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How to Fix the Internet: Don't Be Afraid to Poke the Tigers

Electronic Frontier Foundation
The leading nonprofit defending
digital privacy, free speech,
and innovation.

The leading nonprofit defending digital privacy, free speech, and innovation.

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an image of bunnie, a man with a ponytail and glasses, next to a drawing of a lighthouse with the EF

Podcast Episode: Don't Be Afraid to Poke the Tigers

What can a bustling electronic components bazaar in Shenzhen, China, tell us about building a better technology future? To researcher and hacker Andrew “bunnie” Huang, it symbolizes the boundless motivation, excitement, and innovation that can be unlocked if people have the rights to repair, tinker, and create. Huang believes that...

Fair Use Creep Is A Feature, Not a Bug

Lawyers, scholars, and activists, including EFF, often highlight Section 512 of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act and Section 230 (originally of the Communications Decency Act) as the legal foundations of the internet. But there’s another, much older, doctrine that’s at least as important: Fair use, which dates back many decades...
AI Military

Open Data and the AI Black Box

Artificial Intelligence (AI) grabs headlines with new tools like ChatGPT and DALL-E 2, but it is already here and having major impacts on our lives. Increasingly we see law enforcement, medical care, schools and workplaces all turning to the black box of AI to make life altering decisions– a trend...

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