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We're the Electronic Frontier Foundation. We defend your civil liberties in a digital world.
San Francisco, CAeff.orgBorn 1990Joined August 2006

EFF’s Tweets

We want to thank our renewing sponsors for your continued support of our work to build a better Internet in 2023. A special thanks to those who’ve supported Let’s Encrypt since day one! Learn more our sponsors in our new blog post:
State hacking powers remain controversial and can cause collateral harm to the integrity and security of networks, data, and devices. Strong safeguards are needed to ensure the #UNCybercrimeTreaty does not authorize such powers.
EFF thanks for their continued support in the form of hosting and cloud computing services.
EFF is at to recommend that the scope of procedural measures under the #UNCybercrimeTreaty are limited to the investigation of the criminal offenses in accordance with the Convention governing criminal procedure and law enforcement powers.
Increasing online platforms’ liability for hosting users’ speech would lead to severe censorship that could undermine the very architecture of the free and open internet, EFF argued to the U.S. Supreme Court in a brief filed Thursday.
For #CopyrightWeek, some non-copyright ways to help artists: - Block vertical monopolies Require transparency in royalty reporting - Improve #TerminationRights so artists can get out of bad deals - Share rights databases for collective licensing
In a world ruled Big Entertainment and #BigTech, giving artists more #copyright is like giving bullied kids more lunch money - no matter how much lunch money you hand out, the kids are still going hungry. We have to neutralize the bully:
Thanks to everyone who supported EFF with AmazonSmile over the years! Your purchases of electronics, diapers, and everything else really added up. The program continues until February.
"We are writing to let you know that we plan to wind down AmazonSmile by February 20, 2023. We will continue to pursue and invest in other areas where we’ve seen we can make meaningful change—from building affordable housing to providing access to computer science education for students in underserved communities to using our logistics infrastructure and technology to assist broad communities impacted by natural disasters."
“We have a private surveillance apparatus that is wide and is largely unregulated,” EFF’s told . “If any third party has your information, it means your data is no longer in your control and it could be sought by law enforcement.”
FOSTA violates the First Amendment "because it's overbroad [and] can apply to a substantial amount of protected speech" including harm reduction or health and safety information, decriminalization advocacy, and more, EFF’s told .
In today’s political climate, “all websites, but especially websites with at-risk users, need to consider that helping Google, Facebook & others build up records of user behavior could have a potentially horrific outcome,” EFF’s told .
Offenses under the #UNCybercrime Treaty would impose restrictions that may interfere with the essential working methods of journalists, whistleblowers, and security researchers. The Convention should not become a vehicle to investigate any and all crimes.
More than 80 public interest groups remind UN Member States that the broad and undefined concepts contained in the #UNCybercrimeTreaty - such as “terrorism” and “extremism” - should not be used as a basis to restrict freedom of expression.
Facial recognition threatens privacy "because our faces are easy to capture & hard to change," EFF’s told . "When the gov't gathers sensitive biometric information, data thieves might steal it, & government employees might misuse it."