Welcome to the Core Performance Team blog!

👋 Welcome to the CoreCore Core is the set of software required to run WordPress. The Core Development Team builds WordPress. Performance Team blog!

Because our work is so integrated with WordPress core, plugins, and themes, our blog posts are typically shared on those blogs instead of being posted here.

You can view all performance-related blog posts – including core feature and merge proposals, weekly chat agenda and meeting notes, and other discussions – by checking out our tags on those other blogs:

X-post: Core Performance Team Update – December 22, 2022

X-comment from +make.wordpress.org/updates: Comment on Core Performance Team Update – December 22, 2022

X-post: Suggest Topics for the 2023 WordPress Community Summit

X-comment from +make.wordpress.org/community: Comment on Suggest Topics for the 2023 WordPress Community Summit

X-post: Core Performance Team Update – November 30, 2022

X-comment from +make.wordpress.org/updates: Comment on Core Performance Team Update – November 30, 2022

X-post: Performance Chat Summary: 15 November 2022

X-comment from +make.wordpress.org/core: Comment on Performance Chat Summary: 15 November 2022

X-post: Performance Chat Summary: 22 November 2022

X-comment from +make.wordpress.org/core: Comment on Performance Chat Summary: 22 November 2022

X-post: Core Performance Team Update – October 26, 2022

X-comment from +make.wordpress.org/updates: Comment on Core Performance Team Update – October 26, 2022

X-post: Improvements to WP_Query performance in 6.1

X-comment from +make.wordpress.org/core: Comment on Improvements to WP_Query performance in 6.1

X-post: Multisite improvements in WordPress 6.1

X-comment from +make.wordpress.org/core: Comment on Multisite improvements in WordPress 6.1

X-post: Performance improvements to the REST API

X-comment from +make.wordpress.org/core: Comment on Performance improvements to the REST API

X-post: Performance Field Guide for WordPress 6.1

X-comment from +make.wordpress.org/core: Comment on Performance Field Guide for WordPress 6.1