CookieYes | GDPR Cookie Consent & Compliance Notice (CCPA Ready)


The CookieYes GDPR Cookie Consent plugin will assist you in making your website GDPR (RGPD, DSVGO) compliant by adding a cookie banner to your site. Additionally, this GDPR WordPress plugin also supports cookie compliance with the LGPD of Brazil, CNIL of France, and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA/CPRA) which is a state statute intended to enhance privacy rights and consumer protection for residents of California.

The plugin is one of the best WordPress GDPR cookie compliance plugins as it comes with a host of features some of which are listed below.

Key Features

  • The plugin will enable a cookie consent banner with Accept and Reject options.

  • Free connection with CookieYes web app to access advanced features (cookie scan, consent log, etc.) and manage all settings from the web app account.

  • Single click automatic scanning and categorization of cookies.

  • Lets you display the list of cookies on your cookie policy page by using a shortcode.

  • This GDPR plugin adds a cookie banner to your WordPress website so you can show that you are compliant with the GDPR.

  • With the help of this WordPress GDPR plugin, you can fully customize the cookie notice style so it blends with your existing website: change the colors, fonts, styles, position on the page, and even how it behaves when you click “Accept All”.

  • It also has a Cookie List module so you can easily show what cookies your site uses and display them neatly in a table on your Privacy & Cookies Policy page.

  • The plugin can be configured to have a CCPA/CPRA ‘Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information’ control to the cookie notice.

  • Helps in achieving cookie compliance under CNIL – A french administrative regulatory body

  • Assists in getting cookie compliant with POPIA (Protection of Personal Information Act) – South Africa’s data protection law

Additional Features

  • Opt-in consent banner for GDPR & opt-out banner for CCPA/CPRA
  • Add the “Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information” link to your website footer using an HTML code.
  • Scan and auto-block non-necessary cookies for GDPR cookie compliance
  • Preference center (second layer of the banner) with granular control/per-category consent (allows site visitors to opt-in or give consent to some or all cookie categories) over the cookies used by the website
  • Fully customizable to look just like your own website’s style: customize the content and colors
  • Add the cookie bar on either the header or footer of your site
  • The cookie banner can be permanently dismissed or accessible through a revisit consent button
  • The color and position of the revisit consent button are customizable
  • Manage your cookie list – Add new cookies manually, Edit cookies (CookieID, Category, Description, Script URL Pattern), & Delete cookies.
  • Manage cookie categories – Edit category (Name & Description)
  • Log users’ consent and exports it into a CSV file
  • Cookie policy & Privacy policy generators
  • Compatible with WPML & Polylang
  • Compatible with major caching servers and plugins
  • Cookie banner preview in admin settings

The CookieYes GDPR Cookie Consent Plugin Uses The Following Cookie Only

  • cookieyes-consent – CookieYes sets this cookie to remember users’ consent preferences so that their preferences are respected on their subsequent visits to this site. It does not collect or store any personal information of the site visitors.

You can get more information and read more about the EU Cookie Law

Cookieyes GDPR Cookie Consent plugin user guide will help you with the setup of the plugin.

CookieYes GDPR Cookie Consent Plugin Premium Features

You can access the following features by connecting to a paid plan (Basic, Pro, or Ultimate) on the CookieYes web app account. See all features and compare plans
* Starting from 100,000 to unlimited page views per month
* Up to 8000 pages per scan
* Advanced banner customization
* Pop-up banner layout (with overlay)
* Location-based targeting of cookie banners (GDPR banner – Worldwide/EU & UK/Other countries & CCPA/CPRA banner – Worldwide/California/United States).
* Auto-detect banner languages
* Scan behind login
* Scheduled scan
* Add brand logo on banner
* Custom CSS
* Disable “Powered by” branding
* Opt-in consent banner for GDPR & opt-out banner for CCPA/CPRA
* Automatic cookie blocking
* Per-category consent
* Option to withdraw consent (Revisit consent button)
* Privacy Policy & Cookie Policy Generators



  • Cookie consent banner on the user-end
  • Cookie preference center on the user-end
  • CookieYes GDPR cookie consent WordPress plugin - Admin panel
  • Cookie banner settings for cookie compliance
  • Manage cookies for cookie compliance
  • Add new cookie
  • Languages for cookie banner auto-translation
  • Edit cookie banner content in multiple languages
  • Privacy policy generator and cookie policy generator


Automatic installation

The automatic installation is the easiest way to install the plugin. You can install the plugin within your WordPress dashboard from the same browser window.

From your admin dashboard, go to Plugins > Add New. From the search box, type “GDPR Cookie consent” or just “gdpr” and then search. Click the install button on the GDPR Cookie Consent by CookieYes and then activate the plugin.

Manual installation

In the manual installation, you will need to download the zip file of the plugin from the plugin page in You can upload the file directly from your WordPress dashboard, or using an FTP application.

When doing a manual installation

  1. Upload the plugin folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress.

Plugin updates

For every update of the plugin, you will be notified of the installed plugins page. You can directly update the plugin from your dashboard. We recommend that you keep the latest version of the plugin so that you can avail yourself of the new functionalities and security features.


Check out our setup guide for getting started with the CookieYes GDPR Cookie Consent plugin.

The cookie notice header doesn’t work on my browser

Please report a bug on the support forum. Be sure to include the following information:

  • Your URL (We need it to help you!)
  • WordPress version e.g. 4.2.2 (found in the bottom right-hand corner of the dashboard)
  • Browser the issue is seen on (e.g. Firefox, Chrome, IE)
  • Describe the problem

The more information you give, the quicker we can respond.

What does this plugin do?

This plugin will:

  1. Add a cookie banner to the top/bottom of all pages on your website, notifying the visitor that you have a clearly defined privacy and cookie policy.
  2. Allow you to record which cookies your site uses, and:
  3. Neatly display a list of these cookies. You can add this list to your Privacy Policy page or Cookie Policy page using a shortcode. Note: If you connect your site to the CookieYes web app, you have to replace the shortcode with an HTML code.

Do visitors now have to accept/refuse cookies in order to use websites?

No. Only the ‘Necessary’ cookies will be loaded till the user gives consent.

Does this plugin stop cookies from being stored?

The visitors can reject the category of cookies they don’t want to get installed. In such cases, all cookies in that category will be blocked for the user.

But if another plugin adds scripts or places a cookie then we do not have any control. We have no way of knowing what plugins you use or how they work, so blocking/deleting cookies on a WordPress website/blog would possibly/probably break your site. Larger websites with huge budgets may well invest in such technology, but this plugin aims to help you provide a certain level of compliance without taking drastic action.

Does this plugin guarantee that I comply with this law?

This plugin can be used to comply with the cookie consent requirements of major data privacy laws such as the GDPR. However, you need to assess your website’s use of cookies to confirm that it is in line with the GDPR guidelines. If you are looking for specialist legal advice relating to your website, we suggest that you consult a lawyer to understand how you can become fully GDPR-compliant.


January 10, 2023
The plugin is good, but now it has an annoying pop up that won't go away. I'm trying to do a review to see if it does the trick, but that's not a viable option to do with every site that I have that runs Cookie Yes...
January 5, 2023
CookiesYes is the more simple and more useful free plug-in I've experienced to manage the RGPD rules on my site
Read all 2,164 reviews

Contributors & Developers

“CookieYes | GDPR Cookie Consent & Compliance Notice (CCPA Ready)” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


“CookieYes | GDPR Cookie Consent & Compliance Notice (CCPA Ready)” has been translated into 39 locales. Thank you to the translators for their contributions.

Translate “CookieYes | GDPR Cookie Consent & Compliance Notice (CCPA Ready)” into your language.

Interested in development?

Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS.



[Enhancement] – Support for CPRA ( Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information )
[Enhancement] – Option to edit show more/less texts
[Enhancement] – Compatibility with Bedrock WordPress boilerplate


[Enhancement] – New CCPA Opt-out center
[Fix] – Not able to change the Optout preference center text color
[Fix] – Not able to disable the “Reject All” button from preference center


[Enhancement] – Clickable video placeholders
[Fix] – Revisit consent button color is not reset on colour scheme changes


[Enhancement] – Reduced revisit consent button size


[Fix] – Table existing check failure on the IIS web server
[Enhancement] – Added option to reset the plugin settings & switch to the new plugin UI
[Enhancement] – Added width and height attribute to all the img tags on the cookie banner


  • [Enhancement] – HTML support for banner and cookie descriptions
  • [Fix] – Style conflict with Elementor theme templates


  • [Enhancement] – Added a custom method to revisit consent outside the banner.
  • [Enhancement] – Updated Chart.js library
  • [Enhancement] – Enabled automatic updates for the plugin.


  • [Enhancement] – Added error notice to the plugin if necessary tables are not created.


  • UI/UX improvements
  • New cookie consent banner design (compliant with WCAG guidelines)
  • Advanced banner customization options (GDPR/CCPA cookie banner templates, set consent expiration period, enable/disable prior consent, show/hide categories on the banner, new banner layouts, advanced content customization, light/dark/custom color scheme, etc.)
  • Banner preview in the customizer
  • Pre-built translations for multiple languages
  • Privacy Policy Generator
  • Access to additional free features with web app connection (cookie scan, consent log, etc.)


  • [Enhancement] – Revisit consent will be enabled by default
  • [Enhancement] – Update in policy generator


  • Fix – Accept/Reject button is not working as expected with some themes.


  • Fix – Compatibility issue with PHP 7.3.0 and below.


  • Improved: Validation & escaping for Security Enhancement.


  • Fix – Removed cache flush helper functions
  • Tested ok with WordPress version 5.9


  • Fix – Compatibility issue with WordPress 4.7.0 and below.


  • Fix – Conflict with W3 Total Cache plugin
  • Fix – Accessibility issue ( Hidden element has a focusable content )
  • Fix – Opacity of the cookie banner is set to 0.1 after closing the settings popup.


  • Fix: Removed extract() function from the shortcodes module to improve security.


  • Enhancement: Disable cookie bar on page builders.
  • Tested ok with WordPress version 5.8


  • Bug fix: Do not sell option appears before Accept all button option on the admin settings.
  • Tested ok with WordPress version 5.6
  • Enhancement: Added escaping to input attributes.


  • Enhancement – Default cookie banner message update.


  • Enhancement – Added reject button by default
  • Enhancement – Help text improvements


  • Enhancement – New shortcode [cookie_accept_all] to add accept all button to the banner
  • Enhancement – MonsterInsights integration
  • Enhancement – New filter wt_cli_set_secure_cookies to set plugin cookies as secure
  • Fix – Site map issue with cookie category
  • Fix – Cookie categories are not ordered properly in secondary languages


  • Introduced website cookie scanner
  • Introduced dynamic cookie categories


  • Tested ok with WordPress version 5.6


  • Renamed show again tab to revisit consent
  • New shortcode wt_cli_manage_consent option for revisit consent


  • Fix: Editors unable to access the dashboard due to recent security update


  • Improvement: Option to change the title for necessary and non-necessary categories
  • Improvement: Added support for Official Facebook Pixel, Smash Balloon Instagram Feed & Twitter Feed plugins.


  • Fix – Conflict with the Divi page builder


  • Fix – Javascript error on IE after 1.8.9 update
  • Fix – Conflict with the theme customizer
  • Tested ok with WordPress version 5.5
  • Updated translation files for Finnish


  • Included support for CCPA ( Do not sell personal information )
  • Added javascript-based solution for running third-party scripts
  • Added support for external integration to modify the default behaviour of the plugin


  • Introduced ‘wt_cli_enable_cache_flush’ filter to enable / disable cache flushing
  • Cookie elements are excluded from the Google search engine indexing (<! – googleoff: all ->)


  • Tested ok with WordPress version 5.4.0


  • [Bug fix] Privacy overview is not visible if the content is in Cyrillic alphabets
  • [Improvements] Fixed compatibility issues with Decorator – WooCommerce Email Customizer


  • Bug fix w.r.t the plugin release version 1.8.4


  • Defaulted privacy overview heading tag to H4
  • Introduced ‘wt_cli_change_privacy_overview_title_tag’ filter to change privacy overview heading tag
  • Introduced ‘wt_cli_add_custom_cookie_categories_name’ filter to change cookie category names


  • PHP 7.4 compatibility
  • Security fix


  • Tested ok with WP 5.3


  • Added option in admin to modify the default button state of the non-necessary cookie category
  • [Bug fix] Show more / show less issue when custom text editor is used in the privacy overview content.
  • Updated translations
  • Read me updates


  • [Bug fix] Warning fixes


  • Fixed W3C Validation issues
  • [Bug fix] Hide non-necessary category on cookie settings popup if it is not enabled
  • [Bug fix] Translation issue with category cookies


  • Fixed issues with translations
  • [user_consent_state] added missing space in user consent states
  • Fixed issues with web accessibility


  • Introduced new cookie settings popup option
  • Added a shortcode [cookie_settings] to control settings
  • Option to add descriptions for both necessary and non-necessary cookies
  • Tested ok with WP 5.2
  • [Bug fix] Responsive styling issues for cookie audit table winter theme


  • Updated translation files for German, Danish, French, Dutch & Spanish
  • Added support for Portuguese
  • [Bug fix] [cookie_audit] shortcode conflict with heading


  • Defaulted the minimize cookie bar option for Read more link to disabled state.
  • The cookie message bar has been defaulted to include Reject option in addition to Accept.


  • Cookie policy generator
  • Added a shortcode [user_consent_state]
  • Updated shortcode [cookie_audit] with option to configure columns
  • Margin option added in all button shortcodes
  • Introduced an option to hide cookie bar on policy page
  • Tested ok with WP 5.1


  • Translation updated – Danish, French, German
  • Readme updates
  • Minor UI changes


  • Tested ok with WordPress version 5.0.2
  • Compatibility added for Pixelyoursite plugin


  • Cookie notice as Widget option added


  • Bug: Submenu sorting issue for custom user roles


  • Bug: submenu sorting issue for non administrator accounts
  • Bug: Flashing the cookie bar on page load.


  • New enclosing shortcode added for better control of third party content. [cookie_after_accept]..content goes here..[/cookie_after_accept]
  • Basic support included for Litespeed cache, WP Super Cache, Site ground cache, Endurance Cache, WP Fastest Cache.
  • Option to choose from the built-in pages for ‘Read More’ link.


  • Corrected German translations (thanks to Max B)
  • Bug in ‘Show cookie bar on selected pages’ Filter fixed
  • W3TC page cache compatibility added


  • In the previous update a title with default text ‘This website uses cookies‘ would get added to the existing cookie bar. In this update this title will get removed to that it is blank by default. In case you need this to be added again you need to explicitly add suitable content for the title.
  • Addressed the conflict with [cookie_reject] shortcode for previous users who had the reject button option enabled.
  • Optimized the plugin js and css assets to render only in plugin pages.


  • Improved UI.
  • Enhancements to cookie message bar – included title and option for overlay layout.


  • Filter added. (filter to edit audit table head)


  • Class change.
  • Bug fix.


  • Styling issues with winter style of cookie audit table shortcode fixed.
  • Functionality issues with reject button on open URL fixed.
  • Text corrections


  • Issue with reject button colour fixed.


  • Filter to display cookie bar only on selected pages.


  • Issue with dual accept button.


  • Issue with the plugin interfering with breadcrumb fixed.


  • Support for underline tag in the message bar.


  • Danish translation added


  • Changed Reject button colour for Open URL and Close Header options.
  • Padding for message header
  • Audit table mobile view compatible


  • GDPR compliance updates.


  • Tested OK with WordPress 4.9.5
  • GDPR compliance updates.


  • Bug fix: Buttons now handle apostrophes correctly
  • Bug fix: Added to table head for [cookie_audit] table for W3 Validator (thanks to davidebabylonia for finding and suggesting the solution)


  • Minor bug fix: adds version number to cli-admin.css


  • Bug fix: HTML5 validation fix for shortcode links (thanks to davidebabylonia)
  • Added JavaScript version number for greater compatibility


  • Major update: the cookie bar is now inserted into the page via wp_footer rather than using jQuery (for better performance and greater browser compatibility)
  • Update: if the cookie bar is in the header, there is now an option to fix the bar to the header using position:fixed


  • jQuery ‘reload’ bug fix on accept


  • Bug fix: fixed browser compatibility issue in cookielawinfo.js


  • New feature: accept policy & close cookie bar on scroll (an option available under Italian law)
  • New feature: if cookie bar is set to header it is fixed to the top of the screen (using CSS “position:fixed”)


  • Bug fix: changed filename from wpml.xml to wpml-config.xml


  • Fixing header/SVN tagging issue


  • Adding WPML support (wpml.xml)


  • Bug fix: removed extra ‘{‘ from cli-tables.css
  • Bug fix: fixed cookie_button shortcode text bug
  • Modified help pages, text and contact information


  • Added plugin settings page link to plugins.php
  • Bug fix: custom posts bug affecting some other plugins


  • Removed 3rd party JavaScript “jQuery.cookie” which can cause issues with certain versions of Apache server
  • Added native JavaScript cookie getter/setter
  • Removed JavaScript debug routine
  • Replaced JavaScript ‘eval’ with JSON.parse() for improved security: requires IE8+ (all other browsers fine though- who would have thought?)
  • Improved JavaScript performance and compatibility by removing global variables and running as inline function


  • New feature: auto-hide cookie bar after (configurable) delay
  • New feature: added responsive design to cookie audit table (thanks to Mark Wiltshire)
  • Upgrade: now using WP3.5 color picker
  • Bug fix: Cookie Audit table now shows maximum of 50 posts (was 10, which was a bit restrictive)
  • Bug fix: Cookie Law Info now only visible to admins
  • Bug fix: fixed typo on Dashboard help section for the [delete_cookies] shortcode
  • Bug fix: fixed “invalid header” bug
  • Performance enhancement: removed jQueryUI from admin panel and added custom (slimline) code
  • Performance enhancement: compressed CSS a bit
  • Performance enhancement: cookie audit CSS is now only downloaded on the page on which it is needed


  • Fixed bug where JavaScript generated an http 404 error.


  • Improved design & appearance
  • Cookie Law Info bar can be shown in header or footer
  • Customise fonts
  • New animations on page load / close header
  • Option to switch off “show again tab” – or position it anywhere horizontally in the header or footer. Additionally the styling has been improved and you are now able to customise the message.
  • New button styles: better styling and effects, greater control
  • Customise your message using HTML and 5 shortcodes with quick-start default options
  • “Cookie Audit” module – document the cookies your site uses then display them in your privacy policy via a shortcode
  • Enhanced dashboard
  • Enhanced help section
  • Refactored codebase, improved jQuery performance
  • Bugs fixed: no more slashes in Message Box


  • First public release.