Form builder to get in touch with visitors, grow your email list and collect payments — Happyforms


Happyforms is the simplest way for you to manage and respond to conversations with your website visitors. With over 10 years of experience here at The Theme Foundry, we’ve heard from nearly 1,000,000 businesses what they need from a contact form builder plugin! We've heard about the wasted time trying to set up tricky forms; the frustration of emails not being delivered; and the let down of not hearing from leads. That’s why we created Happyforms: Your free and friendly drag and drop form builder for creating contact forms, lead generation forms, feedback forms, quote forms, survey forms and more! Happyforms is optimized to increase conversations with your website visitors. Have peace of mind knowing messages to-and-from are getting delivered without the hassle of spam. You'll be set up and going in 5 minutes or less.

Discover all the benefits of upgrading. 🚀

Happyforms solves these struggles:

  • 💬 Start more conversations.
  • 📫 Reliable message delivery.
  • 💌 Skip the hassle of spam messages.
  • 😍 Free expert support and feedback.
  • 🎨 Live preview form builder.

Popular Happyforms Features:

  • Drag and drop form builder (Gutenberg ready).
  • Live preview forms as you create them.
  • Easily add forms anywhere to your pages, posts and widget areas.
  • Add multiple forms to the same page.
  • Completely mobile responsive forms.
  • Unlimited forms, fields, emails and submissions.
  • Create multi-column layouts with a single click.
  • Easily duplicate forms.
  • Confirmation message on submission.
  • Confirmation email sent to submitter.
  • One-click HoneyPot spam prevention.
  • Over 50 styles controls built-in.
  • GDPR and 508 compliant forms and secure forms.

Included Happyforms Form Fields:

  • Short Answer — For fields like ‘First Name’ and ‘Last Name’.
  • Long Answer — For longer messages and feedback.
  • Email Address — Validate users email addresses before submission.
  • Multiple Choice — Checkboxes for multiple selections.
  • Single Choice — Radio buttons for single selection.
  • Dropdown — For long lists and single selection.
  • Number — For formatted numeric fields, like phone and price.

Upgraded Happyforms Features:

  • Access to all 20+ form fields.
  • Manage unlimited submissions easily in the dashboard.
  • Let submitters upload files to your forms.
  • Redirect to any webpage after the form is submitted.
  • Multi-page forms with step indicator.
  • Limit the number of submissions per form.
  • Google ReCaptcha spam prevention integration.
  • Enable people to save and resume their submission.
  • Preview submission before submitting.
  • Log IP address automatically.
  • Shuffle form fields and choices to avoid biases.
  • Unlimited personal and client use plans.
  • No-nonsense support team, happy to help over email.

Discover all the benefits of upgrading. 🚀

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  • Form builder to get in touch with visitors, grow your email list and collect payments — Happyforms


Getting your plugin up and working takes just a few clicks:

  1. Head over to Plugins in WordPress dashboard and click Add New.
  2. In the “Search plugins…” field, type “Happyforms”.
  3. Find Happyforms in the search results, hover over it, and click Install.
  4. Once it is installed, click Activate.

That's it! It's ready to go. Nicely done.

WordPress is also really bad a sending emails. So if you haven't already, we always recommend you set up a free SMTP plugin.

If you ever have questions, just ask us. We’ve swept the nacho crumbs from our keyboards, refilled our ginger beers and are ready to help.

And so you know, we don't outsource support. You can expect plain-talkin’ help from someone who has a hand in making Happyforms.


Can you read my replies?

Heck nah! No one likes peepers. All submissions are saved in your WordPress database or sent to your inbox.

Note: you'll need to upgrade to our paid contact form builder plugin to get some of the best goodies mentioned here.

Can I translate forms into my language?

Absolutely! Every last word read by your submitters can be translated — just type and replace. No extra plugins. No code changes. No fuss.

Note: you'll need to upgrade to our paid contact form builder plugin to get some of the best goodies mentioned here.

Is Happyforms GDPR and CCPA ready?

Yep! We have a special field for collecting submitters’ consent for things just like this.

Note: you'll need to upgrade to our paid contact form builder plugin to get some of the best goodies mentioned here.

Is my data safe? Is Happyforms HIPAA compliant?

Our competitors claim to be HIPAA compliant, but that’s misleading. Those dodgy buggers! Why have a compliant form if your site’s server, connected services and chosen inbox aren’t?

To keep things simple, we say to disable Happyforms from saving submissions and instead point replies to an email address hosted by an end-to-end encrypted email service like ProtonMail.

It’s easier than it sounds. Promise. Hit us up if you have questions.

Does it work on a site not using WordPress?

Nope. Sorry! We’re for all things WordPress ‘round here.

Do I need to know how to code?

Nope. Happyforms has a fancy drag-n-drop builder. But if you find yourself needing to code something, email us. We can help you out with the nerdy stuff.

Does Happyforms work on all devices?

Yep! We always recommend building forms on a desktop, but you can fill out a form anywhere — mobile, tablet and desktop.

Sadly no longer compatible with your 90s Tamagotchi.

Can I connect Happyforms to my favorite services?

Yep! Happyforms directly connects with reCaptcha, Google Analytics, ActiveCampaign, AWeber, Constant Contact, ConvertKit, Mailchimp, MailerLite, MailPoet, SendFox, SendGrid, Sendinblue, Stripe, PayPal, Zapier, Integrately and Integromat.

Through Zapier, Integrately and Integromat, you can connect with services like Shopify, Kajabi, QuickBooks, Xero, WooCommerce, FreshBooks, Gumroad, Gmail, Slack, Discord, Twilio, Google Drive, Dropbox, Google Docs, Evernote, OneDrive, Airtable, Teachable, GitHub, ClickFunnels, Facebook Pages, Google Calendar, Trello, Calendly, Klaviyo, Asana, Basecamp, HubSpot, Zoho, Acuity Scheduling, Salesforce, Zendesk, Intercom, Wrike, ClickUp, Freshdesk, LiveChat, Drift, Jira, ScheduleOnce, Pipedrive and thousands more.

Note: you'll need to upgrade to our paid contact form builder plugin to get some of the best goodies mentioned here.

What types of forms can I build?

Just about anything. A contact form, intake form, registration form, survey form, quiz form, payment form, newsletter form, giveaway form, fundraising form, donation form, nomination form, order form, questionnaire form, onboarding form, contract form, estimate form, research form, qualitative form, quantitative form, membership form, mobile form, feedback form, release form, inquiry form, request form, evaluation form, RSVP form, reservation form, sales lead form, popup form, quote form, event form, booking form, application form, agreement form, safety form, compliance form, assessment form, sponsorship form, report form, file upload form, satisfaction form, volunteer registration form, personality quiz form, calculator form — you name it.

Note: you'll need to upgrade to our paid contact form builder plugin to get some of the best goodies mentioned here.

Does it work with my favorite theme and plugins?

Abso-freakin-lutely! We’re always checking to make sure Happyforms plays nicely with popular themes like Divi, Astra, Avada, Genesis, GeneratePress, Enfold, Flatsome and OceanWP, and popular plugins like Yoast SEO, Elementor, WooCommerce, Jetpack, Wordfence, UpdraftPlus, MonsterInsights, WP Super Cache, Smush, W3 Total Cache, Loco Translate, SiteOrigin and Popup Maker.

Note: you'll need to upgrade to our paid contact form builder plugin to get some of the best goodies mentioned here.

What are your brand guidelines?

Aw, honestly, the thought that you're writing about our contact form builder is making us blush. That's very kind of you! If we can be picky, please stick by these guidelines:

  • Happyforms (correct)
  • HappyForms (incorrect)
  • Happyform (incorrect)
  • Happy Forms (incorrect)
  • Happy Form (incorrect)


18. Decembra 2022. 1 reply
Over the past decade I've used all of the "big" form plugins available for WordPress. But I keep coming back to Happyforms because it is easy to use and they provide great support. Thanks Happyforms!
10. Novembra 2022. 1 reply
I have been using the plugin for years. I highly recommend it. The technical support deserves special attention. They are able to solve even the most complicated problem. They are very helpful and friendly. 5/5
13. Oktobra 2022. 5 replies
You feel deceived when the description of the free version includes features only available in paid version. Secondly, I keep getting the annoying "Start with a free trial" popup every time I click through the different setting areas under this plugin. If you make a good product, people will seek out to purchase the paid version for their needs. Keep blasting promo messages in their face is just tacky.
30. Septembra 2022. 1 reply
Happy Forms is the Best! The forms are easy to use. But when I had an issue, they walked me through, step by step, on how to fix it. And, they even went above and beyond and corrected a corrupted file for me. I'd give them TEN stars if I could!
Read all 423 reviews

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February 2, 2023

Version 1.25.0 changelog:

  • Fixed: A packaging error rendered the previous update unusable.

February 2, 2023

Version 1.24.0 changelog:

  • Added: Dedicated Forms → Import and Forms → Export screens.

February 2, 2023

Version 1.23.0 changelog:

  • Added: Dedicated Forms → Import and Forms → Export screens.

January 12, 2023

Version 1.22.0 changelog:

  • Changed: Premium features and screens badges have been restyled to better match core styling.
  • Fixed: Form block attributes are now properly escaped, preventing potential security issues.

December 15, 2022

Version 1.21.1 changelog:

  • Changed: Dashboard notice displayed after a new form is created has been reworded and made more informative.
  • Changed: “Buttons” group in Messages tab has been split up for clearer separation of concerns.

November 30, 2022

Version 1.21.0 changelog:

  • Added: New Heading, Paragraph, Media and Separator fields offer more powerful layout possibilities.
  • Changed: Form importer has been moved to Tools → Import screen for better consistency with core tooling.

November 8, 2022

Version 1.20.2 changelog:

  • Fixed: “Submit form” control in Messages tab wasn't triggering realtime preview updates.

November 7, 2022

Version 1.20.1 changelog:

  • Fixed: Some controls were missing from the builder's Messages tab.

November 3, 2022

Version 1.20.0 changelog:

  • Changed: Controls in Messages tab are now all visible all the time for better usability and easier form configuration.
  • Fixed: Concurrent submissions of limited choices in Radio, Checkbox and Dropdown fields were leading to wrong results.

October 14, 2022

Version 1.19.1 changelog:

  • Added: Installation tab with common starting tips has been added to Happyforms’ plugin page on the directory.
  • Changed: Sample form created on activation has been simplified for better reusability.
  • Changed: Changelog format has been improved to show release dates and more uniform entry types.
  • Fixed: Quotes in Messages tab were incorrectly handled and caused data loss.
  • Fixed: An incorrect call to the_title filter was causing compatibility issues with third-party themes and plugins.

September 28, 2022

Version 1.19.0 changelog:

  • Changed: “Include reply link” and “Include referral web address” have been replaced by default links in emails for better coherency with WordPress core behavior.
  • Changed: Unlabeled fields are now displayed accordingly to WordPress core defaults for better readability.
  • Removed: “Fill out this form again” link has been removed to avoid confusion upon successful submissions.
  • Fixed: Submitted values that included special characters were erroneously converted to HTML entities.

September 2, 2022

Version 1.18.1 changelog:

  • Fixed: On some setups, Dropdown field's default choices wouldn't be selected by default.

August 31, 2022

Version 1.18.0 changelog:

  • Changed: Forms are now automatically hidden after a successful submission, and a “Fill out this form again” link lets submitters submit again for better usability.
  • Changed: Control labels in the builder have been reworded for better clarity.

August 11, 2022

Version 1.17.0 changelog:

  • Changed: All sections in Style tab are now always visible for easier access to controls.
  • Changed: Choice based fields build interface has been tidied up and made more coherent.
  • Changed: Display of untitled forms in dashboard screen is now more consistent with WordPress display of untitled posts.
  • Changed: Form styles are now packaged in a single bundle for better performance and cache friendliness.

July 19, 2022

Version 1.16.1 changelog:

  • Added: “Bulk Add Choices” control for easily adding long lists of choices to Radio, Checkbox and Dropdown fields.

June 30, 2022

Version 1.16.0 changelog:

  • Changed: Reworded dashboard and builder labels to improve usability.
  • Changed: Empty labels in emails now won't result in excessive whitespace.

June 13, 2022

Version 1.15.4 changelog:

  • Added: “To email address” control under “Email me a copy of each submission” allows for more granular control of email settings.
  • Added: “Reply email address” control under “Email me a copy of each submission” for easier exchanges with submitting users.
  • Changed: “Added to” column in Forms screen now lists templates and reusable blocks for better integration with WordPress.
  • Changed: Interface of choices in all choice-based fields has been redesigned for better usability and clarity.
  • Fixed: Display of fields with limited choices wasn't updating correctly in builder's preview screen.

May 24, 2022

Version 1.15.3 changelog:

  • Added: Submissions are checked against headless browsers for better antispam protection.
  • Changed: Field choices preserves its shuffled state when a validation occurs on submission for better usability.
  • Changed: Better wording and style fixes in the form builder.

May 10, 2022

Version 1.15.2 changelog:

  • Added: “Screen Options” tab now includes “View mode” for better consistency with core WordPress.
  • Changed: Installation data is now deleted automatically on plugin removal for easier deactivation.
  • Changed: Better linear spacing for all choice-based field controls.

April 25, 2022

Version 1.15.1 changelog:

  • Added: Checksum-based verification system against repeated spam submissions.
  • Added: Added “Headings” for Radio, Checkbox, and Dropdown field choices.
  • Changed: Happyforms block now displays a notice when a form published on page was trashed.
  • Changed: Re-arranged the position of “Require an Answer” control for better consistency.
  • Changed: Renamed “Limit submissions” control to “Max number of submissions” in all choice-type fields.
  • Changed: Improved usability of “Min number” and “Max number” controls in Number field.
  • Changed: In all choice-type fields, remaining submissions are now shown by default.
  • Fixed: Validation error on optional field with min/max requirements.

April 4, 2022

Version 1.15.0 changelog:

  • Changed: All frontend scripts are now bundled in a single file for better performance and cache friendliness.
  • Fixed: Duplicating a form would throw an error on PHP 8.0.
  • Fixed: “Limit how many times this choice can be submitted” counters were being wrongly copied to duplicated forms.

March 21, 2022

Version 1.14.3 changelog:

  • Changed: Tidied up horizontal and vertical alignment of notices.
  • Changed: Forms are now sorted by “last modified” date for easier management.
  • Changed: All instances of a form's navigational controls have been turned into buttons for better accessibility.

February 28, 2022

Version 1.14.2 changelog:

  • Added: “Step Interval” control allows for fine tuning the incrementing interval of Number field.
  • Changed: “Make this choice default” control now supports multiple choices in Checkbox field.
  • Fixed: Dropdown field was ignoring some style settings.

February 15, 2022

Version 1.14.1 changelog:

  • Added: “Hint” control for adding descriptive text to Radio and Checkbox field choices.
  • Changed: Nicer vertical alignment of choices spanning multiple lines in Radio and Checkbox fields.
  • Changed: “Align choices” control is now a button group for better usability.
  • Changed: Exhausted choices are now always tagged with “(0 remaining)” to avoid confusion.
  • Changed: All instances of “submit” type inputs have been replaced with buttons for easier styling.
  • Changed: All custom form dropdowns have been replaced with their native counterparts for better performance and accessibility.

January 24, 2022

Version 1.14.0 changelog:

  • Changed: Nonce checks have been removed for improved compatibility with cache plugins.
  • Removed: “Tooltip” styling for field hints has been deprecated to improve usability of forms.
  • Removed: “Add ‘select all’ choice” was redundant and has been deprecated.
  • Removed: Long Text field's more lightweight with “Add rich text editor toolbar” deprecation.
  • Fixed: Form width was rendered incorrectly on specific PHP versions.

January 6, 2022

Version 1.13.12 changelog:

  • Removed: Long Text field “Rows” behaved inconsistently and has been removed.
  • Removed: “Add other choice” control has been deprecated in favor of conditional logic.

December 14, 2022

Version 1.13.11 changelog:

  • Changed: Miscellaneous improvements to Forms screen.
  • Changed: New filter allows finer control of assets loading.

December 4, 2022

Version 1.13.10 changelog:

  • Fixed: Email tab settings weren't correctly saved.

November 29, 2021

Version 1.13.9 changelog:

  • Fixed: A trailing comma was triggering errors on old versions of PHP.

November 29, 2021

Version 1.13.8 changelog:

  • Added: “All Forms” screen now shows where a form is being used.
  • Changed: Better support for international emails and website addresses.

November 9, 2021

Version 1.13.7 changelog:

  • Added: Reset buttons allow for resetting fields to defaults in Messages tab.
  • Changed: Redesigned the sample form to better showcase current features.
  • Changed: Better forms actions notices.
  • Changed: Simplified field naming.
  • Fixed: Date-Time field validation was misbehaving.
  • Fixed: Validation of fields with “Limit submissions” was misbehaving.
  • Fixed: Deprecated controls were showing up in Style tab.

October 20, 2021

Version 1.13.6 changelog:

  • Changed: Legacy Forms widgets can now be transformed into blocks.

October 12, 2021

Version 1.13.5 changelog:

  • Fixed: Jetpack synchronization was triggering a fatal error.

October 6, 2021

Version 1.13.4 changelog:

  • Changed: Better selection and insertion of forms in block interface.
  • Removed: “Message location” control led to degraded usability.
  • Removed: “Title” section in “Style” tab added clutter and duplicated core functionality.

September 27, 2021

Version 1.13.3 changelog:

  • Fixed: A typo was causing errors on older PHP versions.

September 23, 2021

Version 1.13.2 changelog:

  • Changed: Faster preview of Layout Text changes.
  • Fixed: Honeypot mechanism was triggering browser autocomplete, preventing submissions.

September 7, 2021

Version 1.13.1 changelog:

  • Added: HTML anchor on form block.
  • Fixed: Dropdown item font size doesn't match form style setting.
  • Fixed: Form width preview not updating.

August 11, 2021

Version 1.13.0 changelog:

  • Added: Long Answer field now supports rich-text editing.
  • Added: Alphabetical choices, “other” choice, randomization, submission limiting support for Single Choice field.
  • Added: Alphabetical choices, “other” choice, randomization, submission limiting support for Multiple Choice field.
  • Added: “Other” choice, randomization, submission limiting support for Dropdown field.
  • Fixed: Widget was misbehaving with new block-based Widgets screen.
  • Fixed: Number field custom separators weren't working correctly.
  • Fixed: Prefilled Long Answer field had styling glitches.
  • Fixed: Long Answer field Limit words/characters controls had validation issues.

July 20, 2021

Version 1.12.12 changelog:

  • Changed: Fields with validation errors are now marked with a CSS class for easier styling.
  • Changed: Browser autocompletion has been disabled everywhere for more consistent behavior.
  • Changed: Forms now scroll to top only when partially out of the viewport.
  • Fixed: “Add custom CSS classes to submit button” was misbehaving.

July 5, 2021

Version 1.12.11 changelog:

  • Changed: Deactivation popup allows for keeping or deleting saved data.
  • Changed: Forms block now supports additional CSS classes.
  • Fixed: Arrows in dropdowns were ignoring Style settings.
  • Fixed: Duplicating and drag-dropping fields in the builder was scrolling the field list to the top.

June 15, 2021

Version 1.12.10 changelog:

  • Changed: More effective honeypot protection.
  • Changed: Javascript dependencies for tooltips are now loaded only when necessary.
  • Changed: Restored happyforms_enqueue_style filter for completely disabling frontend styles.
  • Fixed: “Additional CSS” screen was stripping slashes from CSS code.
  • Fixed: Error notices were ignoring color settings.

May 26, 2021

Version 1.12.9 changelog:

  • Fixed: Jetpack synchronization was triggering a fatal error.

May 24, 2021

Version 1.12.8 changelog:

  • Changed: Safer builder controls internal API.

May 19, 2021

Version 1.12.7 changelog:

  • Changed: Dashboard element colors have been brought in line with core.
  • Changed: Hints are now shown below field labels.
  • Changed: Date column in “All forms” screen now shows the last modified date.
  • Changed: Empty titles and labels are now displayed as placeholders in the builder.
  • Fixed: Onboarding overlay could cause an infinite redirect loop in some scenarios.
  • Fixed: Dropdowns weren't working correctly when long-pressing on choices.
  • Fixed: Some options in Messages tab weren't saving correctly.

April 29, 2021

Version 1.12.6 changelog:

  • Fixed: A missing file error was being thrown right after update.

April 28, 2021

Version 1.12.5 changelog:

  • Changed: Style tab “Additional CSS” section now triggers real-time updates.
  • Changed: Better keyboard navigation in dropdown-based fields.
  • Changed: New control allows for setting a label for required fields.

April 13, 2021

Version 1.12.4 changelog:

  • Fixed: Hiding labels was changing fields width.

April 12, 2021

Version 1.12.3 changelog:

  • Added: Labels can now be toggled on a per-field basis.
  • Changed: Better support for Elementor popups.
  • Changed: Long Answer field now suppports a minimum of 2 rows.
  • Fixed: Screen reader styles were causing glitches on some themes.

April 1, 2021

Version 1.12.2 changelog:

  • Changed: All dropdowns become searchable automatically with more than 6 choices.
  • Fixed: “Add Media” button in Email tab wasn't working.
  • Fixed: Submit button styles were misbehaving.
  • Fixed: Restored forms were getting stuck in “draft” state.
  • Fixed: Searchable dropdowns were misbehaving.

March 20, 2021

Version 1.12.1 changelog:

  • Changed: Better compatibility with 3rd party popups.
  • Fixed: Form couldn't be added to ACF rich text editor fields.
  • Fixed: Trashed and deleted forms where showing up in form widget.

March 9, 2021

Version 1.12.0 changelog:

  • Changed: Removed jQuery deprecations.

March 4, 2021

Version 1.11.1 changelog:

  • Fixed: Form title “Display” control wasn't working.

March 3, 2021

Version 1.11.0 changelog:

  • Changed: Better support for 3rd party popup plugins.
  • Changed: Better support for tab navigation in Dropdown field.
  • Fixed: Dropdown field searchable functionality was misbehaving.
  • Fixed: Form title “Display” control wasn't working.
  • Fixed: Validation of optional Long Answer fields with character counting was misbehaving.

February 16, 2021

Version 1.10.0 changelog:

  • Added: Messages tab in Edit Form screen allows for complete language customization.
  • Added: Prefill control for setting a default value on Short Text, Long Text, Email Address and Number fields.
  • Fixed: “Email respondent a copy of their submission” → “Include submitted” feature was misbehaving.

February 1, 2021

Version 1.9.30 changelog:

  • Changed: Better styling control for choice fields option labels.

February 1, 2021

Version 1.9.29 changelog:

  • Changed: updated FAQs and contributors.

January 11, 2021

Version 1.9.28 changelog:

  • Changed: Better naming of form class attributes.
  • Fixed: Edit Form screen wouldn't work with custom Site Address settings.

December 18, 2021

Version 1.9.27 changelog:

  • Changed: Form title is not rendered at all when set to “hidden”.
  • Fixed: Fields with prefix and suffix support where being validated as always filled.

December 2, 2021

Version 1.9.26 changelog:

  • Changed: Style → Additional CSS now updates preview in realtime.
  • Changed: Added filter to force style output for compatibility with 3rd party plugins.
  • Fixed: Hidden form title was being displayed in widget previews.

November 13, 2020

Version 1.9.25 changelog:

  • Changed: Added “Prefix” control to Email field.
  • Changed: Better refresh performance of “Fields Labels & Text” → “Label display” control.
  • Fixed: “Fields Borders & Spacing” → “Inner Spacing” control was unresponsive.

October 30, 2020

Version 1.9.24 changelog:

  • Fixed: Setting “Label display” to “Hidden” was hiding the form in the block editor.
  • Fixed: A missing trailing slash in Edit Form preview frame was causing issues on some server configurations.

October 15, 2020

Version 1.9.23 changelog:

  • Changed: “Label display” control was made global and moved to Style step.
  • Changed: “Description display” control was made global and moved to Style step.
  • Changed: Empty labels were triggering usability errors on common usability check tools.
  • Fixed: Happyforms block wasn't remembering the selected form.
  • Fixed: Email messages were being sent with empty headers in some cases.
  • Fixed: Single Choice “Make this choice default” was misbehaving.
  • Fixed: Archived and trashed forms were being displayed in shortcode/block form selection dropdown.
  • Fixed: Output buffering was causing errors in Oxygen Builder.

October 6, 2020

Version 1.9.22 changelog:

  • Fixed: Rich text editors in field configuration widgets were misbehaving after a drag and drop operation.
  • Fixed: A Block Editor block parameter was triggering errors on WordPress >= 5.5.

October 2, 2020

Version 1.9.21 changelog:

  • Changed: better usability of various elements of Edit Form screen.

September 18, 2020

Version 1.9.20 changelog:

  • Fixed: Fixed wrapping glitches with long labels and descriptions.

September 4, 2020

Version 1.9.19 changelog:

  • Fixed: Centered labels weren't working when set to ‘Below’.
  • Fixed: Description tooltips were rendering twice in the same field.
  • Fixed: --happyforms-form-width was missing a default unit.
  • Fixed: ‘Show a thank you message’ setting wasn't working.

August 11, 2020

Version 1.9.18 changelog:

  • Added: New “Email display name” control allows for custom email display name in email alerts.
  • Fixed: Shortcode script was causing issues with Advanced Custom Fields frontend forms.
  • Fixed: Email confirmation controls were being toggled under wrong conditions.
  • Fixed: Long Answer field was generating excessive whitespace in emails and dashboard screens.

July 29, 2020

Version 1.9.17 changelog:

  • Changed: Improved tooltip display with collision detection.

July 20, 2020

Version 1.9.16 changelog:

  • Fixed: Style tab in form builder was not loading.

July 17, 2020

Version 1.9.15 changelog:

  • Changed: Tooltip icon now displays next to label instead of inside field input and inherits label color.
  • Changed: Various improvements to form styles and UI.
  • Fixed: Stale Unique ID field was triggering errors in email alerts.

July 3, 2020

Version 1.9.14 changelog:

  • Fixed: Masked Number field had wrong type HTML attribute and was not accepting more than four digits.

July 1, 2020

Version 1.9.13 changelog:

  • Added: Rows control added to Long Answer field.
  • Changed: New icons for form fields in form builder.
  • Changed: Various improvements to form builder and front-end styles.
  • Fixed: Sorting fields in form builder made the container always scroll to top instead of preserving its scrolling position.
  • Fixed: When suffix was set on a field with tooltip, the tooltip icon and suffix were overlapping.

June 13, 2020

Version 1.9.12 changelog:

  • Changed: Updated part icons.
  • Changed: Various style improvements to form builder and front-end.

May 29, 2020

Version 1.9.11 changelog:

  • Changed: Improved form builder compatibility with various plugins and themes, including Oxygen Builder.
  • Changed: Various improvements to form builder UI and front-end styles.

May 12, 2020

Version 1.9.10 changelog:

  • Changed: Various improvements to form builder screen.
  • Fixed: Multiple dropdown parts were causing JS error in multi-step forms.

April 30, 2020

Version 1.9.9 changelog:

  • Changed: Improved compatibility with latest version of Divi.
  • Fixed: Fixed appearance of Submit button when displayed in line with form part.
  • Fixed: Fixed double border issue in Style step.
  • Fixed: Fixed “Reveal on focus” description mode in parts that support Prefix and Suffix.

April 14, 2020

Version 1.9.8 changelog:

  • Changed: Improved appearance and available tools in visual editors.
  • Fixed: Fixed Email part which was not allowing empty value even when marked as optional part.
  • Fixed: Fixed font size sliders in Style tab that were not updating preview.
  • Fixed: Fixed broken appearance of inputs when “Label display” setting was set to “Inside”.

March 27, 2020

Version 1.9.7 changelog:

  • Changed: New “Confirm submission” control in Setup step.
  • Changed: Various improvements to Happyforms UI.
  • Changed: Compatibility with WordPress 5.4.
  • Fixed: Form width slider in Style tab → General was not updating value in preview.

March 11, 2020

Version 1.9.6 changelog:

  • Changed: When searching for specific choice in Dropdown part, a configurable “No results” message is shown if no choice is found.
  • Changed: Custom HTML ID of the form using “Form HTML ID” control can now be toggled by checking “Use custom HTML ID” control.
  • Fixed: Form ID used as a prefix for all selectors in Additional CSS section in Style tab was using ID of child element instead of parent.
  • Fixed: Number part was returning an error when 0 was submitted even if when it was in specified range of min and max value.
  • Fixed: Various fixes related to front-end and form builder UI styles.

February 21, 2020

Version 1.9.5 changelog:

  • Added: Added support for prefix and suffix in Short Text, Email, and Number part inputs.
  • Added: Added support for input placeholder in confirmation fields.
  • Changed: Various improvements to front-end styles and form builder UI.

February 7, 2020

Version 1.9.4 changelog:

  • Changed: Various improvements to general look and feel of validation messages.
  • Changed: Improved accessibility of validation messages.

February 5, 2020

Version 1.9.3 changelog:

  • Fixed: Choices marked checked as default were displaying checked HTML attribute on front-end.

January 23, 2020

Version 1.9.2 changelog:

  • Added: Additional CSS section in Style tab allowing to write custom styles for each individual form.

January 10, 2020

Version 1.9.1 changelog:

  • Added: Quarter width setting for parts and part choices.
  • Changed: Various improvements to Happyforms UI styles.
  • Changed: Improved compatibility of form part styles with some themes.
  • Fixed: Fixed choice parts not saving “Checked by default” setting.

December 19, 2020

Version 1.9.0 changelog:

  • Added: Date filter on All Forms screen now allows you to filter forms by date added.
  • Changed: Email controls are now grouped in a dedicated step.
  • Changed: Additional email controls for sender and reply-to addresses.
  • Changed: Various improvements to UI styles, wording, and default values of parts.

December 3, 2020

Version 1.8.22 changelog:

  • Changed: Improved plugin's text domain for better management of translations.
  • Changed: Various improvements to Happyforms UI styles and frontend.

November 21, 2019

Version 1.8.21 changelog:

  • Added: Added Help tab to all Happyforms screens, providing easy access to help guide and our email support.
  • Changed: All Forms screen improvements.

November 5, 2019

Version 1.8.20 changelog:

  • Changed: Various improvements related to builder and front-end styles.
  • Changed: Compatibility with WordPress 5.3.

October 25, 2019

Version 1.8.19 changelog:

  • Added: Added new control “Hide form on submission” to Step 2.
  • Changed: Various improvements to styles and wording in form builder UI.

October 15, 2019

Version 1.8.18 changelog:

  • Fixed: Fix bug with submitted values not displaying in email notifications.

October 12, 2019

Version 1.8.17 changelog:

  • Added: Choices width control to allow for multi-column layouts in Single Choice and Multiple Choice part.

September 25, 2019

Version 1.8.16 changelog:

  • Changed: Happyforms form builder styles update.

August 29, 2019

Version 1.8.15 changelog:

  • Fixed: Fix admin notices.

August 15, 2019

Version 1.8.14 changelog:

  • Added: Form error message and required field label are now easy to edit in Step 2.

August 1, 2019

Version 1.8.13 changelog:

  • Fixed: Fixed error caused by admin notices during Wp Cron task execution.

July 30, 2019

Version 1.8.12 changelog:

  • Fixed: Fixed error caused by admin notices class not available in some contexts.

July 26, 2019

Version 1.8.11 changelog:

  • Update: Moved various features to the upgraded plan.

July 4, 2019

Version 1.8.10 changelog:

  • Fixed: Fixed fatal error when visiting Appearance -> Customize screen.

July 3, 2019

Version 1.8.9 changelog:

  • Added: New ‘Google reCAPTCHA theme’ setting in Style step.
  • Changed: Various improvements to styles in Happyforms UI.
  • Fixed: Email part with confirmation value didn't work with ‘Fade submit until valid’ option.
  • Fixed: Date & Time part did not reflect EU date format in preview step and email.

May 29, 2019

Version 1.8.8 changelog:

  • Fixed: Some parts caused notices in Customizer screen.
  • Fixed: Small fixes related to styles.

May 17, 2019

Version 1.8.7 changelog:

  • Changed: Small fixes and improvements related to styles and form builder UI.
  • Fixed: Setting Scale part to multirange mode broke appearance of its sliders.
  • Fixed: Email subject was ignoring parts configured to populate it.

May 9, 2019

Version 1.8.6 changelog:

  • Fixed: Avoid database cleanup for upgraded users.

May 9, 2019

Version 1.8.5 changelog:

  • Changed: Added label to HoneyPot input along with screen reader text for better accessibility compliance.
  • Fixed: Reply-to email handling was misbehaving.
  • Fixed: Sample form wasn't being installed on activation.
  • Fixed: Overlays’ display: none rule was ignored on some setups.

May 4, 2019

Version 1.8.4 changelog:

  • Fixed: Migrations were triggering errors during activation.
  • Fixed: Reply-to email handling had been deactivated.

May 2, 2019

Version 1.8.3 changelog:

  • Fixed: A typo in helper file was preventing submissions from completing.

May 2, 2019

Version 1.8.2 changelog:

  • Fixed: Wrong email template path was preventing submissions from completing.

May 2, 2019

Version 1.8.1 changelog:

  • Fixed: A typo in helper file was preventing submissions from completing.

May 2, 2019

Version 1.8.0 changelog:

  • Removed: Responses

April 25, 2019

Version 1.7.10 changelog:

  • Added: Added ‘Include submitted values’ option in Step 2 that allows you to send submitted data in a confirmation email sent to a user.
  • Changed: Multi-line and Text Editor parts now support minimium and maximum character and word counter.
  • Fixed: Long Text part was ignoring new lines when displaying submitted value in email.

April 16, 2019

Version 1.7.9 changelog:

  • Fixed: Redirect URL feature could cause fatal error in some environments.
  • Fixed: Alignment fixes in form preview step.

April 11, 2019

Version 1.7.8 changelog:

  • Added: It's now possible to configure Bcc addresses for email alerts.
  • Added: Narrative part now supports input placeholders between brackets.
  • Added: Open redirect link in a new tab.
  • Changed: Better sample forms and responses created when activating plugin for the first time.
  • Changed: Various improvements to form styles and alignment.
  • Fixed: Forms created in 1.6.x versions weren't working because of a data format error.

April 2, 2019

Version 1.7.7 changelog:

  • Fixed: Form was scrolling to the top of the page after a submission.

March 30, 2019

Version 1.7.6 changelog:

  • Fixed: Legal part was throwing a notice when there was a part before and after it.
  • Fixed: Part padding set to Narrow caused no gutter between parts.
  • Fixed: Long Text part kept submit button disabled even when value was valid.
  • Fixed: Long Text part with title set to Display as placeholder was not collapsing label correctly after filling the value.
  • Fixed: Remove unneeded editor.js dependency in Long Text part.

March 27, 2019

Version 1.7.5 changelog:

  • Added: Realtime character counter for Long Text and Text Editor parts.
  • Added: New styles and style controls for form notices.
  • Changed: New happyforms_get_honorifics filter allows for custom honorific titles.

March 15, 2019

Version 1.7.4 changelog:

  • Fixed: Submit button styles in Style step were not applying to submit button due to wrong selector.
  • Fixed: happyforms_enqueue_style filter for disabling styles were not taken to consideration when loading color.css.

March 13, 2019

Version 1.7.3 changelog:

  • Added: ‘Select All’ option added to Multiple Choice part that can be set in part's Advanced options.
  • Changed: Better styles for disabled Submit button.
  • Changed: Removed responses now get trashed instead of getting completely destroyed.
  • Changed: Duplicating a part now places it right after the original part.
  • Fixed: Improved behavior of Dropdowns on focus, blur, and when using down facing caret to trigger dropdown.

February 28, 2019

Version 1.7.2 changelog:

  • Changed: Added date days filter.
  • Changed: Easier filtering of email message fields.
  • Fixed: Phone part wasn't showing correct country flag when same prefix is used by more than one country.

February 27, 2019

Version 1.7.1 changelog:

  • Changed: A Javascript event is triggered after a form submission.
  • Changed: Notices font family and weight are now theme independent.
  • Fixed: Query caching was causing issues on some hosts.
  • Fixed: A Javascript error was triggered when no notices are shown after a form submit.

February 22, 2019

Version 1.7.0 changelog:

  • Added: Added new control to Step 2 for adding custom HTML class to submit button.
  • Changed: ReCaptcha now loads language based on site locale settings.
  • Changed: Long forms now work beyond server max_input_vars limitation.
  • Changed: Better handling of email message carbon copy addresses and more powerful filters.
  • Changed: Empty optional parts are now hidden in notification email.
  • Changed: Better styles for left titled forms and improved behavior of Title alignment control in Style step.
  • Changed: Moved ‘Form HTML ID’ and ‘Disable submit button until valid’ from Style step to Build step for better context.
  • Changed: Added configurable label for ReCaptcha to improve accessibility.
  • Changed: Various other improvements to UI and form styles.
  • Fixed: Forms were scrolling to the wrong position with notices appearing below.
  • Fixed: Phone part didn't allow to pick country from dropdown after Email part was filled.
  • Fixed: Phone part was retaining previous country code when switching countries.

February 16, 2019

Version 1.6.22 changelog:

  • Changed: Improvements to admin notices behavior and styles.
  • Fixed: Fix Legal part's undefined offset error in HTML class.

February 13, 2019

Version 1.6.21 changelog:

  • Fixed: Fix dismissible form preview notices for new forms.
  • Fixed: Email part with confirmation field prevented form submits when “Preview values before submission” was checked.

February 12, 2019

Version 1.6.20 changelog:

  • Changed: Better support for emails display name.
  • Changed: Form title now highlights when Build step is opened for easier renaming.
  • Changed: Optional part label is only displayed when some part is made optional.
  • Changed: Updated copy and labels of some options in Setup and Style step.
  • Changed: Updated readme and screenshots.
  • Fixed: Expand / Collapse all button was not working properly on existing forms.
  • Fixed: Phone part was not displaying correctly in certain padding and border configurations.
  • Fixed: Minor bugfixes related to styles.

January 25, 2019

Version 1.6.19 changelog:

  • Fixed: Phone country dropdown was not opening after other dropdown part was focused.

January 18, 2019

Version 1.6.18 changelog:

  • Changed: Various CSS tweaks to improve responsive behavior, and colors set in Happyforms style step.
  • Fixed: Number spinners in font size controls were not updating value in preview pane.
  • Fixed: Placeholder part was always showing (optional) label.
  • Fixed: Story part with no inputs was throwing an error.

January 5, 2019

Version 1.6.17 changelog:

  • Fixed: Address part was preventing forms from working correctly.

January 4, 2019

Version 1.6.16 changelog:

  • Added: It's now possible to tweak wording for “optional” part label.
  • Changed: New filter that allows for customization of form submission response json.
  • Changed: Various labels were missing localization.
  • Fixed: Responses pagination was misbehaving.
  • Fixed: Response previous/next links and mark as read were misbehaving.
  • Fixed: Email part title placement set to “Display as placeholder” was not preserving that setting on input blur event.

December 18, 2019

Version 1.6.15 changelog:

  • Changed: Updated “tested up to” tag.

December 18, 2019

Version 1.6.14 changelog:

  • Changed: Happyforms custom fields are now prefixed and hidden to stop polluting posts custom fields dropdown.
  • Changed: Added filter to stop enqueueing of Happyforms defaults style file.
  • Changed: New filter allows setting custom HTML attributes on a form element.
  • Changed: Responses tracking number is now included in CSV exports.
  • Changed: Better output of multiline and rich text values in CSV exports.

December 6, 2019

Version 1.6.13 changelog:

  • Changed: Smoother preview response time for Checkboxes and Radio after last item is added.
  • Fixed: Email part has been showing a notice related to wrong variable name used in condition.
  • Fixed: Various fixes related to form styles.

November 30, 2018

Version 1.6.12 changelog:

  • Changed: Added filters to control CSV header and row values.
  • Fixed: HTML entities were encoded in CSV export files.

November 28, 2018

Version 1.6.11 changelog:

  • Added: Autocomplete for Email part that suggests common email domains when “@” is typed.
  • Added: Form padding style control for adding more space between form parts and its container.
  • Added: It's now possible to set a custom HTML ID on form elements.
  • Added: New style control allows for notices above or below form elements.
  • Changed: Better keyboard navigation for dropdowns.
  • Changed: CSV exports now includes column headers.
  • Changed: Duplicated forms now have current date of duplication.
  • Fixed: Phone flags were not showing when international number format was checked in Phone part.
  • Fixed: Title placement applied globally sometimes resulted in newly added parts inheriting the value even when not available for that part.
  • Fixed: Various fixes related to styles and form parts preview.

November 15, 2018

Version 1.6.10 changelog:

  • Added: Gutenberg block allowing you to add Happyforms to your content in Gutenberg editor.
  • Added: Style control for submit button padding.
  • Added: Checkbox to allow toggling ‘Mark as read and reply’ link in submission alert emails.

November 1, 2018

Version 1.6.9 changelog:

  • Added: New Text Editor part for formatting text, code blocks, lists and more.
  • Changed: New parts automatically inherit options when “Apply to all parts” is on.
  • Changed: Custom Happyforms dropdowns refactor with lots of improvements in code.
  • Fixed: Form updates weren't getting applied if the preview frame was not fully loaded.
  • Fixed: Submit button appeared unstyled on iOS devices.
  • Fixed: Title font weight style setting couldn't be set to Bold due to wrong default value.

October 19, 2018

Version 1.6.8 changelog:

  • Added: Easily add options and rows to single and multiple choice, dropdown and table parts.
  • Fixed: Form title links in All Forms screen were broken.
  • Fixed: Saving a new form was creating copies of that form over and over.
  • Fixed: Long text part wasn't vertically resizable.
  • Fixed: Placeholder text color was being overwritten by theme styles.

October 12, 2018

Version 1.6.7 changelog:

  • Added: Added support for placeholder value in Dropdown part along with new option to set title as a placeholder.
  • Added: New looks of Multiple Choice part allowing to add description for each option.
  • Added: Added three new modes to Date & Time part: Month & Year, Month only, Year only.
  • Added: Part title can now be hidden per each individual part.
  • Changed: Number part now allows for minimum and maximum value setting even when the part input is formatted with prefix and thousands separators.
  • Changed: Added labels for optional parts, removed asterisks for required parts.
  • Changed: Various UX improvements to form builder.
  • Changed: Form configuration steps are now directly reachable from the form list table.
  • Fixed: Phone part displayed wrong country flag in the case where two countries share same phone prefix.
  • Fixed: Date & Time part layout didn't adapt well when set to Half and Third width setting.
  • Fixed: Saved form width value was reverting to default in Style step.

September 26, 2018

Version 1.6.6 changelog:

  • Fixed: Fix the issue with Number and Address part calling an undefined JS method.
  • Fixed: Fix appearance of international Phone field in various title placement configurations.

September 25, 2018

Version 1.6.5 changelog:

  • Fixed: Dropdown part was not displaying correct values when containing options with numeric values.
  • Fixed: Dropdown part was not submitting default value correctly.
  • Fixed: Titles set to display as a placeholder were not adjusting their position when coming back to form using browser's back button.

September 22, 2018

Version 1.6.4 changelog:

  • Added: Responses can now be tagged with a unique incremental ID (think receipts).
  • Added: Labels for Rating part options when using Smileys / Thumbs as Rating Visuals.
  • Added: Reveal description on focus for text input parts.
  • Changed: Better part title appearance when placement is set to ‘Left’.
  • Changed: Better alignment of Legal part when parts around it use ‘Left’ setting for Title placement.
  • Changed: Various improvements in parts UI and CSS.
  • Changed: Labels and values in email messages can now be filtered.
  • Fixed: Fixed issue when adding multiple Rating parts to same form only displayed first one.
  • Fixed: Single and multiple choice, Dropdown and Table parts had issues with validation.

September 13, 2018

Version 1.6.3 changelog:

  • Changed: minor rewordings in form Customize screen.
  • Fixed: Date part validation and value storage were misbehaving.

September 12, 2018

Version 1.6.2 changelog:

  • Fixed: Date part validation was preventing valid submissions.
  • Fixed: Number part was erroneously preventing valid empty submissions.

September 11, 2018

Version 1.6.1 changelog:

  • Added: Single Line Text part can now be used as a subject of admin email notification.
  • Added: Owner email alerts now include a “Reply and mark as read” link for easier lead followup.
  • Changed: Added custom capabilities for fine grained access control of forms and responses.
  • Fixed: Some parts didn't allow to submit an empty value even when not required.

September 8, 2018

Version 1.6.0 changelog:

  • Added: Story part for adding fill-in-the-blank style inputs to a paragraph of text.
  • Added: Rating part got new styles and options. It now features emoji scale and a new No / Yes rating type.
  • Added: New field in Setup step that allows adding a textual name for the From header in user email notifications.
  • Added: Submit button can now be configured to display within an input that's set to ‘Auto’ width setting.
  • Changed: better CC and Reply To email use allows for easier lead follow up.
  • Changed: the URL the form was submitted from is now available in hooks for easier 3rd party integrations.
  • Fixed: Part background color on focus style control was hidden.
  • Fixed: Various alignment issues and style fixes.

August 28, 2018

Version 1.5.11 changelog:

  • Added: Added a new option “Auto” for Width setting of all form parts to allow for a single line form layouts.
  • Changed: Better, configurable styles for form submission preview.
  • Changed: Better formatting of submission alert emails.
  • Changed: Legal part now doesn't automatically prevent form submission.
  • Changed: Table part now inherits checkbox and radio styling.
  • Fixed: Table part default options were misbehaving.
  • Fixed: Dropdown part color settings were not saving.
  • Fixed: Dropdown part marked as required stopped submit button from working in some scenarios.
  • Fixed: Special characters were misinterpreted during submission.
  • Fixed: Some parts were submitting undefined data.
  • Fixed: Dropdown part was ignoring a default option setting.

August 21, 2018

Version 1.5.10 changelog:

  • Fixed: email alert and confirmation options were being ignored.

August 21, 2018

Version 1.5.9 changelog:

  • Fixed: A division-by-zero bug prevented table part from working correctly.

August 17, 2018

Version 1.5.8 changelog:

  • Fixed: form serialized data missed URI encoding.

August 15, 2018

Version 1.5.7 changelog:

  • Fixed: a missing parameter was causing an error upon activation.

August 14, 2018

Version 1.5.6 changelog:

  • Added: Forms can now show an additional Review step before final submission.
  • Changed: Previous / Next buttons in form builder got more descriptive labels.
  • Fixed: Number part didn't allow zero value even when 0 was set as a minimum required value.
  • Fixed: Email part didn't allow an empty value submitted even when field was not required.
  • Fixed: Fixes for multiple style issues across all parts in CSS.
  • Fixed: Welcome screen appearance on RTL layouts.
  • Fixed: Forms and Responses were appearing in public searches and queries.

August 3, 2018

Version 1.5.5 changelog:

  • Added: Redesigned dropdowns and a new setting to make Dropdown part searchable.
  • Added: Redesigned Phone part now with country flags and a new searchable country dropdown.
  • Changed: New shortcode view allows to directly edit a form from the editor.
  • Fixed: Date & Time part set to show current date and time didn't consider timezone and showed incorrect date in some cases.

July 25, 2018

Version 1.5.4 changelog:

  • Changed: Form assets now get loaded only on pages containing forms.
  • Changed: Forms now work when displayed inside the Dashboard.

July 19, 2018

Version 1.5.3 changelog:

  • Changed: New default styles to provide even better visual experience.
  • Changed: Clearer display of email alerts and confirmations in Step 2 of form configuration.
  • Fixed: Confirmation message and Confirmation email message fields were not saving with HTML formatting.
  • Fixed: When Legal part was present, it allowed sending empty forms without further validation.
  • Fixed: Font size sliders in Style step were not working on a new empty form.
  • Fixed: Various CSS fixes.
  • Fixed: First characters in Phone values were being stripped.
  • Fixed: forms loaded in the footer were missing required Javascript logic.
  • Fixed: Date & Time part was showing incorrect year in the End At field when Show option was changed.

July 11, 2018

Version 1.5.2 changelog:

  • Fixed: Phone number region country in masked Phone part was defaulting to first option on every load of form builder.

July 10, 2018

Version 1.5.1 changelog:

  • Added: Table part.
  • Changed: Legal part now accepts formatting with visual editor, including links and lists.
  • Changed: Part specific styles were moved to standalone sections in Style step.
  • Changed: Various improvements to parts CSS and compatibility with themes.
  • Fixed: Some links in Customize screen sidebar were breaking step-by-step navigation.
  • Fixed: Checkbox part was accepting invalid submission values.
  • Fixed: Happyforms link in admin menu bar was returning 404.

June 21, 2018

Version 1.5.0 changelog:

  • Changed: Forms are now submitted without page refresh.
  • Changed: Submitted values are preserved after an unsuccessful submission.
  • Changed: Added new filters for greater part rendering customization.
  • Changed: Added new actions for integration with third party plugins and tools.
  • Changed: Scale part now support range selection.
  • Changed: Better management of years displayed in Date & Time part.
  • Changed: Order of month and day fields in Date & Time part now defaults to a date format setting in WordPress.
  • Changed: Month names in Date & Time part have been moved to an array and are now easy to translate.
  • Fixed: Various UI glitches affected form previews in Customize screen.
  • Fixed: Various UI glitches affected part rendering of labels and preset values.

June 7, 2018

Version 1.4.6 changelog:

  • Changed: scripts and styles are now versioned to avoid cache problems after an update.
  • Fixed: Permalinks are now flushed upon activation to avoid 404 errors.
  • Fixed: Dropdown arrows were not clickable and didn't reflect part value color set in Style step.

June 5, 2018

Version 1.4.5 changelog:

  • Changed: Submit button state is now connected to reCaptcha result and remains disabled until reCaptcha is filled.
  • Changed: Better compatibility with various themes.
  • Changed: Scale part now has a colored tracker and accepts color settings for labels and value output set in Style step.
  • Changed: Scripts are now loaded only when a form is actually present.
  • Changed: Form and responses admin pages are now clean from any third-party plugin effects.
  • Fixed: Add Happyforms overlay was not showing up in some page builders.
  • Fixed: Submit button styles were changing to defaults on hover.
  • Fixed: Various fixes related to styles.

May 24, 2018

Version 1.4.4 changelog:

  • Changed: New Advanced link to reveal more advanced settings for each part and achieve cleaner look when part is first opened in form builder.
  • Changed: Better compatibility with themes.
  • Changed: Current user's email address is now pre-filled in Your email address field in Step 2.
  • Fixed: Front end placeholder behavior when “Display as placeholder” title placement is selected.
  • Fixed: Responses screen was showing just the first letter of each submitted part.
  • Fixed: PHP notices when Happyforms widget was added to a page in Customizer.

May 19, 2018

Version 1.4.3 changelog:

  • Changed: Date part is renamed to Date & Time and offers a lot more options, including minimum and maximum value for year and hour inputs, and an option to set inputs to current date and time by default.
  • Changed: Added option to specify the subject of email alerts sent to site owners.
  • Changed: Email alerts now support From, Reply To and multiple CC email addresses.
  • Changed: Address part now lets users grab their current location automatically.
  • Fixed: Responsive behavior of Address and Date & Time form parts.
  • Fixed: Updated code to support versions of PHP down to 5.2.4.

May 10, 2018

Version 1.4.2 changelog:

  • Fixed: Part widget toggle buttons didn't work on Firefox.
  • Fixed: Part column widths were misbehaving on some themes.

May 10, 2018

Version 1.4.1 changelog:

  • Added: Form width style control, allowing to set form width in % or px.
  • Added: Text alignment style control to allow for changing text align in various places in forms.
  • Added: Added support for RTL languages with Text direction control in Style step.
  • Changed: Added filters to control default part values and success/error submission actions.
  • Fixed: array_column wasn't available on PHP versions prior to 5.5 and was causing a fatal error.

May 7, 2018

Version 1.4.0 changelog:

  • Fixed: Powered By Happyforms appearance.

May 2, 2018

Version 1.3.0 changelog:

  • Added: Parts duplication.
  • Added: “Title placement” setting now features options for displaying title as a placeholder with smooth transition, and place the title directly in the input field.
  • Added: Google ReCaptcha support.
  • Changed: Better templates and filter coverage.
  • Changed: Modal for adding a form to a content has been redesigned and refactored.
  • Changed: Saving a form now displays an extended “Form saved” notice that contains a guide on how to insert form to a content. This message is dismissible.
  • Changed: Parts in the Form Builder now show part title for better navigation.
  • Changed: Dropdown part with lots of options now only reveals first 5 options on load with the option to reveal them all.
  • Changed: Redesigned Style step with lots of new settings to make your forms even better looking.

April 7, 2018

Version 1.2.2 changelog:

  • Fixed: an error during the example form creation was preventing plugin activation.

March 14, 2018

Version 1.2.0 changelog:

  • Added: New form parts – Title, Legal, Scale.
  • Added: Show part description in a tooltip.
  • Added: Button for expanding and collapsing all parts in Form Builder.
  • Added: Added “Add Happyforms” button above visual editor for easier form embeds in page content.
  • Added: Added new fields to Single Choice part to allow for part option descriptions.
  • Changed: Better message management.
  • Changed: Country part is now Address and supports autocompletion.
  • Changed: More controls and better organization of form style options.
  • Changed: General form styles.
  • Changed: Visual editors now support hyperlinks.
  • Changed: Title placement and Width part settings can now be applied to all parts by checking a checkbox.
  • Changed: Phone is now a standalone part with improved masking.
  • Changed: Number part now supports min and max value attributes.
  • Changed: Date part now displays inputs as dropdowns and also allows for time inputs.

Febryary 27, 2018

Version 1.0.0 changelog:

  • Initial release.