Plugin Developer

We are looking for a plugin or tool that creates posts and uses Muuri js for the visualization and dragging functionality. The goal is to display various galleries with Muuri consisting of “Elements” which are Custom Post Types (CPTs) with Custom Taxonomies as well as a Custom Fields (built with Advanced Custom Fields (ACF)).

    • Create the ability, via Muuri js functionality, to drag and drop Elements from Muuri galleries (An image Gallery and Document Library. More in the future) …into a drop-box/cart – (which is another instance of Muuri).
    • Save this custom curated Board as a separate Post. This generates a unique URL.


  • Create a Backend UI, custom dashboard.
  • Use Muuri to create a visual way to organize and “lock-in” the configuration of elements in the individual galleries for public display. (We have a current working version that we want replaced as an example)
  • Add, edit, delete Custom Posts for the main galleries within the UI.
  • Add images from WP media library.
  • Modify title, all taxonomies, and fields.
  • Initial checkbox to turn on individual elements for the public gallery. (Default is OFF)

Note: The CPTS, Taxonomies, Fields and Muuri instances of the Document Library is finished and there is a working demo of the Project Gallery, as well as a loose demo of the drag and drop. These pieces can be used to begin on the Curated Board and backend piece of this phase more quickly.
The completed parts are: Two functioning galleries with CPTs (Documents and Project Images) that have their own taxonomies and ACF fields (We have a mind-map created to further visualize the workflow for all of these items).
Examples to illustrate progress and functionality

  • Codepen demo of the basic drag and drop functionality with Muuri (from the developer of Muuri himself)
  • Document Library this is a Muuri gallery for CPT: Documents with filters (taxonomies) and fields (file types)
  • Test Gallery this is a demo of the Project Image Gallery similar to the Doc Library but showing images, the taxonomies and ACF fields also appear in the infopane when you click on an image>lightbox>click on “eyeball” button.

Note: these two SoundPly Muuri galleries have drag & drop turned off. These are hardwired into a theme and mostly ignore WP aside from drawing out the CPTs/tax/fields.
As to the process: I am working with others and creating the design. I can modify the layouts, CSS, JS, etc. and create all the visual aspects myself. The PHP, plugin and WP backend stuff is where I’m looking for most of the help and would hope to hire someone for these purposes.
The urgency moderate is loose. There’s no hard deadline, but we do want to get going on it and are looking for someone who has time to dedicate to it. This could be piece-by-piece over a period of time and how many hours would be decided by discussion of amount of effort and needs based on the phases of the project.

Navy Island
Job Type
West St. Paul, MN, USA
Based on ongoing phases of project
How to Apply
Via email