GS Portfolio for Envato


Best Responsive Envato Portfolio Plugin to showcase Themeforest & Codecanyon Items on WordPress site. Display items anywhere at your site using the shortcode like [gs_envato theme=”gs_envato_theme1″] & widgets. GS Envato Portfolio plugin packed with necessary controlling options & different themes to display Themeforest & Codecanyon Items elegantly with eye catching effects.

GS Envato Portfolio plugin is simple, flexible & powerful.

GS Envato Portfolio by GS Plugins

Live Demo | Upgrade to PRO | Documentation | Support

Plugin Features

  • Responsive Envato Portfolio plugin
  • Pull latest items from any Envato user from Themeforest & Codecanyon market
  • Display items price Newest, Number of sell or Rating wise
  • Choose the number of items to display
  • Different Column options
  • Display Envato items anywhere with the shortcode like [gs_envato theme=”gs_envato_theme1″] & widgets.
  • Options for 2 columns, 3 columns & 4 columns
  • Widgets Available
  • Custom CSS
  • Works with any standard WordPress Theme.
  • Developer friendly & easy to customize.
  • All modern browsers supported.
  • W3C valid markup.
  • Easy to set up.

Pro Features

  • 10 different Themes
    • Theme 01 : Grid
    • Theme 02 : Grid Linked
    • Theme 03 : Grid Hover
    • Theme 04 : Horizontal – Square Right Info
    • Theme 05 : Horizontal – Square Left Info
    • Theme 06 : Gray ( Greyscale supported on IE 6-11, Edge 12+, Firefox 10+, Chrome 19+, Safari 6+, Safari iOS 6+, Opera 15+ )
    • Theme 07 : Popup
    • Theme 08 : Slider
    • Theme 09 : Rating Info
    • Theme 10 : Gallery
  • GS Envato Widget available
  • GS Envato Shortcode generator available at page / post
  • Limit number of Envato items to display.
  • Custom CSS – Add Custom CSS to GS Envato themes
  • Priority Email Support.
  • Free Installation ( If needed ).
  • Free updates for one year.
  • Auto update notification.
  • Auto update from dashboard.
  • Well documentation and support.
  • And many more..
  • View live Demos »
  • Upgrade to PRO »

GS Envato Portfolio Settings (Pro)

  • User
  • Style & Theming
  • Columns
  • Referral user
  • Number of items to display
  • Select Envato Market : Themeforest / Codecanyon
  • OrderBy : Price / Newest / Number of Sell / Rating
  • Sort : Descending / Ascending
  • Items Link Target : New Tab / Same window
  • Envato Custom CSS ( write your own custom css )

GS Envato Portfolio’s shortcode usage

Basic Usage –

[gs_envato theme="gs_envato_theme1"]

GS Envato Portfolio’s Shortcode attributes Usage

[gs_envato userid="themeum" market="themeforest" theme="gs_envato_theme1" cols="3" referral_user="gsplugins" count="10"]

Shortcode PHP Usage

<?php echo do_shortcode( '[gs_envato theme="gs_envato_theme1"]' ); ?>

Template Usage – Add the shortcode anywhere you need to display GS Envato Portfolio in template files (header.php, front-page.php, etc.)

<?php echo do_shortcode( '[gs_envato userid="themeum" market="themeforest" theme="gs_envato_theme1" cols="3" referral_user="gsplugins" count="10"]' ); ?>


You may like other plugin from GS Plugins

  • GS Testimonial Slider – Testimonials slider to display client’s recommendations.
  • GS Logo Slider – Logo Slider to display partners, clients or sponsor’s Logo.
  • GS Portfolio – Portfolio WordPress plugin to showcase your projects.
  • GS Team Members – Team members showcase with Profile info & Social connectivity links.
  • GS Projects – Projects showcase with URL, Client Review & Ratings, Gallery, Videos.
  • GS Books Showcase – Books showcase with Author, Published on, Review & Ratings, Gallery.
  • GS Coaches – Coaches with Experience, Skills, Review & Ratings, Certification.
  • GS Posts Grid – WordPress Posts Grid Plugin to display latest Posts elegantly.
  • GS Posts Widget – WordPress Posts Widget Plugin to display latest Posts elegantly.

WooCommerce Plugins

Social Plugins

Other Plugin


  • GS Envato Portfolio (lite) output by THEME 01 : GRID after adding shortcode [gs_envato userid="themeum" market="themeforest" theme="gs_envato_theme1" cols="6" count="12"]
  • GS Envato Portfolio output by THEME 02 : GRID LINKED after adding shortcode [gs_envato userid="themeum" market="themeforest" theme="gs_envato_theme2" cols="4" count="12"]
  • GS Envato Portfolio output by THEME 03 : HOVER after adding shortcode [gs_envato userid="goodlayers" market="themeforest" theme="gs_envato_theme3" cols="4" count="21"]
  • GS Envato Portfolio output by THEME 04 : HORIZONTAL – SQUARE RIGHT INFO after adding shortcode [gs_envato theme="gs_envato_theme4" userid="goodlayers" market="themeforest" cols="6" count="6"]
  • GS Envato Portfolio output by THEME 05 : HORIZONTAL – SQUARE LEFT INFO after adding shortcode [gs_envato theme="gs_envato_theme5" userid="goodlayers" market="themeforest" cols="6" count="6"]
  • GS Envato Portfolio output by THEME 06 : GRAY after adding shortcode [gs_envato userid="themegoods" market="themeforest" theme="gs_envato_theme6" cols="4" count="18"]
  • GS Envato Portfolio output by THEME 07 : POPUP after adding shortcode [gs_envato userid="themegoods" market="themeforest" theme="gs_envato_theme7" cols="4" count="18"]
  • GS Envato Portfolio output by THEME 08 : SLIDER after adding shortcode [gs_envato userid="quanticalabs" market="codecanyon" theme="gs_envato_theme8" count="20" referral_user="ur_ref_id"]
  • GS Envato Portfolio output by THEME 09 : RATING INFO after adding shortcode [gs_envato userid="dream-theme" market="themeforest" theme="gs_envato_theme9" cols="6" count="20" referral_user="WebStation15"]
  • GS Envato Portfolio output by THEME 10 : GALLERY after adding shortcode [gs_envato userid="dream-theme" market="themeforest" theme="gs_envato_theme10" count="20" referral_user="WebStation15"]
  • GS Envato Portfolio output by THEME 11 : PROFILE after adding 2 shortcodes [gs_envato_author userid="goodlayers"] & [gs_envato userid="goodlayers" market="themeforest" theme="gs_envato_theme3" cols="4" count="21"]
  • GS Envato Widget
  • GS Envato Shortcode Generator


Install GS Envato Portfolio plugin as a regular WordPress plugin. Here is different ways to install GS Envato Portfolio plugin :

Install by Search Plugin

  • In your Admin, go to menu Plugins > Add New
  • Search GS Envato Portfolio
  • Click to install
  • Activate the plugin
  • GS Envato Portfolio will available under GS Plugins > Envato Settings

Install by Upload Plugin

  • Download the latest version of GS Envato Portfolio (.zip file)
  • In your Admin, go to menu Plugins > Add New
  • Select “Upload Plugin”
  • Click on “Choose File”
  • Select downloaded & click on ‘Install Now’ button
  • Activate the plugin
  • GS Envato Portfolio will available under GS Plugins > Envato Settings

Install Plugin using FTP

  • Upload gs-envato-portfolio-pro folder inside the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  • Go to WordPress dashboard > Plugins & Activate the GS Envato Portfolio plugin
  • GS Envato Portfolio will available under GS Plugins > Envato Settings

  • Put [gs_envato theme=”gs_envato_theme1″] shortcode or select other theme, where you need to show the Envato Items.


How to use shortcode inside page templates?

WordPress has a great function, do_shortcode(), that will allow you to use shortcodes inside your theme files. For example, to output Envato Items in a Theme file, you would do this:

<?php echo do_shortcode( '[gs_envato userid="themeum" market="themeforest" theme="gs_envato_theme1" cols="3" referral_user="gsplugins" count="10"]' ); ?>


Read all 2 reviews

Contributors & Developers

“GS Portfolio for Envato” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.



version 1.3.8 [24th May 2021]

  • [Fixed] : PHP 7.3 Compatibility.
  • [Fixed] : Deprecated Function Warning.

version 1.3.7 [19th Dec 2020]

  • [Updated] : AppSero Client.
  • [Removed] : Affiliate Admin Notice.
  • [Updated] : With WordPress version 5.6

version 1.3.6 [14th Sep 2020]

  • [Updated] : link with UTM.

Version 1.3.5 [13th Sep 20]

  • [Added] : Admin Notice .

Version 1.3.4 [16th Aug 20]

  • [Updated] : Folder path for star rating.

Version 1.3.3 [14th Aug 20]

  • [Updated] : With WordPress latest version.

version 1.3.2 [24th Jun 2020]

  • [Updated] : Appsero Client.

Version 1.3.1 [21st Oct 19]

  • [Fixed] : Domain name changed & fixed all urls.
  • [Fixed] : Admin CSS.
  • [Added] : New Contributors.

version 1.3

  • [Updated] : Envato API.

version 1.2

  • [Fixed] : Layout break, CSS fixed for Grid layout.
  • [Added] : Help & Usage link.
  • [Added] : Plugin lite version’s ORG link.
  • [Added] : Review system
  • [Added] : Activation redirects
  • [Added] : Coupon Code

version 1.1

  • Initial release