
O Uicipeid
sovereign state, secular state, dùthaich, Poblachd
Pàirt deAimearaga-Laideannach, Aimearaga a Deas, Southern Cone, Hispanic America Deasaich
Cur air cois1825 Deasaich
Ainm oifigeilRepúbilca Oriental del Uruguay, la République orientale de l’Uruguay, Oriental Republic of Uruguay Deasaich
Ainm dùthchasachRepública Oriental del Uruguay Deasaich
FarainmEl Paisito, La Suiza de América Deasaich
Short name🇺🇾, URY, UY, Uruguay Deasaich
Ainmichte às dèidhUruguay River Deasaich
Cànan oifigeilSpàinntis Deasaich
AnthemNational Anthem of Uruguay Deasaich
Cultureculture of Uruguay Deasaich
MottoLiberty or Death Deasaich
Mòr-roinnAimearaga a Deas Deasaich
DùthaichUruguaidh Deasaich
Prìomh-bhaileMontevideo Deasaich
Faisg air an uisgeUruguay River, Río de la Plata, Cuan Siar Deasaich
Domhan-leud is -fhad33°0′0″D 56°0′0″I Deasaich
Coordinates of easternmost point32°39′16″D 53°11′5″I Deasaich
Coordinates of northernmost point30°5′10″D 56°59′38″I Deasaich
Coordinates of southernmost point34°58′25″D 54°57′7″I, 35°1′53″D 54°53′4″I Deasaich
Coordinates of westernmost point33°40′55″D 58°26′17″I Deasaich
Highest pointCerro Catedral Deasaich
Lowest pointCuan Siar Deasaich
Basic form of governmentPoblachd, participatory democracy, presidential system Deasaich
Office held by head of statePresident of Uruguay Deasaich
Ceannard na stàiteLuis Alberto Lacalle Pou Deasaich
Office held by head of governmentPresident of Uruguay Deasaich
Ceannard an riaghaltaisLuis Alberto Lacalle Pou Deasaich
Executive bodyUruguay Presidency Deasaich
Legislative bodyGeneral Assembly of Uruguay Deasaich
Highest judicial authoritySupreme Court of Uruguay Deasaich
Central bankCentral Bank of Uruguay Deasaich
Roinn-tìdeUTC−03:00, America/Montevideo Deasaich
CurrencyUruguayan peso Deasaich
Crìoch còmhla riBraisil, An Argantain Deasaich
Driving sideright Deasaich
Electrical plug typeEuroplug, Schuko, AS/NZS 3112, Type L Deasaich
Na bh’ann roimheCisplatina Province, Provincia Oriental Deasaich
Language usedSpàinntis, Uruguayan Sign Language Deasaich
Duais a fhuair eThe Economist country of the year Deasaich
Làrach-lìnhttps://www.gub.uy/ Deasaich
HashtagUruguay Deasaich
Top-level Internet domain.uy Deasaich
Bratachflag of Uruguay Deasaich
Coat of armscoat of arms of Uruguay Deasaich
Feartfree country Deasaich
Geography of topicgeography of Uruguay Deasaich
History of topichistory of Uruguay Deasaich
Railway traffic sideleft, right Deasaich
Open data portalUruguay Open Data Portal Deasaich
Economy of topiceconomy of Uruguay Deasaich
Demographics of topicdemographics of Uruguay Deasaich
Mobile country code748 Deasaich
Country calling code+598 Deasaich
Emergency phone number911 Deasaich
GS1 country code773 Deasaich
Licence plate codeUY Deasaich
Maritime identification digits770 Deasaich
Caractar Unicode🇺🇾 Deasaich
Category for mapsCategory:Maps of Uruguay Deasaich

'S e dùthaich ann an Aimearaga a Deas a tha ann an Uruguaidh[1][2][3], (Spàinntis:República Oriental del Uruguay, IPA:reˈpuβlika oɾjenˈtal del uɾuˈɣwai). Tha crìochan aice sa tuath le Braisil agus san iar leis an Argantain. Tha an Cuan Siar san ear-dheas dhith. ‘S e an darna dùthaich neo-eisimeileach as lugha a tha ann an Aimearaga a Deas. Tha mu 3.46 millean duine a’ fuireach ann an Uruguaidh, ach tha mu 1.7 millean a’ fuireach anns an àrd-bhaile Montevideo fhèin. [4] Tha àiteachas gu math cudthromach airson eaconomaidh Uruguaidh. Tha 10% den GDP a’ tighinn às a’ ghnìomhachas seo.

Eachdraidh[deasaich | deasaich an tùs]

Chuireadh às do tràilleachd an seo ann an 1842.[5]

Iomraidhean[deasaich | deasaich an tùs]

  1. Atlas Sgoile Oxford le Stòrlann Nàiseanta, Oxford University Press (2010)
  2. Am Faclair Beag
  3. Map-balla an t-Saoghail, Stòrlann Nàiseanta (2003), ISBN 0007692714
  4. CIA - The World Factbook – Uruguaidh

Ceanglaichean a-mach[deasaich | deasaich an tùs]

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