What we're about

The NYC NoSQL & NewSQL Group
(formerly known as The NYC MySQL Group)
is the world’s largest database Meetup!

Official URL: http://www.NYCSQL.com

HD-Video of our previous events is regularly posted to our YouTube channel http://goo.gl/Y0MHCL and published to the Database Month website http://www.DBMonth.com


Learn amazing new data tech from technology creators, founders & tech execs CEO / CTO / CIO / VP.

All of our presentations are geared for a general-audience of people interested in database technologies; many events go into deep-tech but always include prerequisite knowledge so that all attendees (beginners to advanced) can expect to be able to grasp the concepts and leave much more knowledgeable.

SQL NYC is the world's largest database community on Meetup, focusing on NoSQL, NewSQL & Big Data.

Prior speakers have included:
- Creator of MySQL
- Both founders, CEO and CTO, of MongoDB
- Inventor of PHP
- Chief Technical Officer of the City of New York
- Founder of Microsoft Azure DocumentDB
- CEO of Couchbase
...and the list goes on...

About our SQL NYC community, written by Edward Oates:
(Ed Oates co-founded Oracle Corporation with Larry Ellison)

Data is at the center of our technological revolution: acquiring it, accessing it, searching it, analyzing it, and securing it. Nearly everything else we do is to provide a user friendly window for those activities.

Gathering to learn about data management and security is a vital activity to motivate the innovators who will sustain our technological progress and who will make the break through inventions that advance us by leaps rather than steps.

Database Month Festival (http://www.DatabaseMonth.com)
To remain cutting-edge, we host the biannual Database Month (http://www.DBMonth.com) festival, focusing on:


NoSQL including MongoDB, Couchbase, Aerospike, CouchDB, Redis, Riak, Cloudant

NewSQL such as NuoDB, VoltDB, MemSQL

MySQL forks & alternatives like Clustrix, MariaDB, Percona, Drizzle

Big data technologies like Hadoop, Cassandra, MarkLogic, HPCC

Did you know that Techie Youth (http://www.TechieYouth.org) is the ONE-AND-ONLY organization providing career-opportunities to severely-at-risk foster-youth in New York?

Techie Youth (http://www.TechieYouth.org) is a 501c3 not-for-profit charity of NYC that provides technology-education, followed by assistance beginning an IT-career, to at-risk youth in NYC & Long Island who are in foster-care and classified as being severely-at-risk of becoming homeless and/or incarcerated in the next 18-24 months.

These kids need YOU, they have nobody else. Please help them. Learn how at https://www.TechieYouth.org

Past events (301)

Photos (7,204)