
Do you ever find yourself over-using the word “said” in your writing? Try using these words/phrases instead:

  • stated
  • commented
  • declared
  • spoke
  • responded
  • voiced
  • noted
  • uttered
  • iterated
  • explained
  • remarked
  • acknowledged
  • mentioned
  • announced
  • shouted
  • expressed
  • articulated
  • exclaimed
  • proclaimed
  • whispered
  • babbled
  • observed
  • deadpanned
  • joked
  • hinted
  • informed
  • coaxed
  • offered
  • cried
  • affirmed
  • vocalized
  • laughed
  • ordered
  • suggested
  • admitted
  • verbalized
  • indicated
  • confirmed
  • apologized
  • muttered
  • proposed
  • chatted
  • lied
  • rambled
  • talked
  • pointed out
  • blurted out
  • chimed in
  • brought up
  • wondered aloud

(NOTE: Keep in mind that all of these words have slightly different meanings and are associated with different emotions/scenarios.)

Also remember that “said” is invisible on the page, and that you aren’t ever overusing “said”, even if you’re scared you are.

You could write a novel using nothing but “said” to indicate that people are speaking and nobody will ever notice, complain, or think you’re a lazy writer.

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