Support » Plugin: Quick Adsense » Ads within an article

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  • Plugin Author Namith Jawahar


    Please upgrade to Version 2.8.5 which supports more types of adsense codes.

    Do reach out if this doesnt fix the issue

    Thread Starter panseraikosmenar


    Thanks for the prompt reply but also with the upgrade to version 2.8.5 there is a problem again.

    Plugin Author Namith Jawahar


    Can you recheck you ad code and make sure it’s not been altered in any way Or try pasting the ad code once again from Adsense just to be sure.

    I am seeing an a tag in the ad code which is not common.

    Thread Starter panseraikosmenar


    I also noticed that “Reset to Default Settings” does not work.

    Plugin Author Namith Jawahar


    Did the ad code issue get resolved?

    The Reset to Default Settings” is working in my test installs, I will investigate further and relase a fix if needed in the next update since its not a site breaking issue.

    Thread Starter panseraikosmenar


    Good morning and sorry for the delay in replying.
    The problems remain.

    Problem of both ads not displaying + reset to defaults – Both not working as of today

    Plugin Author Namith Jawahar


    I am investigating this, will push a solution as soon as I can reproduce the issue

    Plugin Author Namith Jawahar


    I have rolled back the plugin core to 2.8.2 with the new features from 2.8.3 intact. Please upgrade to 2.8.6

    Thread Starter panseraikosmenar


    Dear Namith Jawahar thank you for all the effort you made.
    Version 2.8.6 works with some minor issues.
    Thanks again.

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