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ICEA Advertising Guidelines & Standards

ICEA is a professional organization that supports educators and health care professionals who believe in freedom to make decisions based on knowledge of alternatives in family-centered perinatal and newborn care. ICEA promotes pregnancy and birth as a normal physiologic process.

We accept a wide variety of advertisements that support its mission. In general, ICEA accepts ads for products and services that support and/or promote:

  • Childbirth education
  • Breastfeeding
  • Midwifery
  • Doula support
  • Optimal health for pregnant people and/or newborns

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What We Don't Accept

We do not accept ads for products and/or services with no research to support their efficacy or safety, or if research has shown the product or service to be harmful in any way. We cannot accept ads for products or services that directly compete with those offered by ICEA. Advertisements we will not accept include but are not limited to:

  • Infant formula
  • Supplements not approved by the FDA for pregnant or lactating people or newborns
  • Substances such as alcohol or tobacco that may not contribute to optimal health
  • Medical procedures that have not been deemed necessary and/or safe for pregnant or lactating people


In general, when determining whether an advertisement is appropriate for us, ICEA will follow the policies set forth by the World Health Organization, the United Nations, the American Academy of Pediatrics, the Coalition for Improving Maternity Services, the U.S. Breastfeeding Committee, and similar organizations. All advertisements are subject to review and will be accepted at the sole discretion of the ICEA executive board and ICEA management.

Advertising Opportunities

We thank you for considering advertising with ICEA. We welcome partnering with you to help promote and support families in the perinatal period. Please contact our office if you are interested in updated specific information and pricing.

Conference participation

  • ICEA’s biannual conference reaches a wide audience of perinatal professionals
  • Ask us about the many ways you can be represented and promote your organization at our conference

Member newsletter

  • A newsletter is sent to ICEA’s members and professionals. There are various ways you can present your logo, an ad promoting your event or organization, or a banner for a particular topic we cover.

Become a partner

  • Our partners share similar philosophies and goals and engage in cross promotion of each other’s programs and services
  • Partner logos are displayed on our website homepage with a link to web page of your choice
  • May offer special services or discounts to our members
  • Creative partnerships encouraged, so please reach out with new ideas!

Advertise with ICEA

Reach our global audience of childbirth educators and doulas while supporting our mission. Let's work together!

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