WordPress Maintenance

ASF the leader in driving safety research since 1988, has international life-saving IP at, carsafe.org. The current WordPress site just needs some minor near-year updates, but the NPO is open for smaller worthwhile site recommendations as well. Virtual – work from your location and make your own hours. Should be able to start soon and have a resume or web page plus a US PHONE NUMBER. Also, optional, VP marketing fundraising positions are available (offering 25 percent of funds raised). Please look over the site, concur you can add a few new text sentences and remove a URL in under an hour, and respond with a few easy improvement suggestions. Most developers have worked pro bono for public safety, or reduced rates so what is your offer? Please reply by email. Thank you.


ASF- Automobile Safety Foundation
Job Type
Part Time
$30 hr. or prop bono
How to Apply
Via email