ToolsPanel Edit

This feature is still experimental. “Experimental” means this is an early
implementation subject to drastic and breaking changes.

These panels provide progressive discovery options for their children. For
example the controls provided via block supports.

Development guidelines

The ToolsPanel creates a container with a header including a
dropdown menu. The menu is generated automatically from the panel’s children
matching the ToolsPanelItem component type.

Each menu item allows for the display of the corresponding child to be
toggled on or off. The control’s onSelect and onDeselect callbacks are fired
allowing for greater control over the child e.g. resetting block attributes when
a block support control is toggled off.

Whether a child control is initially displayed or not is dependent upon
if there has previously been a value set or the child has been flagged as
displaying by default through the isShownByDefault prop. Determining whether a
child has a value is done via the hasValue function provided through the
child’s props.

Components that are not wrapped within a ToolsPanelItem are still rendered
however they will not be represented within, or controlled by, the ToolsPanel
menu. An example scenario that benefits from this could be displaying
introduction or help text within a panel.

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ToolsPanel Layout

The ToolsPanel has a two-column grid layout. By default, ToolsPanelItem
components within the panel are styled to span both columns as this fits the
majority of use-cases. Most non-control elements, such as help text, will be
rendered as children of the related control’s ToolsPanelItem and not require
additional styling.

Suppose an element is related to multiple controls (e.g. a contrast checker), or
the panel itself (e.g. a panel description). In that case, these will be
rendered into the panel without a wrapping ToolsPanelItem. They’ll then only
span a single column by default. If this is undesirable, those elements will
likely need a small style tweak, e.g. grid-column: 1 / -1;

The usage example below will illustrate a non-ToolsPanelItem description
paragraph, controls that should display in a single row, and others spanning
both columns.

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 * External dependencies
import styled from '@emotion/styled';

 * WordPress dependencies
import {
    __experimentalBoxControl as BoxControl,
    __experimentalToolsPanel as ToolsPanel,
    __experimentalToolsPanelItem as ToolsPanelItem,
    __experimentalUnitControl as UnitControl,
} from '@wordpress/components';
import { __ } from '@wordpress/i18n';

const PanelDescription = styled.div`
    grid-column: span 2;

const SingleColumnItem = styled( ToolsPanelItem )`
    grid-column: span 1;

export function DimensionPanel() {
    const [ height, setHeight ] = useState();
    const [ width, setWidth ] = useState();
    const [ padding, setPadding ] = useState();
    const [ margin, setMargin ] = useState();

    const resetAll = () => {
        setHeight( undefined );
        setWidth( undefined );
        setPadding( undefined );
        setMargin( undefined );

    return (
        <ToolsPanel label={ __( 'Dimensions' ) } resetAll={ resetAll }>
                Select dimensions or spacing related settings from the
                menu for additional controls.
                hasValue={ () => !! height }
                label={ __( 'Height' ) }
                onDeselect={ () => setHeight( undefined ) }
                    label={ __( 'Height' ) }
                    onChange={ setHeight }
                    value={ height }
                hasValue={ () => !! width }
                label={ __( 'Width' ) }
                onDeselect={ () => setWidth( undefined ) }
                    label={ __( 'Width' ) }
                    onChange={ setWidth }
                    value={ width }
                hasValue={ () => !! padding }
                label={ __( 'Padding' ) }
                onDeselect={ () => setPadding( undefined ) }
                    label={ __( 'Padding' ) }
                    onChange={ setPadding }
                    values={ padding }
                    allowReset={ false }
                hasValue={ () => !! margin }
                label={ __( 'Margin' ) }
                onDeselect={ () => setMargin( undefined ) }
                    label={ __( 'Margin' ) }
                    onChange={ setMargin }
                    values={ margin }
                    allowReset={ false }

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hasInnerWrapper: boolean

Flags that the items in this ToolsPanel will be contained within an inner
wrapper element allowing the panel to lay them out accordingly.

  • Required: No

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label: string

Text to be displayed within the panel’s header and as the aria-label for the
panel’s dropdown menu.

  • Required: Yes

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panelId: string

If a panelId is set, it is passed through the ToolsPanelContext and used
to restrict panel items. When a panelId is set, items can only register
themselves if the panelId is explicitly null or the item’s panelId matches

  • Required: No

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resetAll: () => void

A function to call when the Reset all menu option is selected. This is passed
through to the panel’s header component.

  • Required: Yes

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shouldRenderPlaceholderItems: boolean

Advises the ToolsPanel that all of its ToolsPanelItem children should render
placeholder content (instead of null) when they are toggled off and hidden.

  • Required: No