Mission / Vision / Values


To Cooperate in the achievement of a fair international society, which does not exclude anyone. This society must be developed building and putting into practice fundamental, individual and collective, human, economic, social and cultural, right throughout the world.

Given our capabilities, those rights and processes most directly related to the provision of basic services and the management of resources and territory, have a special attention in this mission.


We are a unique world, it is no longer worth to distinguish between North and South, all development problems must be approached in a broad and interconnected way.

ISF Catalonia is part of Catalan and European civil society and, as such, it responds to the challenges that arise in it. Its social mass and volunteerism give it legitimacy to act as such.
Technology must be a democratic tool, serving simultaneously civil society and processes aimed at building rights and improving living conditions throughout world. We understand the technical aspect as our differentiated competence and as our contribution to groups and social movements. We understand it in the cultural, political, social, economic and environmental that is generated and not as an isolated or neutral phenomenon. We incorporate into the technical projects autochthonous and appropriate technologies, to not develop external dependencies. We also question the historical use of technology in the North-South relations, betting on a technology that enhances the dignity of people and respects the environment.

The key issue is to eradicate the causes of poverty and injustice worldwide. What is currently observed is a system that causes the exclusion of millions of people, destroys crops and is social, environmentally and economically unsustainable. The rights approach is the central axis of our action, which without it, there is no sense in any action to improve living conditions everywhere: without rights, there is no development.

ISF Catalonia should be an organization that promotes experiences that serve as a reference for all actors of cooperation and development. The value of the knowledge generated is above the volume of our interventions.


Proper Values of the Development Ethics:

  • Justice understood as a local concept and that affects global relations.
  • Empowerment, especially of women.
  • Solidarity, away from paternalism.
  • Sustainability.
  • Respect for pluralism and for cultural and social diversity.
  • Non-denominationalism and non-partisanship, despite a firm commitment to a political vision of development.
  • Coherence, in all actions and positioning.

As an Entity:

  • The association is nonpartisan, non-denominational and independent with respect to other entities. At the same time, it is interdependent with the entities, communities and movements we work with.
  • Self-criticism and the inalienable nature of our principles.
  • Transparency, Integrity and Consistency.
  • Responsibility and professionalism.
  • Equity, Respect and Dialogue.
  • Democracy, pluralism, autonomy and participation.