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A better world together

Sida is Sweden's government agency for development cooperation. We strive to reduce poverty and oppression around the world. In cooperation with organisations, government agencies and the private sector we invest in sustainable development for all people.

Sida's international work

Sida has bilateral development cooperation with some 35 countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America and Europe. Read about our work in different countries, regions and thematic areas.

Our partners

Sida works with a wide range of partners from different sectors of society. We continuously learn from experiences with our cooperation partners and evaluate our partner portfolio to deliver the best possible assistance in each context.

Civil society organisations

A significant part of Sweden’s development assistance is carried out in cooperation with civil society organisations in our partner countries.

Multilateral organisations

Sida collaborates with several multilateral organisations. A large part of the support goes to various UN bodies and the World Bank, and a smaller part to the EU’s joint assistance.

Public sector

Swedish public agencies are important actors in development cooperation. There are many opportunities for Swedish public agencies to get involved and contribute to strengthening their counterparts in a partner country.

Private sector

The private sector has a crucial role to play in global development and poverty reduction. Sida is partnering with companies and private sector organisations that contribute to economic, social and environmental sustainable development.

Research institutions

Sida supports research in and by low-income countries to reduce poverty and build sustainable societies. Our partners are bilateral, regional and global research institutions and research-supporting organisations.

Partnership with Sida

Sida’s selection of partners follows an established process. Read about how it works and the different steps involved.

International Training Programmes

Sida's International Training Programme offers key people from institutions in low- and middle-income countries training in implementing reforms. The objective is a transparent, efficient and democratic state administration under the rule of law.

En kvinna med namnskylten Nancy sitter vid ett bord och pratar med två män.

Methods and materials

Sida continuously develops tools and methodological materials to guide our staff. They can also be useful for Sida partners and other stakeholders. See our toolboxes for poverty, gender, environment and peace & conflict.

Bilden består av fyra cirklar i olika storlek som är placerade i varandra. I mitten av bilden finns den minsta cirkeln, det är modellens mittpunkt. Inuti den lilla cirkeln står det Vem med mörk text. Den lilla cirkeln utgör även en kombinerad bas för kvinno- och manstecknet. Kvinnans korstecken pekar nedåt från cirkeln och mannens pil pekar snett uppåt höger från cirkeln. Den lilla cirkeln är placerad mitt i en annan större cirkel. Denna större cirkel är uppdelad i fyra lika stora bitar, där varje bit pekar inåt mot den lilla cirkeln. Var och en av dessa bitar representerar de fyra dimensionerna av fattigdom. Den inre lilla cirkeln och den större cirkeln omges av två yttre ringar. ”Hur and Varför” står skrivet på fyra ställen i den första yttre ringen. Den yttersta ringen representerar de fyra olika kontexterna i en multidimensionell fattigdomsanalys: Konflikt och fred kontext, Miljökontext, Ekonomisk och social kontext samt Politisk and Institutionell kontext, vilka alla står skrivna i den yttersta ringen.