
W3C Advisory Committee Elects Advisory Board in Special Election

17 January 2023 | Archive

Logo for the W3C Advisory BoardThe W3C Advisory Committee has elected the following people to fill four seats in a special election of the W3C Advisory Board: Qing An (Alibaba Group), Tantek Çelik (Mozilla Foundation), Elika J Etemad (W3C Invited Expert), Charles Nevile (ConsenSys). Many thanks to the 11 candidates.

The newly elected participants join continuing Advisory Board fellows Heejin Chung (Samsung), Wei Ding (Huawei), Tatsuya Igarashi (Sony), Florian Rivoal (W3C Invited Expert), Tzviya Siegman (Wiley), Avneesh Singh (DAISY Consortium), Chris Wilson (Google).

Many thanks to David Singer (Apple), Eric Siow (Intel), Léonie Watson (TetraLogical), and Hongru Zhu (Alibaba) who stepped down to focus on being members of the W3C Board of Directors.

Created in March 1998, the Advisory Board provides ongoing guidance to the W3C Team on issues of strategy, management, legal matters, process, and conflict resolution. The Advisory Board manages the evolution of the Process Document. The elected Members of the Advisory Board participate as individual contributors and not representatives of their organizations. Advisory Board participants use their best judgment to find the best solutions for the Web, not just for any particular network, technology, vendor, or user. Read more about the Advisory Board and its work.

W3C invites implementations of WoT Thing Description 1.1, WoT Discovery and WoT Architecture 1.1

19 January 2023 | Archive

The Web of Things (WoT) Working Group invites implementations of the following Candidate Recommendations:

  • Web of Things (WoT) Thing Description 1.1 describes the metadata and interfaces of Things, where a Thing is an abstraction of a physical or virtual entity that provides interactions to and participates in the Web of Things. This specification describes a superset of the features defined in the WoT Thing Description 1.0 specification.
  • Web of Things (WoT) Discovery describes how to discover and obtain the Thing Description of a Thing in a distributed environment for various use cases.
  • Web of Things (WoT) Architecture 1.1 describes the abstract architecture for the W3C Web of Things based on a set of requirements derived from use cases for multiple application domains. This specification describes a superset of the features defined in the WoT Architecture 1.0 specification.

Please send comments by 16 February 2023.

First Public Working Draft: Web Locks API

5 January 2023 | Archive

The Web Applications Working Group has published a First Public Working Draft of Web Locks API. This document defines a web platform API that allows script to asynchronously acquire a lock over a resource, hold it while work is performed, then release it. While held, no other script in the origin can acquire a lock over the same resource. This allows contexts (windows, workers) within a web application to coordinate the usage of resources.

W3C Invites Implementations of WAI-Adapt: Symbols Module

5 January 2023 | Archive

The Accessible Platform Architectures (APA) WAI-Adapt Task Force (WAI-Adapt) invites implementation and welcomes comment on the Candidate Recommendation of the WAI-Adapt: Symbols Module. The purpose of this specification is to support Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) symbols in web content. Millions of users comprehend AAC symbols better than standard text, but there are multiple AAC symbol sets and they are not mutually comprehensible. To solve this issue and make it possible for content creators to support AAC users in web content, this specification defines the appropriate use of Blissymbolics Communication International (BCI) concept indexing as specified by the W3C Alternative and Augmented Communication (AAC) Symbol Registry in web content, provided guidance on associating an appropriate BCI index value with a span of text corresponding to the defined concept expressed as standard text, and it is anticipated that user agents will display the corresponding AAC symbol from the user’s preferred symbol set by allowing the user to configure for their preferred AAC symbol set and cache that symbol set locally. Please send comments by 28 February 2023.

W3C Board of Directors successfully brokered MIT Asset Transfer Agreement

22 December 2022 | Archive

Following its formation on 20 October, the W3C Board of Directors is pleased to have reached an agreement with MIT that transfers assets at MIT to World Wide Web Consortium, Inc. The Web Consortium continues its mission to lead the web to its full potential by developing standards for an open and equitable web.

We are very pleased with the completion of this critical milestone in the World Wide Web Consortium’s transition to its own legal entity, set to launch in January 2023. More information will be available from our website in January.

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