translation plugin

Weglot is the best WordPress translation plugin available today. Our WordPress plugin is tried and true — so you can expect high-quality translations for your site, no coding experience or shortcuts required.

Quick install

Select your languages and you’re good to go within 5 minutes (or less!). No code required.

100% compatible

Weglot is compatible with every WordPress theme, plugin, and add-on including page builders.

Content Detection

Weglot automatically detects all of your website content for translation – posts, pages, menus, ecommerce products, widgets, headers, sidebars, and more.

All-in-one translation interface

Easily review your translated content in over 100+ different languages through a single simple interface. Plus, translate and edit your content directly inside your website’s design and structure.

Multilingual SEO

Weglot follows Google’s SEO best practices to maximize your searchability across different languages and search engines. It translates all of your metadata and automatically adds hreflang tags. Even better, Weglot automatically translates SEO tags added by SEO plugins such as Yoast!


Dedicated language subdirectories automatically serve visitors pages in their language, based on their browser settings

Unparalleled customer support

Our support team is always here to help you. We are experts on multilingual websites, multilingual SEO, and we know WordPress.

go multilingual with ease

Trusted by thousands of WordPress users

Bluetooth logo

See it
for yourself

Check out our sample WordPress sites (there are a bunch, using plugins like WooCommerce, and many more). On each sample site, you’ll see a language-switch button at the bottom right corner of the page or integrated into the navigation menu, depending on the design. Try changing languages to see how it works.

Compatible with your
favorite WordPress plugins

Weglot work seamlessly with WordPress plugins and allows you to offer a fully localized user experience.

Ready to get started?

The best way to understand the power of Weglot is to see it for
yourself. Get your WordPress website multilingual in minutes.