to automatically deactivate inactive subscribers who don’t read your emails;
  • Added: setting to stop sending for inactive subscribers who haven’t opened newsletters in a span of time.

3.23.2 – 2019-04-16

  • Improved: UI clarity and user-friendliness;
  • Improved: security of the plugin. Thanks to Jan van der Put and Harm Blankers of REQON Security for the report!
  • Improved: UX for stats reporting emails;
  • Fixed: subscription confirmation email to include a plain text version of the email. Thanks Mathieu!

3.23.1 – 2019-04-08

  • Added: new email type icons;
  • Improved: clearer steps in welcome wizard;
  • Fixed: added missing translation string;
  • Fixed: previewing unsubscribe page no longer unsubscribes the viewer;
  • Fixed: form validation error message translation strings.

3.23.0 – 2019-04-02

  • Added: 12 fresh new templates;
  • Improved: mouse over highlights entire text block instead of partially;
  • Fixed: post titles with single and double quotes break email rendering in ALC and Post blocks;
  • Fixed: “import again” subscriber import errors fixed;
  • Fixed: Twig conflicts with third party plugins.
  • Fixed: import subscribers with custom fields no longer fails;
  • Fixed: social icon margins;
  • Fixed: updating an imported subscriber no longer triggers welcome email.

3.22.0 – 2019-03-26

  • Improved: minor tweaks and fixes, special thanks to valdrinkoshi for a very helpful PR;
  • Improved: admin notices for authorizing FROM addresses;
  • Fixed: German umlaut characters no longer break JSON encoding and sending on some hosts. Thanks Oliver and others;
  • Fixed: increased limit for visible custom fields in form editor to 40;
  • Fixed: sending post notifications with “Monthly on the…” setting.

3.21.1 – 2019-03-18

  • Improved: better highlighting when resizing widgets in editor;
  • Improved: sending with consistent FROM address;
  • Fixed: db connection issues for connections via socket. Thanks Nicolas!
  • Fixed: react console warnings when sending is paused.

3.21.0 – 2019-03-11

  • Added: backwards compatibility method to fix 3rd party integrations;
  • Added: option to position the title of your post above the excerpt;
  • Added: change the default line heights in Styles sidebar;
  • Improved: human readable error message when mail mail function fails;
  • Fixed: incorrect “authorize your address” link in plugin.

3.20.0 – 2019-03-05

  • Added: requirement for all “from” email addresses to be authorized to enable sending;
  • Added: WooCommerce revenues in stats email notifications;
  • Added: new image for WordPress repo;
  • Improved: adjustments for third-party plugins who do not integrate MailPoet correctly;
  • Improved: email type selection CSS improved to prevent issues with some languages;
  • Fixed: double elements in form editor;
  • Fixed: MailPoet Sending Service can be activated with a key that has an ‘expiring’ status;
  • Fixed: display bug for 1:2 and 2:1 column layouts in editor;
  • Fixed: pagination controls on listings pages.

3.19.3 – 2019-02-26

  • Added: new step in import to educate users about good sending practices during subscriber import;
  • Improved: editor controls;
  • Fixed: issue with duplicating ALC posts.

3.19.2 – 2019-02-19

  • Added: 13 brand new templates;
  • Improved: TinyMCE is hidden on mouse drag;
  • Improved: block and widget controls are hidden on mouse drag;
  • Fixed: cursor position does not get lost with long text on Chrome;
  • Fixed: Mailpoet icon in the Members plugin looks good again.

3.19.1 – 2019-02-12

  • Added: warning against using free email address in “from” fields;
  • Added: updated Instagram icons;
  • Added: new custom font choices;
  • Improved: new design for block controls;
  • Improved: updated width of image setting width input field for better display of 4-digit numbers;
  • Improved: wider vertical drag button for dividers;
  • Improved: align social icons left, center or right;
  • Improved: minor enhancement to controls of elements in editor;
  • Fixed: restored missing X to modal when deleting templates;
  • Fixed: minor adjustments to assist third-party plugins using MailPoet integrations incorrectly;
  • Fixed: when Post Notification send date/time are left as default, we now create a Post Notification with those settings;
  • Fixed: double click on text in TinyMCE keeps formatting.

3.19.0 – 2019-02-05

  • Added: more clarity for image and column block settings. Thanks focus group testers!;
  • Added: further subscription limits to avoid subscription confirmation email abuse;
  • Updated: MailPoet’s logo in footer of emails;
  • Fixed: Linux cron fatal error;
  • Fixed: JS error with WP 5.0 when adding new form;
  • Fixed: buttons in bold show as bold in settings;
  • Fixed: handling of small images with a “Full width” option enabled;
  • Fixed: link colors in text blocks are correctly shown in the inbox;
  • Fixed: announcement sidebar stays closed.

3.18.2 – 2019-01-29

  • Added: by popular demand, new option to receive a summary email of a campaign’s open and click rates;
  • Added: loading animation on subscription form submission;
  • Added: new modal design;
  • Added: first steps for a new WooCommerce customer list;
  • Improved: new warning before sending from a free address, like Gmail;
  • Fixed: issue with some Gutenberg blocks causing a 500 error in ALC with full posts.

3.18.1 – 2019-01-22

  • Added: new assets for WP plugin repo page;
  • Added: nine shiny and new templates for standard, post notification, and WooCommerce emails;
  • Fixed: button’s settings font display fits nicely again;
  • Changed: removed the requirement of having the ZIP PHP extension to use MailPoet 3;

3.18.0 – 2019-01-15

  • Fixed: CSS issues in widget settings;
  • Fixed: CSS for Beamer icon on mobile;
  • Fixed: size slider issue for images without defined dimensions;
  • Fixed: images defaulted to centered in ALC blocks displaying full posts;
  • Added: poll to check status of user’s first send;

3.17.2 – 2019-01-08

  • Fixed: possible conflict with other plugins using webpack. Thanks, Julien;
  • Fixed: creating a new WooCommerce email now defaults to the Woo template page tab instead of standard templates tab;

3.17.1 – 2018-12-19

  • Fixed: premium plugin crash; Thanks, Sebastian!

3.17.0 – 2018-12-18

  • Added: new in-app announcements sidebar. Click the carrot to see;
  • Added: option to toggle between desktop and mobile in Preview in Browser;
  • Improved: minor changes and fixes;
  • Fixed: images in ALC blocks set to display with padding may not render correctly on mobile.

3.16.3 – 2018-12-13

  • Fixed: select all once again selects all;
  • Fixed: Post Notification emails to include post images for posts created with WordPress 5.0;
  • Fixed: restored correct button captions;
  • Fixed: after a brief rebellion, post notification history now displays in an orderly fashion again;

3.16.2 – 2018-12-11

  • Added: new post notification default subject to highlight how to use Subject Line variables;
  • Improved: minor tweaks and fixes;

3.16.1 – 2018-12-05

  • Added: error message for banned senders;
  • Improved: PHP compatibility warning updated to recommend PHP 7.2 or later;
  • Improved: Error handling and display;
  • Improved: timing of hook actions to avoid conflicts with other plugins;
  • Fixed: mailer errors are displayed if they occur when sending a newsletter preview.

3.15.0 – 2018-11-27

  • Improved: plugin ZIP file size is considerably reduced;
  • Fixed: sent and scheduled welcome email counts are displayed correctly;
  • Fixed: hidden honeypot field in subscription form now also hidden in editor;
  • Fixed: email listing renders consistently in PHP 7.0.32;
  • Removed: pluggable.php requirement to avoid conflicts with other plugins.

3.14.1 – 2018-11-20

  • Added: show number of sent and scheduled welcome emails on Welcome Emails listing page;
  • Improved: naming and organization of template categories;
  • Fixed: limits on number of categories and tags which may be selected for ALC increased to 100. Thanks, Radwan!;

3.14.0 – 2018-11-13

  • Added: readme clarified to show we do not support multisite;
  • Added: retina-friendly icon;
  • Added: expanded GDPR information in plugin UI;
  • Added: ten new fonts for use in emails;
  • Improved: post notification email logic;
  • Fixed: new post notification templates aren’t sent without posts;
  • Fixed: missing space in listings returned after brief hiatus;
  • Fixed: pausing post notification history items to not prevent further post notifications from being sent; Thanks, Mathieu!
  • Fixed: JS errors on emails page.

3.13.0 – 2018-11-06

  • Improved: content of default signup confirmation email;
  • Changed: sites using PHP 5.6 will get an old version warning due to no longer receiving security updates after December. Please consider upgrading to PHP 7.2!
  • Changed: end of support for PHP 5.5. Please upgrade to PHP 7.0 or newer!

3.12.1 – 2018-10-30

  • Added: 2:1 and 1:2 column blocks for further newsletter customization;
  • Fixed: conflict with JetPack 6.6 Asset CDN module.

3.12.0 – 2018-10-23

  • Improved: formatting of “from” address for new subscriber emails;
  • Fixed: bulk resend of confirmation emails works again;
  • Fixed: email deletion error in the sending process. Thanks @jensgoro!
  • Fixed: in-app announcement shows properly;
  • Fixed: discount notice is now displayed in all places it was meant to;
  • Fixed: minor style and text changes to announcements;
  • Fixed: in MailPoet API welcome emails are scheduled only if subscriber is confirmed.

3.11.5 – 2018-10-17

  • Fixed: javascript errors resolved;

3.11.4 – 2018-10-16

  • Added: email notifications to administrators when new subscribers subscribe

3.11.3 – 2018-10-09

  • Fixed: Linux cron to work again.

3.11.2 – 2018-10-09

  • Added: Linux cron option for sending emails;
  • Fixed: fatal error for admins who are not also subscribers;
  • Fixed: minor style fixes;
  • Fixed: added missing translation string;
  • Fixed: orphaned tasks cleared after subscribers deleted;
  • Fixed: minor styling issue on schedule page for Mac Chrome users.

3.11.1 – 2018-10-02

  • Fixed: JS assets caching issues;

3.11.0 – 2018-09-25

  • Added: notice for users who’ve migrated from MP2 to MP3;
  • Added: many new templates for newsletters, welcome emails, notifications, and Woo Commerce;
  • Added: improved sending method error handling;
  • Improved: onboarding user experience tweaks and improvements;
  • Fixed: JS warning in the emails section;
  • Fixed: minor translation issues;
  • Fixed: welcome emails removed from Premium page, as they’re free now.

3.10.1 – 2018-09-18

  • Improved: made some error messages clearer

3.10 – 2018-09-11

  • Changed: welcome emails to new subscribers are now free for everyone!
  • Fixed: newsletter footer warning to be displayed if unsubscribe link is missing.

3.9.1 – 2018-09-04

  • Improved: instructions for migrating from MP2 to MP3 clarified;
  • Improved: minor style adjustments for migration tool;
  • Improved: minor fixes to onboarding intro guide;
  • Improved: template page loading times decreased;
  • Fixed: resolved javascript warnings on help page status;
  • Fixed: subscriber status remains persistent after migration from MP2 to MP3 without sign-up confirmation enabled;

3.9.0 – 2018-08-28

  • Improved: email processing in sending queues is now more resilient to invalid data. Thanks Tara!
  • Fixed: replaced WooCommerce image in welcome wizard;
  • Fixed: swapped video in welcome wizard with an updated one;
  • Fixed: welcome wizard button displays properly for all users;
  • Fixed: permission error when bypassing data import after new install or reset;
  • Fixed: added indexes to some foreign keys which were missing;
  • Fixed: error displaying number of exported users;
  • Fixed: export search function restored;
  • Fixed: prevent third party APIs from adding data incorrectly via MailPoets API.

3.8.6 – 2018-08-21

  • Improved: compatibility with caching plugins

3.8.5 – 2018-08-14

  • Changed: End of support for PHP 5.3 and 5.4. Please upgrade to PHP 7.0 or newer!
  • Added: improved compatibility with sites cached by server
  • Added: setup wizard for new users;
  • Fixed: plugin activation for new installs to not crash with white screen;
  • Fixed: slow sending on sites with a lot of sent newsletters.

3.8.4 – 2018-08-07

  • Added: activation prompt for Mailpoet Sending Service when API key is verified;
  • Added: next scheduled tasks now display in sending queue status;
  • Added: new additional save button to the top of editor page;

3.8.3 – 2018-08-01

  • Fixed: resolved potential duplicate sending issue.

3.8.2 – 2018-07-31

  • Added: more useful sending status information in Help page.

3.8.1 – 2018-07-24

  • Adicionado: agora você pode usar imagens como fundo de colunas no seu layout;
  • Added: notification if cron ping does not work correctly during first sending attempt;
  • Adicionado: ícone novo, e mais bonito, do tipo de e-mail;
  • Adicionado: Suporte à TLS 1.2 para Swifmailer para prevenir problemas de envio usando SMTP;
  • Adicionado: mensagens de erro vindas do serviço de envio foram atualizadas;
  • Adicionado: a aba de método de envio está mais clara para encourajar o uso do nosso plano gratuito de envio;
  • Fixed: “Create New Form” link in subscription widget now creates a new form again;
  • Corrigido: chamada à ação para o MailPoet Sending Service foi removida para usuários que já utilizam nosso serviço de envio.

3.8 – 2018-07-17

  • Fixed: proper spacing between paragraphs in full post is now respected;
  • Fixed: deleting users who have opened one newsletter correctly records data for GDPR;
  • Fixed: sending tasks are paused when welcome email is deactivated. Thanks, Seng;
  • Fixed: can send when default sender is not set;
  • Atualizado: Mensagem de validação da API atualizada para refletir incompatibilidades com localhost.

3.7.8 – 2018-06-26

  • Added: support for long URLs in newsletter links;
  • Fixed: controls in editor display correctly;
  • Fixed: full post ALC content now displays post images;

3.7.7 – 2018-06-20

  • Changed: MailPoet 3 to no longer work with PHP version 5.3 or older. Please upgrade to PHP 7!
  • Added: exit user survey;
  • Added: retina display optimized images for MailPoet 3 WordPress plugin entry;
  • Fixed: welcome emails are not being sent;
  • Fixed: non-Premium users now see a proper call to action for WooCommerce automatic email events;
  • Fixed: errors when using Title Only and Display as List setting in ALC content block;
  • Fixed: API reports errors when confirmation emails aren’t sent. Thanks, Team BrainstormForce;
  • Fixed: in some cases, button fonts in newsletter would display in preview incorrectly;
  • Fixed: using double quotes cause rendering issues;
  • Fixed: MailPoet translation string should not be available on;
  • Fixed: word “beta” is duplicated on WooCommerce automatic email select screen;

3.7.6 – 2018-06-12

  • Fixed: Woocommerce email template thumbnail overflowing over content.
  • Fixed: Newsletters created before 3.7.4 now follow featured image display rules implemented in latest release;
  • Fixed: form subscription success message is now displayed only upon form submission. Thanks, Mariener;
  • Fixed: it is now possible to delete smaller content rows;
  • Improved: welcome emails to unconfirmed subscribers not to block sending. Thanks, Donald!
  • Improved: layout for welcome and update pages.

3.7.5 – 2018-06-05

  • Added: align images left or right of posts excerpts;
  • Fixed: post content block image alignment issues.

3.7.4 – 2018-05-30

  • Added: What’s New page no longer shows after every update;
  • Improved: template selection page thumbnails are larger;
  • Improved: updating post notification emails no longer triggers duplicate emails;
  • Improved: translation enhancements.

3.7.3 – 2018-05-22

  • Improved: updated dependency libraries to latest versions;
  • Improved: performance of scheduling new welcome emails on sites with many of new subscribers. Thanks Donald;
  • Fixed: subscriber import tool no longer complains about filenames with multiple periods;
  • Fixed: scheduled send tasks are properly rescheduled when updating their parent newsletter’s options;
  • Fixed: paused post notification emails to not block sending of other emails;
  • Fixed: newsletter subject line with shortcodes does not break sending when using our sending service. Thanks, James;
  • Fixed: subscription forms to return less information about the subscriber.

3.7.2 – 2018-05-15

  • Added: list of emails a subscriber viewed to GDPR data export;
  • Added: list of links a subscriber clicked to GDPR data export;
  • Added: a tool to forget subscriber’s information for GDPR related data erasure;
  • Added: Privacy policy which can be used by WordPress’s privacy tool in compliance with GDPR;
  • Improved: performance for sites using many post notification emails. Thanks Jose!
  • Fixed: Javascript warnings on segments page are removed.
  • Fixed: custom field values longer than 255 characters can be stored. Thanks Scott!

3.7.1 – 2018-05-08

  • Added: export of subscriber information (email, personal data and subscription lists) to WordPress 4.9.6 and newer versions in compliance with GDPR requirements;
  • Added: notice for those who use legacy PHP versions (<5.6) – MailPoet recommends upgrading to PHP 7.0 or newer!
  • Improved: sending resource usage has been optimized for large sites. Thanks, Jose;
  • Improved: it is now easier to navigate away from the welcome/changelog page;
  • Fixed: functionality to pause and resume sending is restored;
  • Fixed: proper sent count is now displayed for welcome notifications. Merci Sébastien!

3.7.0 – 2018-04-25

  • Fixed: subscriber search functionality fixed.

3.6.7 – 2018-04-24

  • Fixed: duplicates in the database will not stop scheduled newsletters anymore.

3.6.6 – 2018-04-17

  • Fixed: missing database records no longer break the sending process. Thanks, Catalin;

3.6.5 – 2018-04-10

  • Premium: subscriber export tool now supports dynamic segments;
  • Improved: sending was optimized for large newsletters and slow hosts. Thanks, Alison;
  • Fixed: help icon functionality was restored for all users.

3.6.4 – 2018-04-03

  • Fixed: editing sent emails will not remove them from email archive. Thanks David!

3.6.3 – 2018-03-28

  • Fixed: scheduled emails can now be sent normally again. Thanks Neil;
  • Fixed: sending to dynamic segments (Premium feature). Thanks to Jilfar;
  • Fixed: changing the background colour of column layouts no longer corrupts their display. Thanks Neil!

3.6.2 – 2018-03-21

  • Fixed: sending is faster and uses less resources on sites with large number of emails. Thanks Donald and Hostek support team!
  • Fixed: scheduled newsletter task no longer runs non-stop when “site visitor” option is enabled. Thanks to @amedic, @conorsboyd and @aspasa for reporting the issue on the forum!

3.6.1 – 2018-03-20

  • Fixed: prevents sending from being paused for long time during plugin update. Big thanks to Deborah, Kelley, Ciro and Justin!

3.6.0 – 2018-03-20

  • Improved: previously used widgets settings in the designer are automatically saved to save you time;
  • Improved: welcome emails are now sent with our API’s subscribeToList method, and not just addSubscriber. Thanks to Sandra and Donald;
  • Improved: less server resources are required to send to very large number of subscribers;
  • Improved: shortcodes can be used inside URLs when click tracking is enabled. Thanks to Bob;
  • Fixed: more reliable screenshots of your email templates;

3.5.1 – 2018-03-13

  • Improved: email validation for WordPress user synchronization;
  • Fixed: import no longer discards e-mails with dashes. A big thank-you to everyone who reported the issue;
  • Fixed: sending does not get stuck on the last step of the newsletter creation process. Thanks, Rene!

3.5.0 – 2018-03-06

  • Premium: bulk actions can now be executed on subscribers belonging to a selected segment;
  • Improved: a proper error page is displayed if user credentials can’t be verified when clicking a tracked newsletter link. Thanks, Bernhard;
  • Fixed: MailPoet polyfills missing mbstring function for WordPress core. Thanks Dioni!

3.4.4 – 2018-02-27

  • Premium: send emails to WooCommerce customers who purchased a specific product or in a specific product category;
  • Improved: the template import form is now in its own tab;
  • Fixed: subscriber-to-list mappings are now migrated correctly on some installations; Thanks Kevin!
  • Fixed: newsletter editor ignores taxonomies without labels when searching for categories or tags. Thanks Jose!

3.4.3 – 2018-02-20

  • Improved: export includes IP address column and differentiates between global and list subscription status;
  • Improved: email designer checks if “Automatic Latest Content” widget is present in Post Notification emails.

3.4.2 – 2018-02-13

  • Premium: you can now segment your subscribers by opened/clicked/unopened events;
  • Improved: default post search parameters inside newsletter editor can be manually changed using a custom WordPress filter. Thanks Jose Salazar;
  • Fixed: saving email templates when website uses both HTTP and HTTPS protocols.

3.4.1 – 2018-02-06

  • Fixed: previously saved templates are now under “Your saved templates”;
  • Improved: imported templates with no matching category are now added to “Your saved templates”.

3.4.0 – 2018-01-30

  • Added: choices of templates are now categorized for clarity;
  • Fixed: plugin activation to be able to create all plugin tables with MySQL strict mode enabled. Thank you @deltafactory!
  • Fixed: importing subscribers with custom fields. Thanks again @deltafactory!

3.3.6 – 2018-01-23

  • Added: optional reCAPTCHA to protect subscription forms from fake signups.

3.3.5 – 2018-01-16

  • Added: additional tools for our support team to mitigate sending issues;

3.3.4 – 2018-01-09

  • Fixed: the plugin no longer spams the same post notification email to subscribers. Thank you Mark, Bruno, Peter, Aaron, PJ, Silowe, Eytan, Beverly and others for your help!
  • Fixed: public assets are loaded for shortcode/PHP form placement methods. Thanks Ehsan!

3.3.3 – 2018-01-02

  • Improved: Welcome emails are now sent for subscribers manually created by administrators;
  • Improved: content deletion in email designer to more clearly warn about what is being deleted;
  • Improved: HelpScout beacon no longer obstructs pagination in listings.

3.0.0 – 2017-09-20

  • Official launch of the new MailPoet. 🙂
  • Improved: MailPoet 3 now works with other plugins that use a supported version of Twig templating engine. Thanks @supsysticcom;
  • Added: we now offer a free sending plan for “2000” subscribers or less. Thx MailPoet!

3.0.0-rc.1.0.0 – 2017-08-01

  • Melhorado: o MailPoet 3 já não está em Beta!
  • Melhorado: as citações nos posts agora são exibidas nos e-mails; Obrigado @newslines!
  • Melhorado: um preenchimento inferior é adicionado a cada último elemento de uma coluna, exceto se for a imagem de largura total;
  • Corrigido: os valores-limite de envio recomendados são atualizados corretamente quando o método de envio é modificado;
  • Corrigido: a página da lista de newsletters de boas-vindas agora carrega mais rápido; Obrigado Luc!
  • Corrigido: [newsletter:post_title] exibe corretamente os títulos dos tipos de post personalizados; Obrigado Adrian!
  • Corrigido: as imagens dos posts são exibidas nas posições esperadas; Obrigado Gary!

3.0.0-beta.1 – 2016-10

  • Versão beta pública inicial.