An extraordinary meeting of the Open Knowledge International (OKI) Board was held in London and virtually via GoToMeeting on 17th October 2017.

Present: Karin Christiansen (Chair), Jane Silber, Tim Hubbard; Helen Turvey (via GoToMeeting)

Observing: Pavel Richter (part), Mark Gibbs; Paul Walsh, Naomi Lillie (minutes) (via GoToMeeting)

Apologies: Andrew Clarke

CEO Address

PR gave his farewell address to the Board

  • PR thanked the Board for their work and support

  • The Board thanked PR and wished him well

  • PR left the meeting

  • The Board thanked MG and all for their help, and MG thanked the Board for support of the organisation

Cash-Flow Update

MG presented updates to the cash-flow

  • MG confirmed additional funding

    • Hewlett funding was expedited, being of a smaller amount over a 2 year duration rather than larger over 3, allowing a more flexible strategy and with option to renew after 2 years

      • In part due to the confirmed Equivalency Determination

      • KC noted a desire by Board and by David Sasaki of Hewlett to develop a deeper relationship

      • MG confirmed other grants would be discussed for specific work

      • Board acknowledged good result

    • Omidyar have been asked to disburse funds early as conditional metrics met ahead of schedule

    • World Bank funding for a short project confirmed, secured with help of Katelyn Rogers

  • MG confirmed further reductions in expenditure including of staff costs, through departure and movement to part-time

  • Next point of concern for cash-flow is December 2018

  • Board asked further questions as to how these updates came about, and urged learning from the experience especially around accountability and proactivity

2018 Budget

The proposed core funds budget for 2018 was presented

  • ACTION: Board to review & sign off

Strategy and Next Steps


The event was discussed in terms of its present state and options

  • MG and PW expressed differing views and sought Board input

  • Go/no-go decision points are based on securing percentages of funding, discussed in terms of fundraising, sponsorship, and OKI contribution

    • 25% funding required by mid November

    • 50% funding required by end December

    • 100% funding required by mid February

  • The Board considered status of and potential for funding, focus of organisation, availability and know-how of staff, reputation of event and organisation, opportunity for engagement with and of network and community groups, involvement of Greece Chapter and others, and volunteer input including that of the President

  • MG noted Hewlett would like to engage with OKI more around specific countries

  • AGREED: maintain go/no-go cut-off points, review at next Board meeting on 8th November with this path, asking similar questions around risks, mitigation etc

  • ACTION: MG to speak with team and Chapters to establish appetite for more community ownership

  • ACTION: KC to approach President

Interim/short-term actions

MG and PW presented suggestions for managing the organisation in the absence of a CEO

  • ACTION: Board to consider strategy for leadership structure and required skillset

  • AGREED: Board approved MG and PW to continue as management team, with division of labour as is

    • Board noted that both PW and MG bring good solid input and value, that it is good to hear disagreements between both, and that information was missed by hearing from only one person

  • ACTION: KC to check job descriptions of MG and PW, and to have regular conversations

  • PW and MG suggested they are considering ways of involving more people to get more input to management decisions

  • Board offered support for fundraising

    • TH to attend meeting with Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust

      • ACTION: NL to arrange briefing for TH with Stephen Abbott Pugh

  • AGREED: a Company Secretary is not needed by the organisation

    • ACTION: MG to remove Company Secretary through Companies House


AGREED: Board to join for a session with the whole team on afternoon of Tuesday 7th November, followed by dinner together, with Board meeting on the morning of Wednesday 8th

  • ACTION: HT to confirm whether in-person attendance is possible on the Wednesday

  • ACTION: JS to confirm whether in-person attendance is possible on the Tuesday and Wednesday

  • ACTION: MG to call week beginning 30th September to align and plan session

Viderum Board Representative

MG confirmed that Dietmar Walter accepted the role of Viderum Board representative.

  • JS confirmed he next steps are to put together and approve the annual budget

  • ACTION: JS and MG to introduce Dietmar Walter to HT and invite him to the January Board meeting

  • ACTION: MG to introduce Dietmar to Board by email

  • JS noted that Sebastian Moleski would like to engage with runner-up candidate

  • JS thanked MG and TH for the search having gone well and resulting in a great candidate


  • Next meeting: morning of Wednesday 8th November on the Isle of Wight

  • ACTION: KC & NL to follow up re Board recruitment, with new approach

  • Fundraising discussion

    • ACTION: MG & PW to reach out to Adessium re feedback on rejected proposal as well as future funding possibilities

    • ACTION: MG to send HT Ford contact

    • KC suggested calls with herself, AC, HT and Hewlett would be helpful for the fundraising team if this group continues

    • HT offered help with funders as did TH, for introductions or meetings

  • KC reiterated thanks to MG, PW (and NL) for handling of CEO’s exit and stability which is much appreciated

Actions arising

  • Board to review & sign off proposed core funds budget for 2018

  • MG to speak with team and Chapters re OKFestival to establish appetite for more community ownership

  • KC to approach President re OKFestival

  • Board to consider strategy for leadership structure and required skillset

  • KC to check job descriptions of MG and PW, and to have regular conversations

  • NL to arrange briefing for TH with Stephen Abbott Pugh [DONE]

  • MG to remove Company Secretary through Companies House

  • HT to confirm whether in-person attendance is possible on the Wednesday of Summit

  • JS to confirm whether in-person attendance is possible on the Tuesday and Wednesday of Summit

  • MG to call week beginning 30th September to align and plan session

  • JS and MG to introduce Dietmar Walter to HT and invite to the January Board meeting

  • MG to introduce Dietmar to Board by email

  • KC & NL to follow up re Board recruitment, with new approach [IN PROGRESS]

  • MG & PW to reach out to Adessium re feedback on rejected proposal as well as future funding possibilities

  • MG to send HT Ford contact [DONE, NL]