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    You’ve been diagnosed with prediabetes. Now what?

    What should you do when you learn you are prediabetic? Join M. Regina Castro, M.D., as she explains what prediabetes is and what it means for your risk of developing diabetes in the future. She goes over questions such as: • Does this mean you’re going to develop diabetes later?…
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    Diabetes diagnosis: What to expect

    Diabetes can feel like a monumental task to live with, but it doesn’t have to be. Hear from M. Regina Castro, M.D., as she provides an overview of what you can expect when you are diagnosed with diabetes and how you can learn to live well with it. She goes…
    Article |

    The common cold and flu are back: Nostalgia in the worst way

    Craig L. Bowron, M.D.
    A week or so ago I had the worst kind of nostalgic feeling. A lump in my throat that felt like the size of an avocado seed, but with the scratchy texture of a peach pit. Then the sense that someone had painted my sinuses with the neighbor‘s horseradish jalapeno…
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    Is there anything I can do to prevent diabetes?

    If your doctor has ever talked to you about your blood sugar or prediabetes, or if diabetes runs in your family, you may be at a higher risk of developing diabetes. Is there any way to prevent it from happening? Join M. Regina Castro, M.D., as she outlines some common…
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    Diabetes signs and symptoms

    Diabetes is becoming an increasingly common disease for many people. If you’ve ever wondered about what that means and what it’s like to have diabetes, M. Regina Castro, M.D., is here to answer your questions. Join her as she provides details on the signs and symptoms of diabetes, as well…
    Podcast |

    What is good health?

    What, really, does it mean to be in good health? Is it the absence of disease? Or is it where your mind, body, and spirit are all functioning well? In this episode, Dr. Stephen Kopecky, M.D., Preventative Cardiologist at @MayoClinic, talks through the true meaning of good health and healthiness…
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    Are fad diets healthy? Do they work?

    We’ve all heard of the infamous fad diet, and it’s possible you’ve been on at least one of them. But do they really work, and are they truly healthy for you? In this episode, Dr. Stephen Kopecky, M.D., Preventative Cardiologist at @MayoClinic, breaks down what fad diets are and how…
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    One simple way to see if you’re at risk for heart disease

    Is there an easy way to see if you’re at increased risk for heart disease? It may have a lot to do with a little something called lipoprotein (a). In this episode, Dr. Stephen Kopecky, M.D., Preventative Cardiologist at @MayoClinic, gives us the scoop on lipoprotein (a) and how it…
    Podcast |

    Is caffeine heart-healthy?

    We’ve all had caffeine before; some of us have it every day. But what does that morning cup of coffee or tea do to us, really? In this episode, Dr. Stephen Kopecky, M.D., Preventative Cardiologist at @MayoClinic, provides insight on how caffeine affects our bodies, including: *Caffeine is a stimulant…
    Podcast |

    9 Things you can do to reduce or prevent cancer risk

    Cancer is a scary and serious diagnosis. As a two-time cancer survivor himself, Dr. Stephen Kopecky, M.D., Preventative Cardiologist at @MayoClinic, shares his story about beating cancer twice, as well as what you can do to prevent – or at least reduce your risk – of developing cancer. This includes:…