Tag Groups


Organize tags in groups or by alphabet and show clouds in posts, pages or widgets (tabs, accordion or list).

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Finally, the end of messy tags

Organize your tags in groups

  • Display tag clouds where tags are sorted into smaller, manageable groups.
  • Display a list where tags appear in “chapters” under groups.
  • Filter posts and tags by tag group in your admin.

Sort tags alphabetically

  • Automatically sort your tags in a tag cloud or in a list by their first letters.

Why you need tag groups

Most websites mix up tags that should actually be separated by topics: places, people, features, activities and more.

Your tags, however, will become much more useful if you organize them in groups. Imagine a tag cloud where all town names appear in a “Towns” group or where you keep all tags for product sizes under “Sizes” and all tags for colors under “Colors”. The Tag Groups plugin lets you do exactly that.

How to use tag groups

After activating the plugin, you will be guided by an optional setup wizard.

First you create groups that will contain your tags. Then you sort your tags into these groups. You can later always come back and modify the groups or change the tags.

The plugin comes with two tag clouds where tags are sorted by groups and one alphabetical tag cloud where tags are sorted by first letters. These tag clouds can be customized with numerous parameters, and you can insert them as shortcodes into post, pages and widgets or as Gutenberg blocks.

You can also list your tags in an index: Sorted under group names as headings or alphabetically under first letters. These lists can be shown in columns.

Filters and bulk actions make your work with tags much easier, and you can even filter the list of posts in your backend by the groups that their tags belong to.

Not only tags

Tag Groups works also great with most other (flat) taxonomies, like WooCommerce product tags.

The plugin does not support hierarchical taxonomies like categories.

Possible applications

  • Display your tags grouped by language or by topic.
  • Create an alphabetical index of your tags – think of a phone book for your tags.
  • Display only specific tags in your tag cloud.
  • Choose which tags to display in different sections of your blog.
  • Change the sorting order in your tag cloud.
  • Customize the links, the text, the font size or the separator of your tag cloud items.
  • Prepend or append to each tag a custom character or the post count.
  • Insert into each post a tag cloud using only the tags of this post.
  • Easily manage huge amounts of tags or posts in the backend by dividing them into groups.
  • Add a parent level to tags and make them hierarchical.

Multilingual websites

This plugin is officially compatible with WPML (WordPress Multilingual). That means you can use a different tag group name for each language.

Please find more information on the plugin website.

Video: Installation and first steps

If you find this plugin useful, please give it a 5-star rating. Thank you!

Extra Features

Sorting tags into groups is just the beginning! The premium version extends tag groups to posts. This opens an amazing variety of new opportunities.

Premium features include:

✔ an animated and searchable tag cloud: Click a group or type a tag name and see only matching tags
✔ a live post filter for the frontend: Let your visitors search for posts by tags or by text in real time;
✔ a search field to filter tag clouds by tag name;
✔ a meta box for the post edit screen so that you can enter and edit post tags segmented by groups;
✔ the option to bulk-add all tags of a group to a post with one click;
✔ add the same tag to multiple groups;
✔ custom permissions who can edit tag groups;
✔ show tags in groups under your posts;
✔ a new tag cloud where you can combine the tags of specific groups into one cloud;
✔ and more.

Searchable and animated tag cloud

Filter posts in real time by tags

Add tags to posts sorted into groups

See the difference between the free and the premium plugin in the feature comparison table.

You can test the plugin in a 7-day free trial.

Follow us on Facebook or Twitter.

Other Notes

Find the licenses of 3rd party software in the About section.


This plugin does not collect or process any personal user data unless you expressively opt-in.


  • Tag cloud ("Blitzer" theme)
  • Accordion ("Blitzer" theme)
  • Alphabetical tag cloud with first letters of tags as tabs
  • Tag list
  • Alphabetical tag index
  • Group administration
  • Assigning tags to groups
  • Көйләнеше
  • Configuring a tag cloud in Gutenberg


This plugin provides 5 blocks.

Tabbed Tag Cloud
Accordion Tag Cloud
Alphabetical Tag Cloud
Tag List
Alphabetical Tag Index


  1. Find the plugin in the list at the backend and click to install it. Or, upload the ZIP file through the admin backend. Or, upload the unzipped tag-groups folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.

  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.

The plugin will create a new menu “Tag Groups” and a submenu “Tag Group Admin” in the Post section (depending on the chosen taxonomy) where you find the tag groups. After you have created some groups, you can edit your tags (or other terms) and assign them to one of these groups. A filter and a bulk action menu are available on the Tags page and you also find a filter on the Posts pages.

The tabbed tag cloud (or an accordion containing the tags) can be inserted with a shortcode or a Gutenberg block. Options are listed under the “Tag Groups” main menu.

Extensive information, examples and help for troubleshooting are listed here.


How can I show the tags of each post sorted into groups?

Please use one of the shortcodes or Gutenberg blocks that come with the Tag Groups plugin. Since we cannot change the code of templates or other plugins, there is no possibility to make them aware of the new structure where tags are organized in groups.

When I use the shortcode I can see the content but the tags are not displayed in tabs.

Make sure you have “Use jQuery” checked on the settings page. If you use a plugin for caching pages, purge the cache and see if that helps. If you use plugins for minifying scripts or style sheets, turn them off and purge their caches.

How can I use one of these tag clouds in a widget?

Please use a text widget and insert the shortcode.

Does this plugin support tags for pages?

No. Although it might work (with additional 3rd-party plugins), it is not an officially supported feature.

Does this plugin work with categories?

No. Hierarchical taxonomies such as categories are not officially supported.

Does this plugin work with my special custom taxonomy XY?

They only way to find out is to install the plugin and try.

I need the plugin for a very special purpose – can you help?

Please check first if the premium plugin can help. If not, you can ask for support here.

I am desperately missing my language. But, wait.. is this actually a “frequently asked question”?

No, unfortunately it isn’t. But, nevertheless, I’m glad you asked! You are warmly invited to help us translate.


I thought i have been posting my review vary early but its seems I missed. This one of the best plugin in WordPress for archiving for blog site, Its just cool. and the support just owo. love it.
Adds perfect functionality for utilizing tags! Support is really effective in response to the topics started.
Great functionality, constant development and a very responsive developer. Thanks for this!
Read all 35 reviews

Contributors & Developers

“Tag Groups” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


“Tag Groups” has been translated into 1 locale. Thank you to the translators for their contributions.

Translate “Tag Groups” into your language.

Interested in development?

Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS.




  • Added option “Don’t load a theme” to jQuery UI theme selector to make it clearer how to avoid loading any of the provided jQuery UI themes


Bug Fixes

  • Alphabetical Tag Index: Fixed CSS not loading automatically.
  • Fixed: Not able to disable column count in blocks.
  • Alphabetical Tag Index: Fixed HTML
  • Fixed typo in CSS


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed notice in upcoming WP 5.5 about missing permission_callback in REST API
  • Fixed error when resetting all data during deinstallation



  • Preview the output of blocks in the Gutenberg editor. This preview is only approximate and it can be turned off in the settings.


  • Speed improvements for several bulk operations with tags
  • Blocks are now kept in their own category “Chatty Mango”. That makes them easier to find and they don’t congest the default categories.
  • Note: Minimum PHP version will soon become 7.2.


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed delay when rendering tabs


  • Added option “delay” to Gutenberg block


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed error “Using $this when not in object context” with 3rd-party plugins


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed broken sorting on Tags page


  • Improved compatibility with other plugins that rely on filters



  • Improved delayed display of tabs and accordions on large pages
  • Compatibility with jQuery that ships with upcoming WP 5.5+ (jQuery 3.5.1, jQuery UI 1.12.1)
  • More consistent sanitation of HTML
  • Experimental filters to programmatically modify the term query.



  • Tag clouds with tabs or accordion are now revealed only after they finished rendering

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed bug when resetting all groups
  • Tabbed Tag Cloud: fixed bug in shortcode detection for auto-loading script
  • Fixed bug in determining post counts of tags per group


  • Security: Streamlined sanitization of option values



  • Alphabetical Tag Index, Alphabetical Tag Cloud: Removed ineffective options
  • The Setup Wizard is now Gutenberg-aware



  • New Gutenberg blocks for Tag List and Alphabetical Index


  • Improved transformation of blocks to shortcodes
  • Alphabetical Index/Tabs: Font sizes now calculated across all chapters

Older Versions

The complete changelog is available here.