Support » Fixing WordPress » Bulk-Updating Block Patterns in Gutenberg?

  • Is it possible to retro-actively update all Gutenberg blocks built via a Block Pattern at once?
    As far as I can tell, first you create a block pattern and then you add the block pattern to a page and customise the content.

    However, if you then update the block pattern, the page you previously created won’t update with it as well. Only new blocks created from that updated pattern will include the updates.

    Is is possible to have a single template, acting as the source of truth. This template may have many copies/implementations each with unique content. But then updating source pattern will also update each of the copies, while preserving their content?

    I have heard that “Re-usable Blocks” are closer to what I’m after, but they cannot have unique content per use as I understand.

    If this is not possible, is there another core feature of Gutenberg that I have missed that lets you create structured block(s) that when updated, all instances follow suit?

    I’m trying to avoid removing Gutenberg all-together and resort to using the Classic Editor Plugin and ACF Fields to build a much more locked down & structured theme.

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  • It is not possible to do this with block patterns as they are intended to be starter templates to make it easier to set up unique and distinct content across pages/posts, rather than strict structure templates to enforce specific layouts.

    You could achieve what you want using dynamic blocks, but that would require creating your own plugin with a custom block for each of the layouts you wanted to achieve.

    ACF now has some block options, so you may be able to make use of ACF Fields without having to revert to Classic Editor.

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