Support » Plugin: Gutenberg » V11.8.0 color issues

  • Johan WALTER


    Hi @paaljoachim, @nerrad

    Upodate to V 11.8.0 does not keep color set in paragraph and banner.
    No issue for color set in title.

    We have a background image in a banner with black background and opacity
    Should be this way (bottom of image)

    After upgrading to V 11.8.0, pages were this way
    => Color black were not selected in banner

    I have selected color black and saved, it corrected the background in banner but font which were white went to black
    Screnshot :

    I have checked other pages, issue is from paragraph which does not have the color white selected. The color is right on the front as long as we don’t save the page (color might still be in settings), color is right in the back office but is not on the front.
    I had to correct all pages manually (45 pages)
    Can you please have a look and see if you are able to reproduce on your side and provide a fix for next update to avoid it happens again.




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  • Plugin Support Paal Joachim Romdahl


    Hi @johan_walter

    I am wondering if it is related to this PR:

    I went ahead added a comment there.

    Thread Starter Johan WALTER


    Hi paaljoachim

    I don’t think so
    Opacity is ok ; I am able to set opacity and after update to V11.8.0, opacity was still rightly set up.
    Color was unselected
    After selection of color and save, banner was back to normal
    Except that after saving color of paragraph was black instead of white ;white was selected before update V11.8.0, in admin preview was white and color of paragraph was also ok before saving page; like color is still registered but does not show in admin so when saving the unselected color become new color what lead to the modification of color.

    Hope I manage to make things clear

    Thread Starter Johan WALTER


    Hi @paaljoachim

    Extra information
    On a demo website, I don’t have issue, paragraph are in column, column are directly in page.

    On prod website, on which I improved design, I included block column wich contains block paragraph in a black banner. Those are having issues.
    I guess issue is with banner
    My default color for text is white, but this color is not applied in paragraph which are in column which are in banner, that’s why I had to apply color manually.




    I think that it might rather be related to

    To paraphrase the PR description, before that change the text of the Cover block was always white unless the user customized it.

    So I suspect that, by upgrading, the text color switched based on the background color of the cover block?

    Thread Starter Johan WALTER



    That would be fine in my case because I need the color of font to be white and I am on dark background



    Just to confirm, the purpose of the change at was to fix an issue with people adding a Cover block with a white background and typing in the paragraph block and not seeing anything as the default font colour was also white, so it now changes the default color to contrast with the cover block background –

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