Web Payments at W3C

The Open Web Platform is Transforming Payments

To help ensure that the Web evolves to meet new industry needs, we’re convening e-commerce companies, payment service providers, card networks, banks, browser vendors, and others to shape the way Web Payments are developed, to discuss topics such as:

  • Reducing cart abandonment rates.
  • Streamlining authentication and reducing fraud.
  • Fostering digital payment method innovation.
  • The impact of emerging regulations on Web architecture and capabilities.
  • Harmonization with other standards efforts such as FIDO and EMVCo.

Payments at W3C

The overarching goal of W3C is to create and provide Open Web Standards. To help us achieve that goal, it’s imperative that those with interest and knowledge about Web Payments and Security get involved with the Consortium. The more voices and ideas we have, the better we can implement these standards.

collection of web payments iconsW3C has two main Web Payment-focused groups. The Web Payment Working Group works to create and implement software and APIs to make web payments easier and more secure. The Web Payment Security Interest Group provides a forum for discussion and implementation of new security standards. It also allows members to discover and fix gaps in interoperability of W3C’s standards and APIs.

By joining these W3C Web Payments groups, you have the ability to discuss and drive the standards produced by W3C. The conversations occurring in the groups concern both current and future standards, constantly aiming to make the Web a better place to buy and sell. You have the ability to take part in guiding the future of the web. Voice your concerns and ideas, and keep the future of the Web bright!

What are we doing right now?

  • Focusing on deliverable APIs to increase the convenience and security of Web Payments
  • Increasing security across the field of payments on the Web
  • Gathering voices to guide the next phase of payments on the Web

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