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  • Civil Registrations – Servicing Digitally

    November 14, 2022
    Amit Agarwal
    Senior Technical Director
    Civil Registrations – Servicing Digitally

    Birth registration is a fundamental step towards good governance and a vital element in the fostering of democratic processes. Not only does the process of registration allow effective administration and bring children to the notice of decision-makers, it is the official and positive recognition of…

  • Land IDeas

    August 17, 2022
    Dr. P. Gayatri
    Senior Technical Director
    Land IDeas

    Yet another ID?! Yes, this time it is for a piece of Land!! As humans we hold several IDs, a Citizen ID, Driver License ID, Voter ID, Bank Account Number and so on, issued by different agencies depending on the context. Let us discuss a…

  • Metaverse – The Start of a New Era of Government Services

    May 9, 2022
    Dr. P. Gayatri
    Senior Technical Director
    Metaverse – The Start of a New Era of Government Services

    In February 2022, a couple from Tamilnadu hosted their wedding reception in a digital, virtual world. Joined by 6000 odd guests attired in “Digital Avatars”, this has been termed as the first “Metaverse wedding reception” in Asia. The Metaverse has been a trendy topic in…

  • Premier Institute Identifier for Education

    April 29, 2022
    Shri Rajender Sethi
    Deputy Director General, NIC
    Premier Institute Identifier for Education

    Premier Institute Identifier for Education On completion of school education, a student seeks admissions in Higher Education, Vocational Education to develop occupational skills or Sports Academy. Similar to the process of admissions in Schools, the students look out for a list of higher education institutes…

  • DevSecOps-Securing Cyber Security

    March 21, 2022
    Shri G Mayil Muthu Kumaran
    Deputy Director General
    DevSecOps-Securing Cyber Security

    DevSecOps ‘DevSecOps’ is recently gathering hype in the domain of software development to secure an application from within. DevSecOps also known as Secure DevOps, is an extension of DevOps with security abbreviated as ‘Sec’. DevSecOps essentially emphasizes integrating security from the initial stages of the…

  • Understanding Low-Code No-Code (LCNC) Platforms

    February 14, 2022
    Shri Deepak Chandra Misra
    Deputy Director General, NIC
    Understanding Low-Code No-Code (LCNC) Platforms

    Background The IT-enabling units of most organizations face tremendous pressure to develop and deploy software applications rapidly as per end-user expectations. New software developments are often put on hold or delayed simply because of shortage of skilled resources and a backlog of operations and maintenance…

  • Identities/Identifiers

    February 4, 2022
    Shri Rajender Sethi
    Deputy Director General, NIC

    The registration numbers (say student registration number was allotted by an education board) are issued to uniquely identify entities. It makes easier to maintain information and track progress or activities related to an entity within manual register-based systems. With the digitization of records, primary/foreign keys…

  • Personal Education Number

    January 3, 2022
    Shri Rajender Sethi
    Deputy Director General, NIC
    Personal Education Number

    A child starts its learning journey from a play school followed by primary, secondary, any other higher/professional or vocational education with multiple touch points involving many entities (schools, college, universities, education boards, sports academy, financial institutions etc.). In the current scenario, all these entities maintain…

  • Role of Information Technology in Public Policy Formulation and Implementation

    December 22, 2021
    Shri Deepak Chandra Misra
    Deputy Director General, NIC
    Role of Information Technology in Public Policy Formulation and Implementation

    The phrase ‘public policy’ is used in everyday parlance during the discussions in public domain with respect to the policies such as agriculture policy, health policy, foreign investment policy, economic policy, labour policy, education policy and so on. A policy is defined as a course…

  • Measuring Rural e-Governance

    November 17, 2021
    Shri Deepak Chandra Misra
    Deputy Director General, NIC
    Measuring Rural e-Governance

    India is predominantly a rural country with two-third population and 70% workforce residing in rural areas. Rural economy constitutes nearly 50% of the National Income. Thus, the rural population’s sustained growth and development is critical to the overall growth and inclusive development. Those living in…

  • Improving Governance through Data Science

    November 8, 2021
    Shri Deepak Chandra Misra
    Deputy Director General, NIC
    Improving Governance through Data Science

    The massive proliferation of digital technology has resulted in generation of huge amount of digital data and growing immensely – from web data to e-commerce to fintech to stock markets to scientific research to governance to mobile devices to social media to IoT devices; the…

  • Proctoring Based Online eXamination

    November 8, 2021
    Ms Kabita Roy Das
    DDG & SIO Odisha
    Proctoring Based Online eXamination

    In the education sector during this pandemic, many examinations had to be cancelled and due to lack of a proper cheating detection mechanism exams could not be conducted online from home. Online examination is such a use case where not only AI but also Cloud…

  • Pervasive Computing

    October 14, 2021
    Shri Deepak Chandra Misra
    Deputy Director General, NIC
    Pervasive Computing

    Digital technology has permeated the everyday life of majority of the population – wake up alarm, weather alert, fitness tracking, diet plan, travel itinerary, shopping, communication, workplace, cars, education, personal finance, entertainment and so on. The profound interlacing of the human and technology has made…

  • Data Driven Government

    August 10, 2021
    Dr Neeta Verma
    Director General, NIC
    Data Driven Government

    In this 21st century of Digital Transformation, we often hear that Data is the new oil, data is the new fuel and data is the oxygen that holds immense untapped potential in it. Every second, individuals, as well as organizations, are generating a huge amount…

  • API Management

    July 12, 2021
    G. Mayil Muthu Kumaran
    Deputy Director General
    API Management

    With the advancement of technology, more and more software and applications are being developed at a rapid pace. There is an ever-increasing need for applications to negotiate with each other, share data and work together. Such needs can be fulfilled by API (Application Programming Interface).…

  • From Projects to Products for Digital Governance

    May 29, 2021
    Dr Neeta Verma
    Director General, NIC
    From Projects to Products for Digital Governance

    With each passing day, we have witnessed technology permeating deep into our lives. Organizations around the world are harnessing the true potential of technology for creating Innovative Solutions that can benefit society at large. Our journey at the National Informatics Centre (NIC) has been a…

  • Software Quality in Focus

    March 26, 2021
    G. Mayil Muthu Kumaran
    Deputy Director General
    Software Quality in Focus

    In today’s world of technology, the citizens look for the best of services with convenience and intuitive response. Since the inception of the Digital India initiative, digital empowerment of citizens, coupled with governance and infrastructure support has been the need of the hour. Citizen-centric delivery…

  • Empowering E-Governance through GIS – BHARATMAPS

    March 19, 2021
    Shri Vishnu Chandra
    Deputy Director General, NIC
    Empowering E-Governance through GIS – BHARATMAPS

    Information Technology, as a cross-cutting frontier of knowledge, has opened several new vistas of applications for daily needs of the civil society. One of them is Geographical Information System (GIS) technology, which is rapidly becoming a catalyst for several transformational changes in the world mainly…

  • Artificial Intelligence in the hands of Change Makers

    February 11, 2021
    Sharmistha Dasgupta
    Deputy Director General & Head, CoE in AI
    Artificial Intelligence in the hands of Change Makers

    Let us ask what inspires us, our life, our family, hobbies, making money, taking an international flight, travelling to exotic destinations? Well, did anybody think of ‘work’? OK but what type of work, not the mundane go-to office, process the file, do some gup-shup and…

  • Journey with Blockchain Technology

    January 29, 2021
    Ms. Jayanthi S
    Deputy Director General, NIC
    Journey with Blockchain Technology

    National Informatics Centre (NIC) has been providing state-of-the-art technological solutions to the Central and State Government Departments for several decades. NIC Centres across the country have designed and developed applications at the District, State, and National levels. While the software and databases of different departments…

  • ServicePlus – A Versatile and Secure Solution for Service Delivery

    January 22, 2021
    Shri Deepak Chandra Misra
    Deputy Director General, NIC
    ServicePlus – A Versatile and Secure Solution for Service Delivery

    ServicePlus makes all Government services accessible to the common man in his locality through delivery outlets. It ensures efficiency, transparency, and reliability of such services at an affordable price to the common man.” e-Governance is the use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) at all…

  • Journey of GePNIC and its Impact

    January 6, 2021
    Ms Usha Saxena
    Sr Technical Director, NIC
    Journey of GePNIC and its Impact

    eProcurement is one of the flagship projects of NIC which has brought many laurels to the organization. Its country wide implementation and buyers switching from bespoke systems to GePNIC highlights the domain expertise of NIC. The seed for GePNIC was sown way back in 2005-2006…

  • eTransport MMP: Wheel of Growth & Prosperity

    December 23, 2020
    Joydeep Shome
    Deputy Director General, NIC
    eTransport MMP: Wheel of Growth & Prosperity

    Quick Overview Road Transport is considered as one of the prime movers of a country’s economy. It offers a vital link between production and consumption, particularly when it comes to the last mile/door step delivery of services. Further, road transport needs comparatively lesser expenditure, and…

  • Direct Benefit Transfer – A blessing during the time of Pandemic

    October 13, 2020
    Dipankar Sengupta
    Deputy Director General, NIC
    Direct Benefit Transfer – A blessing during the time of Pandemic

    Direct Benefit Transfer or DBT has travelled a long path since its early initiation by Government of India on 1 January 2013 to change the mechanism of transferring cash subsidies and benefits.The program was aimed at transfer of subsidies and

  • Overcoming Challenges in Crisis Times

    July 10, 2020
    Dr Savita Dawar
    Deputy Director General, NIC
    Overcoming Challenges in Crisis Times

    National Informatics Centre (NIC) has been instrumental for over four decades in steering diverse ICT applications at various levels in the government. These applications today form the key components of the Digital India framework that has set the path to transform India into a digital…

  • Lockdown diaries

    July 6, 2020
    Shri Nagesh Shastri
    Deputy Director General, NIC
    Lockdown diaries

    When the COVID-19 had just started rearing its head, as a precautionary measure, number of officers including outsourced resources required to attend office daily was judiciously pruned, keeping in view the social distancing required to contain the spread. Much planning also went into enabling people…

  • Citizen Services and ICT in Covid19 Pandemic

    June 22, 2020
    Shri Ajay Singh Chahal
    SIO, Himachal Pradesh
    Citizen Services and ICT in Covid19 Pandemic

    Covid19 pandemic in India is part of world-wide situation of corona virus disease, seriously affecting the way we speak, walk, interact socially, transact business, work in office, seek treatment and all. The lockdowns have continued since March 2020 and police, medical staff, essential service providers…

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